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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj Good mentorship can be operationalized

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@maltzj Developing Devoposers: Strategies for Effective Mentoring Jonathan Maltz @maltzj 09-23-19 AUTHOR DATE

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@maltzj @maltzj ✅ Onboarding

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@maltzj @maltzj ✅ Onboarding ❌ Long-term mentorship

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@maltzj @maltzj Operationalization

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@maltzj @maltzj Operationalization - the process of strictly defining variables into measurable factors. The process defines fuzzy concepts and allows them to be measured, empirically and quantitatively.

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@maltzj @maltzj Operationalization - success stops being random

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@maltzj @maltzj 1. Create an opinionated process

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@maltzj @maltzj 2. Build clear habits

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@maltzj @maltzj 3. Spend time teaching skills

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@maltzj Before arrival

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@maltzj @maltzj Written down plan for the first 90 days of your mentee's time

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@maltzj @maltzj Why?

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@maltzj ● Newhires are a blank slate Why?

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@maltzj ● Newhires are a blank slate ● They're going to learn something Why?

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@maltzj ● Newhires are a blank slate ● They're going to learn something ● Teaching them clear lessons will prevent problems Why?

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj 1. Write down a list of skills

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj 2. Write down a month-by-month plan

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj ● Month 1: Focus on excellence + comfort in one area The basic plan

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@maltzj ● Month 1: Focus on excellence + comfort in one area ● Month 2: Broaden focus to include tangential areas to what they learned in month 1. The basic plan

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@maltzj ● Month 1: Focus on excellence + comfort in one area ● Month 2: Broaden focus to include tangential areas to what they learned in month 1. ● Month 3: Round out set of skills for them to be productive The basic plan

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@maltzj @maltzj 3. Create a script for the first ~2 weeks

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@maltzj @maltzj Breadth + Feedback

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@maltzj ● Any non-technical training/housekeeping ● Small tasks which start teaching them skills ○ Should be completable within the day, 2 days at most. ● Exercises to get them familiar with tools Script for the first 2 weeks

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@maltzj Mentee arrives!

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@maltzj @maltzj Get them successful ASAP

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj Have high standards

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@maltzj @maltzj Make them feel successful

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@maltzj @maltzj Check-in Frequently

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@maltzj ● Daily check-ins for the first 2-3 weeks Check-in Strategy

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@maltzj ● Daily check-ins for the first 2-3 weeks ● 45-minute 1:1s every week for 13 weeks Check-in Strategy

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@maltzj ● Daily check-ins for the first 2-3 weeks ● 45-minute 1:1s every week for 13 weeks ● 1-2 hours after a new type of task Check-in Strategy

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj Handling questions

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj 4 Steps

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@maltzj @maltzj 1. Figure out path to the answer

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@maltzj @maltzj 2. Take a ranging shot

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@maltzj @maltzj "Tell me what you know about X"

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@maltzj @maltzj 3. Decide on what they should learn

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@maltzj @maltzj 4. Walk along the path to an answer

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj Less familiar

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@maltzj @maltzj More familiar Less familiar: Explicit teaching/habit forming

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@maltzj @maltzj Less familiar: Explicit teaching/habit forming

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@maltzj @maltzj More familiar: Socratic coaching/discovery Less familiar: Explicit teaching/habit forming

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj @maltzj

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@maltzj ● Have an opinionated process ● Build good habits early on ● Make sure to take time to answer your mentee's questions 3 Things

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@maltzj ● How to Ask Good Questions - ● Giving and Getting Technical Help - ● Power of Habit - ● Crucial Conversations - ● Software Lead Weekly - ● Technical onboarding with Kristen Gallaghar allagher/ ● The First 90 Days - Resources

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@maltzj @maltzj