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The Age of Monorepos Miroslav Jonas / @meeroslav / / /

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Miroslav Jonas engineer at @meeroslav

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Mono- what?

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Static Web (pre JS era)

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successfully confusing recruiters since 1995

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Age of Scripting

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Age of jQuery

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Age of SPAs

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Age of JAMStack

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Age of Monorepos

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Homepage App (framework X) Backend Every application* UI Components / Design system Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Admin Portal App Mobile App Utility

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Main library Website / Docs Every open source* Demo 1 Example 2 Showcase 3

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Homepage App (framework X) Backend Collocate UI Components / Design system Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Admin Portal App Mobile App Utility

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Code sharing

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Just collocation NOT

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Speed matters

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Rule 2: Find affected graph store games sales coupons core shared admin

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Workspace analysis

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Task orchestration Test Build Lint Build Lint Test Build Lint Test

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*A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.

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Modern monorepo tools

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Caching Never { build, test, lint… } same code twice { build, test, lint,... } Nx Local cache { build, test, lint,... } Nx Local cache

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Distributed task execution 10 tasks 110 tasks 100 tasks 150 tasks 10 tasks 105 tasks 5 tasks 60 tasks 35 tasks Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 3 Agent 4 Agent 5

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Code constraints

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Code constraints store games sales coupons core shared admin

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But I have only one project…

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Consistent tooling

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Powerful generators

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Monorepos bring clarity - workspace analysis - graph visualization

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- local & remote caching - task orchestration - detecting affected nodes - distributed task execution - remote execution Monorepos bring speed

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- code sharing - code collocation - powerful generators - consistent tooling - code constraints Monorepos make it easy

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Thank you! Miroslav Jonas / @meeroslav / / /