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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Yan Pritzker CTO,
 @skwp @reverbdotcom Domain Driven Rails

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No content

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Are you happy with the 
 of your models?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Are you happy with the 
 of your team?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Are you happy with the 
 of your business?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 What are you building?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Rails is a detail!" Decouple all things" Is the code better?" Keep it Railsy"

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Somewhere in between Simple
 CRUD" Apps" Complex

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 I want to discover 
 relevant compromises 
 rather than defend ideals

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Over 115
 Model Classes

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Over 1000
 Total Classes

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Not great, but we have only three chubby models

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Are monoliths bad for business?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Quick Iterations Low Operational 
 Complexity Refactoring

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Monolith Service Service Service Service Service Early 2013 - Startup / Proof of Concept

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Monolith Service Service Service Service Service 2014 - Growth Phase

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 microservices.html “I'm wary of distribution and 
 my default inclination is to prefer a monolithic design” “While small microservices are certainly simpler to reason about, I worry that this pushes complexity into the interconnections between services” “Refactoring becomes much harder when you have to do it across remote boundaries.”

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Quick Iterations Low Operational 
 Complexity May lead to a BBOM

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Maintainable Monoliths Can Be Achieved

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Product
 400 LOC
 ~150 LOC non-ActiveRecord Churn: 49 changes this year" Order
 333 LOC
 ~200 LOC non-ActiveRecord Churn: 36 changes this year User
 338 LOC
 ~200 LOC non-ActiveRecord Churn: 29 changes this year

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CHURN Product Order User

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Commonly used classes are hard to refactor

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Stop 

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Don’t put different rates of change together" Kent Beck - Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Don’t put different rates of change together" Kent Beck - Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns Data Model Business Logic

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Separate 
 what the system is " from what the system does" James Copelien & Trygve Reenskaug (Data, Context, Interaction)

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Where does business logic go?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Controller 2005 ActiveRecord Mailers Services User

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Console?" Rake task?" Background jobs?" API layer?" Testing? What about…

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order Fat models?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order Refund

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order Refund Ship

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order Refund Ship Check Fraud Risk

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 “Active Record is a good choice for domain logic that isn't too complex, such as creates, reads, updates, and deletes” Martin Fowler

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 If Controller and Model are all you have then 
 one has to be skinny and one has to be fat

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Domain Layer skinny framework, 
 healthy business logic," no fat anywhere skinny-controller-is-a-load-of-rubbish/

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Model Controller View The Rails Way The Way Active Record Use Cases Grape API Controllers Cron Redis Rake HTTP Services Workers R Entities Roles DB Listeners Events

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 app/reverb for app specific

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 lib/reverb for Open Source / Generic

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Reverb:: Namespace to avoid collisions with gems

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 This is a
 marketplace! http://blog. bob/2011/09/30/ Screaming- Architecture.html

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 architecture.html

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 see also Hexagonal, Ports & Adapters, DCI

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Clean 

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Choosing the right fight

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 repository-pattern.html

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 repository-pattern.html (but you should still read this)

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 User.where(…) User.find(1) This is easy to replace with
 something other than AR. 
 Repository not required. Don’t leak SQL outside of AR

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Domain Logic in ActiveRecord and Controllers
 leads to Churn

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Use Cases Reify complex business logic
 into classes

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 This is not" Rails

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Explicitly Require Dependency bundler-require Invoke It

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Code Reuse! Thin Shell

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Stubby Happy Path

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Testing conditionals and side effects has nothing to do with Rails

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Naming The hardest problem in computer science

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 OrderService

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order
 Service NounService Grows Unbounded

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Use verbs to narrow your scope

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order ShipOrder

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order ShipOrder Cancel

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order ShipOrder Cancel
 Order Refund

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order ShipOrder Cancel
 Order Refund
 Order Does not
 grow over time

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 ShipOrder Cancel
 Order Refund
 Order Don’t change" once you write them

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Ubiquitous Language

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 What is this?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Roles Add methods to objects on demand in the context of a Use Case

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Decorator

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 We added these methods

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Methods related to each" other but loosely related" to the parent concept" and used only in a few" Use Cases

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Events Add behavior with listeners without modifying code

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order ActiveRecord Callbacks Send Email

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order ActiveRecord Callbacks Send Email Call External Service

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Order ActiveRecord Callbacks Send Email Call External Service Conditional

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 AR callbacks become more complex as the system supports more use cases

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Different use cases may trigger different events even when working with the same model Instead

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Add another listener to add behavior
 The core class doesn’t change

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Global listeners for cross-cutting concerns
 without littering code Wisper::GlobalListeners.add("

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Controller is a listener too

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Policy Objects Reify complex business rules into objects

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Likely to change Unlikely to change

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 refactored for readability

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Injectable, but has a default Simple code, only need to test one path
 for the imperative side effect" (sending an email)

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Distillation Time

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Language of codebase 
 reflects language of business

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Separate behaviors (what the system does) from models (what the system is)

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Rates of Change

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Is this all Unicorns and Rainbows?

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Sprawl?" Onboarding?" Naming?" Documentation?"

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Active Record Use Cases Grape API Controllers Cron Redis Rake HTTP Services Workers R Entities Roles DB Listeners Events Active Record Use Cases Grape API Controllers Cron Redis Rake HTTP Services Workers R Entities Roles DB Listeners Events

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 Resources architecture-the-lost-years Architecture.html architecture.html

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@skwp @reverbdotcom #wcr14 We Are Hiring Always" Ruby, ElasticSearch, DevOps, Designers, Android, and more!