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Scaling Data Science in Python Christine Doig Senior Data Scientist Continuum Analytics

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2 About me @ch_doig Senior Data Scientist, Product Manager for Anaconda Fusion, Product Marketing Manager & Technology Evangelist at Continuum Analytics M.S. in Industrial Engineering - UPC, Barcelona Experience in energy, manufacturing, banking and defense (E.ON, P&G, LaCaixa, DARPA) chdoig Connecting Open Data Science to Microsoft Excel

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3 is…. the leading open data science platform powered by Python, the fastest growing open data science language • Consulting • Training • Open Source Innovation

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4 Tutorial content Slides: Notebooks: Support: [email protected]

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5 Thanks to: • Matthew Rocklin • Jim Crist • Jim Bednar • Brendan Collins • All Bokeh, Dask, datashader, pandas, scikit-learn contributors

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7 Data Science in Python Machine Learning Data Analysis Data Visualization Data Science Bokeh

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8 Scaling Data Science in Python Machine Learning Data Analysis Data Visualization Data Science Bokeh Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Small data: Easily fits in memory ~GBs Medium data: Easily fits on disk or a small cluster ~GBs - TBs Large data: Requires a large cluster with many nodes ~TBs - PBs Head Node Client Machine Compute Node Comp Nod * Amazon X1 instances - 2TB of memory Scaling

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9 Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Scaling Data Science in Python Bokeh

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10 Challenges • Time spent learning a new ecosystem • Refactoring workflows to scale • Efficiently handling medium data • Lack of extensibility to express custom algorithms Client Machine Compu Node

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11 About this tutorial 1 - Scaling Data Analysis - From pandas to dask.dataframe 2 - Scaling Interactive Visualizations - From bokeh to datashader 3 - Scaling Machine Learning - From sklearn to dask-learn

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1 - Scaling Data Analysis

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13 Motivation • Data > memory in laptop • Similar to a pandas solution

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14 Dask Dataframes >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv') >>> df.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa >>> max_sepal_length_setosa = df[df.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() 5.7999999999999998 >>> import dask.dataframe as dd >>> ddf = dd.read_csv('*.csv') >>> ddf.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa … >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa = ddf[ddf.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa.compute() 5.7999999999999998 Dask dataframes look and feel like pandas dataframes, but operate on datasets larger than memory using multiple threads

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15 Distributed Distributed is a lightweight library for distributed computing in Python. It extends dask APIs to moderate sized clusters.

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16 Web UI Dask.distributed includes a web interface to help deliver information about the current state of the network helps to track progress, identify performance issues, and debug failures over a normal web page in real time.

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17 Scaling Data Analysis Data Analysis Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node One month CSV file ~ 2GBs Two years CSV files ~ 50GB Scaling NYC Taxi Data One month CSV file ~ 2GBs Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compu Node Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compu Node Head Node HDFS + + distributed

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18 1 - pandas.ipynb 2 - dask.ipynb 3 - dask + distributed.ipynb Notebooks in Scaling Data Analysis

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19 Useful resources Documentation: Dask - Matthew Rocklin’s blog: Dask-learn - Jim Crist’s blog: Dask + YARN - Ben Zaitlen’s blog: Dask Youtube Playlist:

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2 - Scaling Interactive Visualizations

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21 Motivation • Visualize large amounts of data in a meaningful way • Interactively explore the data

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22 Bokeh Interactive visualization framework that targets modern web browsers for presentation • No JavaScript • Python, R, Scala and Lua bindings • Easy to embed in web applications • Server apps: data can be updated, and UI and selection events can be processed to trigger more visual updates.

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23 Datashader Overplotting: Oversaturation: Undersampling:

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24 Datashader graphics pipeline system for creating meaningful representations of large amounts of data • Provides automatic, nearly parameter-free visualization of datasets • Allows extensive customization of each step in the data-processing pipeline • Supports automatic downsampling and re- rendering with Bokeh and the Jupyter notebook • Works well with dask and numba to handle very large datasets in and out of core (with examples using billions of datapoints) NYC census data by race

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25 Scaling Interactive Visualizations Scaling Data Visualization Bokeh Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Small data points: Large data points: Bokeh Bokeh + datashader

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26 bokeh: - clustering app datashader: 1 - census.ipynb 2 - nyc_taxi.ipynb Examples in Scaling Data Analysis

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27 Useful resources Bokeh documentation: Bokeh demos: Datashader documentation: Bokeh + datashader tutorial: Bokeh webinar: Datashader webinar:

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3 - Scaling Machine Learning

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29 Motivation • Easily parallelizing GridSearch

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30 Scaling Machine Learning Scaling Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node + Machine Learning = dask-learn GridSearchCV (optionally, with joblib) DaskGridSearchCV

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31 Notebook in Scaling Machine Learning dask-learn.ipynb

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32 Useful resources Dask-learn repository: Blogpost:

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Thank you! Questions? @ch_doig chdoig [email protected]