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The Cloud Native
 Advantage Sergiu Bodiu Platform Architect Asia Pacific & Japan @sergiu_bodiu

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Platform Architect
 Asia Pacific & Japan Singapore Spring User
 Group DevOpsDays Singapore

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3 Software is eating the world

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4 75% of application development supporting digital business will be built not bought by 2020 Source: Gartner

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5 2 Near-free
 computing costs Mobile devices
 and connectivity Ubiquity of
 embedded sensors Global scale
 of operations KEY TRENDS The cost and ubiquity of computing enables cloud native software companies to reshape the world

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WE BELIEVE Competitive advantage or innovative cost reduction can only come from custom built software, not packaged applications.

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7 CASE STUDY: DAIMLER The engine behind the Mercedes-Benz connected car

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8 CASE STUDY: GENERAL ELECTRIC The engine behind GE Predix

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An idea in the morning, is running in production by evening Can you release new features to your customers every week?

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“Think of a product on a Monday and deliver on Friday.”

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© Copyright 2016 Pivotal. All rights reserved. “Operations is the secret sauce”

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© Copyright 2016 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Opinionated Platform Database Web Server Messaging Your Application Code Application Platform Virtualized Infrastructure PAAS Platform Operations Application Developers Application Operations • Deploys platform • Makes standard runtimes and services available • Monitors platform • Scales platform (ensuring sufficient capacity) • Upgrades platform with zero-downtime • Creates deployable artifact • Config Prod environment • Deploys application to Prod • Monitors application • Scales application (capacity) • Deploys new app version with zero downtime.

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“Here is my source code
 Run it on the cloud for me
 I do not care how”

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16 “How much value do 
 you get from managing operating systems”

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17 Focus On First Principles • Everything run as a service before it’s shipped as software • Zero human intervention in individual machines through lifecycle; immutable platform infrastructure • Service automation’s goal is to ship holistic cloud services not ad-hoc automation simplicity • Multi-cloud primitives vs. AWS only features etc

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18 OSS API driven cloud integration drives broad industry collaboration Azure CPI donation VMware on team 2 engineers on CPI Openstack CPI helped by Pivotal, SAP, IBM Google green light to contribute to CPI

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Spring Boot Adoption
 Source: 4.2M Monthly Maven downloads

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21 First Principles • Velocity and autonomy of delivery for large teams in enterprise environments
 • Enterprise safety/security with startup cycle time (simple repeatable deploys) • Optimized for Cloud Native applications 
 • “Velocity on the JVM is the Killer App”

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22 Innovation Speed in Java WINS “Velocity on 
 the JVM is the 
 Killer App” 
 Andy Glover (Netflix Cloud Ops) 
 @ SpringOne2GX 2014 Keynote – 
 Early Spring Boot adopters
 Youtube Link to Video

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+ Spring Boot From 0 to app in < 5 min Enterprise Java with dynamic language productivity Spring Cloud Designed for fragile infrastructure in partnership with Netflix Java Microservice Framework 100% Spring Boot enabled

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Spring Cloud

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25 • Runtimes and their client libraries for: – Service Discovery – Configuration Management – Circuit Breakers – Intelligent Client Side Routing – Reverse Proxies – ….and much more • Security (encrypt, SSO, roles) • Connectors for CF, Heroku, AWS Spring Cloud application coordination patterns

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26 Service Registration / Discovery

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27 • Fully integrated to Cloud Foundry Service – dramatically lower operational complexity
 • Enterprise Security – OAUTH2, HTTPS, CF UAA integration, RBAC
 • Simple provisioning and setup – Lower operational costs and time to provision Spring Cloud Services for PCF NetflixOSS-as-a-service in Pivotal Cloud Foundry

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29 PCF Metrix • Fast feedback loop • Live stream and 24 hours of data • Works without an embedded agent • Metrics include: – HTTP requests and errors – Avg. response latency – CPU, memory and disk – App events like start, stop, scale, update, and crash

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30 Zipkin Tracing: Operational Visibility: Distributed Tracing

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Route Services

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Data Flow Developer Experience dataflow:> module register --name uppercase --type processor --coordinates group:artifact:version dataflow:> stream create demo --definition "http --server.port=9000 | uppercase | file --directory=/tmp/devnexus" 1: Implement Spring Cloud Stream Microservice App: 2: Build and Install: $ mvn clean install 3: Register Module with Data Flow: 4: Define Stream via DSL: @EnableBinding(Processor.class) public class UpperCase { @Transformer(inputChannel = Processor.INPUT, outputChannel=Processor.OUTPUT) public String process(String message) { return message.toUpperCase(); } }

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Wire Tap dataflow:> stream create tap --definition ":demo.http > counter --store=redis" dataflow:> stream create demo --definition "http --server.port=9000 | uppercase | file --directory=/tmp/devnexus"

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Idea Write a Story KEEP CALM

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 APPS-aaS! Idea Write a Story Develop Code Deploy Code

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No content

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Running Cloud Foundry Locally

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Download: cf login -a
 cf push #deploy app
 cf app #see details
 cf scale #scale
 cf ssh #troubleshoot First Experience

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 APPS-aaS! Idea Write a Story Develop Code Deploy Code Build Pipeline

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Concourse CI • Concourse is originally made for Pivotal Cloud Foundry • But it’s independent from PCF can be outside of PCF too

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Idea Write a Story Develop Code Deploy Code Build Pipeline ☹

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No content

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47 • Software product that is always ready to ship • Always current visibility into product and requirements status • 100% focus on development, no effort wasted below the value line • Ongoing assessment of priorities and resource allocation to optimize for highest impact

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Let’s build something