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Let the Uncertainty Be Your Friend! Finding Your Path in a Wiggly Road Tugberk Ugurlu @tourismgeek

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BONJOUR! I’m Tugberk I love creating products and making an impact on people’s lives You can !nd me at @tourismgeek 3

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Beyond the problem fit 5

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Working with assumptions 6

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7 The Goal: Build the right thing for the business!

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This talk is all about mindset Techniques don’t matter as long as you adhere to the same mindset 8

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Spike and stabilize 10

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Focus is The Learning! Iterative Nature Take a phased approach to delivery! Iterate on vertical slices, improve as you learn more. Conceptual Models Focus on conceptual models to get feedback on, not so much on the implementation. Stabilize When Value is Proven Implementation could be rough, untested for most cases during the spike phase. Get back to them to stabilize once the value of the feature is proven! 11

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12 Iterative Nature

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Iteratively Improving 13 Take it to 360 km/h, release! Then, to 370 km/h, release! Finally, to 375 km/h, release!

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Classification suggestions through data discovery for SQL Server databases 14 Conceptual Models

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Classi!cation suggestions listed for each column 15 Conceptual Models

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Stabilize When Value is Proven

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Validation techniques 17

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Qualitative Information that can't actually be measured

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19 Talking to Users

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“ If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. - Henry Ford (maybe?)

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The Mom Test

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JTBD (Jobs-to-Be-Done) People buy products and services to get a “job” done.

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Quantitative Information that can be measured and written down with numbers

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Hypothesis Driven Development 25

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A User Story As a student or professional, I want to search for language schools so that I can find the best school suited to my needs based on schools’ price, location and other criteria. 26

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What’s wrong here?

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28 Confident Statement!

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“ Hypothesis: A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

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“ Would users engage with the search functionality on the site? How can we know this in a cheap way? 32

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A basic search form on the home page 33

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No logic to return results, always return “No results, sorry!” page. 34

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TARGET 40% of users to use the search, out of at least 50 unique users! 35

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Hypothesis We believe that a language school search capability will result in users engaging with the search form to find language schools based on their criteria. We’ll know that we have succeeded when 40% of users use the search, out of at least 50 unique users. 36

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Would users engage with the search functionality on the site? 37

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54 Unique Users 2 days experiment ~5 Searches Per session 37% Searched Out of unique number of users 38

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Heatmap view of the users engaging with the site 40

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“ Would users engage with the search functionality on the site? 41

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Investing further to provide price information based on the search criteria 43

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Capturing the hypotheses with Test Cards

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Visualising your progress with the Progress Board

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Visualising your progress with the Progress Board

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Visualising your progress with the Progress Board

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Learning! This process is optimized around learning! 48

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“ Remove any feature, process, or effort that does not contribute directly to the learning you seek! - Eric Ries (The Lean Startup) 49

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Other Enablers 50

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51 Feature Flags

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Design for feature removal in-mind Uncertainty on the value of the feature brings up a need to be able to remove the feature when necessary. Feature flagging makes this straight forward. Value of Feature Flags Decouple deployments from releases Don’t hold onto the code till you are completely done with a feature. Ship the code often under a feature !ag, reduce the need for long-running feature branches 52

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Enable/disable features for environments or users Easy way to enable/disable features on dev/test/prod environments or be able to do A/B testing with users. Value of Feature Flags 53

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63 Continuous Delivery

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Further Reading: The Lean Startup 64

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Further Reading: Value Proposition Design 65

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Coming up! Lean Software Development Book Subscribe and when notified, use NewCrafts2018 coupon code to get the book for $4.99! 66

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THANKS! Any questions? You can !nd me at: @tourismgeek [email protected] Presentation template by SlidesCarnival