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Function Triggers and Filters Daron Yöndem @daronyondem

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Function Triggers and Bindings • A trigger defines how a function is invoked. • Triggers have associated data, which is usually the payload that triggered the function. • Input and output bindings provide a declarative way to connect to data from within your code.

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High level look of what’s available More; Type Service Trigger Input Output Timer Azure Functions ✔ HTTP Azure Functions ✔ ✔ Blob Azure Storage ✔ ✔ ✔ Events Azure Event Hubs ✔ ✔ Queues Azure Storage ✔ ✔ Tables Azure Storage ✔ ✔ No-SQL Azure Cosmos DB ✔ ✔ ✔ Push Notifications Azure Notification Hubs ✔

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Creating our first “timer trigger” function! DEMO

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What you can do with timer triggers? • Run at explicitly specified intervals, like every day at 2:00 am using CRON expressions, like “0 */5 * * * *“ (every 5 minutes) • Can send information to other systems, but typically don’t “return” information, only write to logs • Great for redundant cleanup and data management • Great for checking state of services • Can be combined with other functions

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Creating our first input binding. DEMO

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Creating our first output binding. DEMO

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Creating an image resizer function DEMO

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What are Function Filters? • Encapsulate common logic to be shared across many different functions • Validation, logging, error handling • Similar to ASP.NET Filters

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Filter Types • Invocation Filters - have both Executing/Executed methods that are called immediately before and immediately after the target job function is invoked. • Exception Filters - Exception filters will be called for exceptions occurring at any stage in the execution pipeline.

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Creating errorhandling and validation filters. DEMO

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Links worth sharing Imperative bindings are available for C# • Using .NET class libraries with Azure Functions • More on Function Filters •

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Thanks | @daronyondem Download slides here;