Operationalization - the process of
strictly defining variables into
measurable factors. The process
defines fuzzy concepts and allows
them to be measured, empirically and
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Operationalization - success stops
being random
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1. Create an
opinionated process
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2. Build clear habits
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3. Spend time
teaching skills
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Before arrival
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Written down
plan for the first
90 days of your
mentee's time
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● Newhires are a blank slate
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● Newhires are a blank slate
● They're going to learn something
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● Newhires are a blank slate
● They're going to learn something
● Teaching them clear lessons will prevent problems
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1. Write down a list
of skills
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2. Write down a
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● Month 1: Focus on excellence + comfort in one area
The basic plan
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● Month 1: Focus on excellence + comfort in one area
● Month 2: Broaden focus to include tangential areas
to what they learned in month 1.
The basic plan
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● Month 1: Focus on excellence + comfort in one area
● Month 2: Broaden focus to include tangential areas
to what they learned in month 1.
● Month 3: Round out set of skills for them to be
The basic plan
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3. Create a script for
the first ~2 weeks
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Breadth + Feedback
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● Any non-technical training/housekeeping
● Small tasks which start teaching them skills
○ Should be completable within the day, 2 days at
● Exercises to get them familiar with tools
Script for the first 2 weeks
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Mentee arrives!
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Get them
successful ASAP
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Have high
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Make them feel
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● Daily check-ins for the first 2-3 weeks
Check-in Strategy
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● Daily check-ins for the first 2-3 weeks
● 45-minute 1:1s every week for 13 weeks
Check-in Strategy
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● Daily check-ins for the first 2-3 weeks
● 45-minute 1:1s every week for 13 weeks
● 1-2 hours after a new type of task
Check-in Strategy
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Handling questions
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4 Steps
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1. Figure out path to
the answer
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2. Take a ranging
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"Tell me what you
know about X"
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3. Decide on what
they should learn
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4. Walk along the
path to an answer
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Less familiar
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More familiar
Less familiar: Explicit
teaching/habit forming
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Less familiar: Explicit
teaching/habit forming
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More familiar: Socratic
Less familiar: Explicit
teaching/habit forming
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● Have an opinionated process
● Build good habits early on
● Make sure to take time to answer your mentee's
3 Things
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● How to Ask Good Questions - https://jvns.ca/blog/good-questions/
● Giving and Getting Technical Help - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY14Er6JX2s
● Power of Habit - https://www.amazon.com/Power-Habit-What-Life-Business/
● Crucial Conversations -
● Software Lead Weekly - http://softwareleadweekly.com/
● Technical onboarding with Kristen Gallaghar
● The First 90 Days - https://www.amazon.com/First-90-Days-Strategies-Expanded/