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Secure and Practical Authentication in API Platform

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Y Software Architect, Developer & Maintainer Symfony Core Team / LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle Project Lead / Principal Engineer Robin Chalas

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Your text How does API Platform handle authentication?

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How API Platform handles authentication? Your text Well, it does not.

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How API Platform handles authentication? Your text It is Symfony job.

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The Options ✔ PHP Sessions ✔ JWT ✔ OAuth2 / OIDC

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PHP Sessions Pros ● Convenient ● Proven (since 20+ years) Cons ● Scaling is challenging (needs extra storage or sticky sessions) ● Not RESTful

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PHP Sessions: Native File

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PHP Sessions: Redis

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PHP Sessions: Json Login Authenticator

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PHP Sessions Symfony Docs - Sessions Symfony 5: The Fast Track - Redis Sessions Read More

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PHP Sessions REST is not a religion. Using sessions for your API is fine.

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The Options ✔ PHP Sessions ✔ JWT ✔ OAuth2 / OIDC

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JWT Pros ● Standard Token format (RFC 7519) ● Server does not need to keep track of sessions ● Can be used in contexts where cookies are disabled ● Scales easily (any server possessing the public key can verify tokens) ● Fun to use Cons ● Complex (key management, refresh tokens...)

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JWT composer require lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle

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JWT: Symmetric or Asymmetric Only use asymmetric signatures (RSA/ECDSA) when multiple applications need to verify the tokens. Otherwise, use symmetric signatures (shared secret - HMAC).

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JWT: Symmetric Config

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JWT: Asymmetric Config

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JWT: Asymmetric key generation

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JWT: Firewall Config

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JWT SymfonyCasts - Symfony RESTful API - Authentication with JWT LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle documentation Read More

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The Options ✔ PHP Sessions ✔ JWT ✔ OAuth2 / OIDC

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OAuth2 / OIDC If your API needs to authenticate users from third party clients, you need OAuth2.

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OAuth2 / OIDC In this case, the libs you are looking for are league/oauth2-server and league/oauth2-client.

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OAuth2 / OIDC: Symfony Integration For the server part, checkout league/oauth2-server-bundle (soon stable).

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OAuth2 / OIDC: Symfony Integration For the client part, checkout knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle until something better comes out 😉

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The Options ✔ PHP Sessions ✔ JWT ✔ OAuth2 / OIDC

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Conclusion Both Sessions and JWTs are valid solutions for API authentication. Just use the one that you feel comfortable with. And, as soon as you have third party clients, use OAuth2 with OIDC.

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Thank you! Robin Chalas Follow me on Twitter @chalas_r Sponsor me on GitHub @chalasr ANY QUESTIONS?