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InnerSource 101 FOSS Backstage, 2021 Daniel Izquierdo @dizquierdo Bitergia Co-founder InnerSource Commons Board Member CHAOSS Governing Board

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“the use of open source best practices for software development within the confines of an organization” What is InnerSource?

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Companies Why is InnerSource necessary?

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Organization Benefits ↑ Code Quality ↓ Time to market 🚀 Innovation ↓ Development & maintenance costs ↑ Engagement

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Employees benefits ↑ Skills (soft & hard) ↑ Dynamic environment 🚀 Innovation ↑ Solve problems ↑ Empowerment

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InnerSource is not Open Source But InnerSource is not Open Source!

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but it has similar principles COMMUNICATION COLLABORATION TRANSPARENCY COMMUNITY MERITOCRACY CULTURE Based in The Apache Way, by The Apache Software Foundation

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and its own path People & Culture → Process → Tools

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Let’s imagine All the developers in a corporation know how to work in a collaborative way, with modern tools and processes A more open source way How far are we now to effectively contribute to open source?

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InnerSource is not easy

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and you are not alone InnerSource Commons “...establish a body of knowledge and to educate individuals, commercial and non-profit organizations, research centers and other institutions about the successful adoption of InnerSource best practices…”

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and you are not alone InnerSource Commons & Chatham House Rule When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. About Chatham House Rule

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Some first step references Managing InnerSource Projects And YouTube channel with real life examples https:/ /

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InnerSource 101 FOSS Backstage, 2021 Daniel Izquierdo @dizquierdo Bitergia Co-founder InnerSource Commons Board Member CHAOSS Governing Board