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Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: Cloud Native Apps with
 Spring Cloud Stéphane Nicoll, Spring Boot committer, Pivotal Software inc. @snicoll

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Slide 2 text @snicoll Stéphane Nicoll [email protected]

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“Innovate and deliver faster
 than your competition

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! Distributed systems? ! Microservices? ! Cloud Native Apps?

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“A global entity that handles state/ failure scenarios “A smart application server, everything included “Easy to turn into a mess…

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! Complex system ! Easy to work with ! Modularity comes from language / framework ! Inefficient scaling

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! Long term commitment to technology ! intimidating to new developers ! obstacles to frequent releases

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Cloud native apps?

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“Smart agents that should know how to handle failures “Smart services, dumb pipes “Harder to do right…

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! Simple system ! Harder to work with ! Modularity based on component services ! Scaling efficiently

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! Easy to try new things ! Less intimidating ! Frequent deploys

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Spring Cloud

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 Coffee app.

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 Monolith Store Customer Profile

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 name and
 location Customer

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List of stores
 geo search Store

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 info and
 nearest stores Profile

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Now Separate apps Customer Profile Store

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 Server Config Server Git repository

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Finding Services ? ?

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Profile Eureka Customer Store Service Discovery

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Profile Customer #3 Tied to
 instance? Customer #2 Customer #1

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Profile Eureka customer ? customer:
 - instance #1 - instance #2 - …

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Instance #3 Client load balancing
 Ribbon Instance #2 Instance #1 Round robin, AWS zone affinity Ribbon

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service B Cascading Faults service A

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service B service A Circuit breaker
 Hystrix Fallback

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To the 

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! Spring Cloud Bus w/ Config Server: push configuration changes automatically ! Turbine: gathers all relevant in a unified ! Feign: declarative REST client ! Zuul: routing and filtering (e.g. for UI applications that want to proxy calls to one or more back end services) ! … If we had more time…

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! Spring Cloud Sleuth: distributed tracing (HTrace, Zipkin) ! Spring Cloud Consul: Service discovery and configuration management using Hashicorp’s Consul ! Spring Cloud Zookeeper: Ditto using Apache Zookeeper If we had more time… (cont’d)

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Links ! ! ! ! ! !

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