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Solving algorithms: beyond cramming for job interviews 1 @ninoid_

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Have you ever used this site? 2 @ninoid_

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Or this one? 3 @ninoid_

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Or maybe this one? 4 @ninoid_

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How employers see the solving CS problems: 6 @ninoid_

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7 @ninoid_

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8 @ninoid_

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9 @ninoid_ Nina Torgunakova Frontend Engineer

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Job interviews 10 @ninoid_ Other benefits

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Some myths and facts about algorithmic problems 11 @ninoid_

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Problems are boring. 12 Myth №1: @ninoid_

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13 @ninoid_ Myth № 1: Problems are boring

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Problems could be fun and tricky! 14 Fact №1: @ninoid_

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15 @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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Can you presume the probability that the last person will get his own sit? There are 100 seats and 100 passengers. 16 @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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0,5 Either you meet or either you don't meet 17 @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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18 @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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19 What is the minimum amount of cuts needed to divide a circle into 3 equal slices? Answer: 3 @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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20 But what if we need to divide a circle into 99 equal slices? You can solve it programmatically in 2 lines! @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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21 @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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? Can you presume the minimum total cost to move three chips into one column? 22 @ninoid_ Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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? 23 @ninoid_ Answer: 1 Fact №1: Problems could be fun and tricky

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All problems are complex. 24 Myth №2: @ninoid_

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25 @ninoid_ Myth №2: All problems are complex

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There are many tasks for all levels of preparation. 26 Fact №2: @ninoid_

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27 @ninoid_ Fact №2: Many tasks for each level of preparation

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28 @ninoid_ Fact №2: Many tasks for each level of preparation

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29 @ninoid_ Fact №2: Many tasks for each level of preparation

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30 @ninoid_ Fact №2: Many tasks for each level of preparation

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Problems are time-consuming. 31 Myth №3: @ninoid_

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When you decide to stay in the office for ten minutes to sort out a bug 32 @ninoid_ Myth №3: Problems are time-consuming

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You can limit your solving time to prevent wastes. 33 Fact №3: @ninoid_

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How I see myself solving a problem for two hours without Google 34 @ninoid_ Fact №3: You can limit your time

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It is all about the marathon. Not the sprint. 35 @ninoid_ Fact №3: You can limit your time

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Problems are not connected with real work and needed only for job interviews. 36 Myth №4: @ninoid_

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37 @ninoid_ Myth №4: Problems are not connected with real work

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Solving problems can help you not only with tech interviews. 38 Fact №4: @ninoid_

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39 @ninoid_ Fact №4: It is useful not only for job interviews

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What will happen in one year? Imagine that from today you start to solve algorithmic problems wisely. 40 @ninoid_ Fact №4: It is useful not only for job interviews

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// TODO: DELETE THIS SLIDE 41 @ninoid_

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You will write code faster. 42 Result №1: @ninoid_

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43 @ninoid_ What I can write now in 5 minutes: Result №1: You will write code faster

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44 @ninoid_ What I wrote in 5 minutes a year ago: Result №1: You will write code faster

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Fewer bugs in your code. 45 Result №2: @ninoid_

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46 @ninoid_ Result №2: Fewer bugs in your code.

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You will explain your decisions better. 47 Result №3: @ninoid_

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48 @ninoid_ Use the discussion sections to practice explaining Result №3: You will explain your decisions better.

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You will not be afraid of complex work tasks. 49 Result №4: @ninoid_

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50 Auto-building network maps for data centers @ninoid_ Result №4: You will not be afraid of complex tasks.

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You will expand your horizons. Not only in the programming field! 51 Result №5: @ninoid_

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52 @ninoid_ Result №5: You will expand your horizons.

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What about lifehacks? 53 @ninoid_

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Keep track of your energy level during the day. 54 Tip №1: @ninoid_

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Always consider constraints and try to test every action. 55 Tip №2: @ninoid_

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56 Tip №2: Always consider constraints 1 2 3 4 5 Task: Traverse the tree with N amount of nodes What if the amount of nodes equals 0? Could it be? @ninoid_

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Try to explain your solutions and learn from others. 57 Tip №3: @ninoid_

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58 @ninoid_ Tip №3: Try to learn from others

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"Don't compare your chapter 1 with someone else's chapter 20." 59 @ninoid_ Tip №3: Try to learn from others

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Track your progress. 60 Tip №4: @ninoid_

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61 Tip №4: Track your progress @ninoid_

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62 @ninoid_ Tip №4: Track your progress

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63 @ninoid_ Tip №4: Track your progress

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1. 2. See you tomorrow! 64 @ninoid_ Consistency is a key!

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@ninoid_ ninaTorgunakova 65 @ninoid_