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Password Security From Zero to Hero! @rdegges @gostormpath

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Why is Password Security Important?

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Security Samurai

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I’m Randall Degges Developer Evangelist, Stormpath Python Hacker Formerly Co-Founder / CTO, OpenCNAM

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Stormpath User Management API for Developers ● Authentication ● User Profiles ● Groups and Roles ● Python/Flask SDK

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The Simplest Thing

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"rdegges","omgmypass" "rocketspaceadmin","abc123" "liljohn","OKKAAAYYYY!" Plain Text

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@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def register(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register.html') try: user = User( email = request.form.get('email'), password = request.form.get('password'), ) except: return render_template('register.html', error='Username and password required.') return redirect(url_for('dashboard'))

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Who would ever do this?!

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One Step Up The Hash

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"rdegges","3e3faeabbd3e98c6cedb91ad46551014" "rocketspaceadmin"," e99a18c428cb38d5f260853678922e03" "liljohn","9bc50c01de2edd2bdc488d94751b4a1e" MD5 / SHA1

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from hashlib import md5 user = User( email = request.form.get('email'), password = md5( request.form.get('password') ).hexdigest(), )

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Brute Force

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from hashlib import md5 from itertools import chain, product from string import printable from sys import argv def bruteforce(length): return ( ''.join(candidate) for candidate in chain.from_iterable( product( printable, repeat = i ) for i in range(1, length + 1) ) ) for pw in bruteforce(int(argv[2])): if md5(pw).hexdigest() == argv[1]: print 'Cracked hash: %s!' % argv[1] print 'Password is: %s' % pw break

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Also… brute! >>> from brute import brute >>> for s in brute(length=10): ... print s $ pip install brute

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Rainbow Tables ● SHA1 ● SHA256 ● SHA512 ● MD5 ● etc.

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Collisions abc123 == omgno!

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Moving On The Salt

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from hashlib import sha512 from random import choice from string import printable salt = ''.join(choice(printable) for i in range (40)) user = User( email = request.form.get('email'), password = salt + '$' + sha512( salt + request.form.get('password') ).hexdigest(), )

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The Good ● Rainbow tables won’t work! ● Still easy to brute force. ● Have to store your salt in the database. The Bad

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Let’s talk about speed.

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Slower is Better def hash(): for i in xrange(10000000): do_expensive_operations_that_take_a_while() return some_hash

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Complexity is a Thing >>> hash(hash(hash(hash(hash(hash(hash(...)))))))

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bcrypt is slow >>> from bcrypt import gensalt, hashpw >>> >>> hash = hashpw('omghi!', gensalt()) >>> if hashpw('omghi!', hash) == hash: ... print 'password valid!' ... 'password valid!'

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scrypt is slower! >>> from scrypt import hash >>> >>> myhash = hash('mypass', 'mysalt') >>> if hash('mypass', myhash) == myhash: ... print 'password valid!' ... 'password valid!'

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Quick Recap

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Next Up Storage

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sqlite> create table users (email text, password text); sqlite> .tables users sqlite> .schema users CREATE TABLE users (email text, password text); sqlite> insert into users (email, password) values ( ...> '', ...> 'mysalt$mypasswordhash' ...> ); sqlite> select * from users;|mysalt$mypasswordhash ? ? ? ?

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Tips for Mitigating DB Attacks

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Distributed Hash

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Encrypting Hashes

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Rotating Keys

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Summary ● Use bcrypt (or scrypt, if you live on the edge). ● Lock your server(s) down. ● Encrypt output if necessary. ● Prevent human access.

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Security is Hard, We can Help

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Flask-Stormpath @app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def register(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('register.html') try: someuser = User.create( email = request.form.get('email'), password = request.form.get('password'), ) except StormpathError, err: return render_template('register.html', error=err.message) login_user(someuser, remember=True) return redirect(url_for('dashboard'))

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So... ● Don’t store passwords in plain text! ● Check out Flask-Stormpath on Github: flask ● If you liked this presentation, tweet me! @rdegges

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You are Awesome 818-217-9229 Thanks, cars!