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(wait for it…) Tom Lyon Founder & Chief Scientist StartupHPC 2016

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LWMG seeks DT (Lucky White Male Geek seeks Disruptive Technology) Tom Lyon Founder & Chief Scientist StartupHPC 2016

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You got no time for the messenger, Got no regard for the thing that you don't understand, You got no fear of the underdog, That's why you will not survive! -- Spoon “The Underdog” 3

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1967 (6th grade!) 4 •Luck: Family •DT: Computers!

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1975: Princeton… 5 •Luck: Family •DT: UNIX •Princeton Timesharing Decision: •Luck: Eric Schmidt •DT: Virtual Machines

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1977: Bell Labs 6 •Luck: lunch with Ken •DT: Portable UNIX & C •Amdahl Connection: •Luck: phone call to Ken •DT: Mainframe clones •At Amdahl from 1978-1982

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1982: Sun Microsystems 7 •Luck: Family & Bill Joy •DT: UNIX Workstations •DT: TCP/IP/Ethernet •1990: Search for fast networks •DT: ATM

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1994: Ipsilon Networks 8 •Luck: VC best buddy •DT: IP over ATM •Bad Luck: ATM killed by Ethernet switches & Gbit Ethernet •1997: Sale to Nokia, pivot to firewalls •Luck: They were looking for IP, not ATM •Moral: Team matters more than anything else

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2001: Retirement / Consulting (Lyon-About, LLC) 9 •Luck: Knowing lots of VCs •DT: Starbucks & Linux

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2004: Netillion 10 •Luck: VC friend •DT: 10Gb Ethernet •Bad Luck: too soon; no market •Folded August 2005 •Moral: Need business immediacy, not just technology

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2005: Nuova Systems 11 •Luck: MPLS co-founders •DT: 10G Ethernet, Virtual Machines, Convergence •2006: sweet deal with Cisco •2008: acquired by Cisco •Very successful UCS servers

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2011: Second Retirement 12 •Luck: House on the Coast •DT: De-caf

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2013: DriveScale 13 •Luck: Satya Nishtala •DT: Hardware Commoditization •DT: 10G++ Ethernet •DT: Big Data

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DriveScale is a rack scale architecture, providing composable infrastructure on pooled commodity resources 14 DriveScale Proprietary Information © 2016 Typical Rack Server Rack Configuration • Compute pool: Processor + Memory Servers • 1U DriveScale Adapter (DA) - Ethernet to SAS • Storage pool: Disks in JBODs, connected via SAS to DAs Rack Scale Architecture DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter • DriveScale composes Logical Nodes (software defined physical nodes) • Example: Logical node might consist of dual proc server and 12 drives across 2 JBODs

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15 DriveScale Proprietary Information © 2016 DriveScale spans data centers and makes resources fungible DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter DriveScale Adapter Cluster 1 “Balanced” Cluster 2 Data nodes Cluster 3 Computation nodes The boundaries between clusters are “movable” in software

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16 DriveScale Proprietary Information © 2016 is smarter data center infrastructure for scale-out Manageability of Scale-Out Hardware Configuration Flexibility Optimization of Scale-Out Platforms DriveScale Services • Central • Gather platform behavior data; Glean insights based on experience across many deployments; Recommend changes • Disaggregate compute, storage and network resources from your favorite vendors and compose into “Software Defined” physical nodes and clusters • Handle failures and move resources automatically • Discover scale-out resources automatically; Provide intelligence • Establish norms; Identify anomalies; Suggest remedies Initial focus

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17 SC’16: See DriveScale in the RAID Inc. Booth

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4 DriveScale Adapters in 1U Chassis 18 DriveScale Proprietary Information © 2016 2x 10GbE Interfaces per Adapter 2x 12Gb 4 Lane SAS Interfaces per Adapter Dual Redundant Power Supplies 4 DriveScale Ethernet to SAS Adapters in 1U Chassis With 80 Gb throughput, a single chassis can comfortably support simultaneous access to 80 drives w/ equivalent performance to Direct Attached Storage