Slide 28
Slide 28 text
KIT + e + KAT (cat)
Kit:late 13c., "round wooden tub," perhaps
from Middle Dutch kitte "jug, tankard,
wooden container," a word of unknown origin.
Meaning "collection of personal effects,"
especially for traveling (originally in reference
to a soldier), is from 1785…
Old English catt (c. 700) "domestic cat," from
West Germanic (c. 400-450), from Proto-
Germanic *kattuz (source also of Old
Frisian katte, Old Norse köttr, Dutch kat, Old
High German kazza, German Katze), from
Late Latin cattus.
Новое значение на стыке семантик:
Набор для кота
Own + nature
Own: "properly or exclusively
belonging to one's self or itself,"
Middle English ouen, from Old
English agen, literally "possessed
by,» …
Nature: late 13c., "restorative
powers of the body, bodily
processes; powers of growth;"
from Old French nature "nature,
being, principle of life; character,
essence," from
Latin natura "course of things;
natural character, constitution,
Значение на стыке семантик
Собственная натура / природа
Whisker + -as
Whisker: "hair of a man's face" (usually plural),
c. 1600, originally a playful formation, from
Middle English wisker "anything that whisks or
sweeps" (early 15c.)… In reference to animal lip
hair, recorded from 1670s.
-s / as:
suffix forming almost all Modern English
plural nouns, gradually extended in Middle
English from Old English -as, the nominative
plural and accusative plural ending of certain
"strong" masculine nouns (such as dæg "day,"
nominative/accusative plural dagas "days").
Новое значение на стыке семантик:
Усачи / Усатики (обобщающее про всех
усатых питомцев, т.е. котов всех пород)