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Loki Like Prometheus, but for logs Goutham Veeramachaneni @gouthamve DevOpsDaysIndia 2018

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putadent gouthamve

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Outline ● Quick Grafana intro ● Full observability ● Loki ● The future

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Grafana intro

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Grafana From Dashboarding solution To Observability platform

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Unified way to look at data from different sources Logos of datasources

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Full Observability Picture credits: Peter Bourgon

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Troubleshooting journey

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Instrumenting an app

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App ● Classic 3-tiered app ● Deployed in Kubernetes ● It’s running, but how is it doing? Load balancers App servers DB servers

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Add instrumentation ● Prometheus for metrics ● Loki for logs ● Jaeger for traces

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Change app ● Introduce a bug ● Let’s debug this with our new tools

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Demo: http://localhost:3000/explore

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Loki: Grafana logging in detail

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Goal: Keeping it simple

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Logs should be cheap! Existing Solutions are hard to scale and operate You don’t need full text search / indexing Metrics, Logs and Traces need to work together More Goals

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Logging for Kubernetes {job=”app1”} {job=”app3”} {job=”app2”}

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Logging for Kubernetes (2) {job=”app1”} {job=”app3”} {job=”app2”}

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Service Discovery for Grafana Logging ● Prometheus-style service discovery of logging targets ● Labels are indexed as metadata, e.g.: {job=”app1”} ● Relabeling rules

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Logging architecture {job=”app1”} {job=”app2”} Node Logging agent Logging service Logging datasource

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Logging architecture {job=”app1”} {job=”app2”} Node Promtail Loki Logging datasource

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Loki: Architecture Your jobs Distributor Ingester Index Chunks Querier

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Loki: Write Path Your jobs Distributor Ingester Index Chunks

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Distributor Distributor Ingester Use consistent hashing to assign a timestream to an ingester.

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Loki: Write Path Ingester {job=”app1”, instance=”...”,..} {job=”app2”, instance=”...”,..} Log line

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Loki: Write Path Ingester {job=”app2”, instance=”...”,..} Index Chunks

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Loki: Read Path Ingester Index Chunks Querier

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Loki: Scalability Index Chunks Bigtable DynamoDB Cassandra BOLTDB GCS S3 Ceph / Minio FILES Distributor Ingester Querier

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Loki: Status ● Alpha software ● Focus on correctness, ease-of-use first, performance later ● Onboard paying customers in Q1 2019 ● Beyond Kubernetes

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● Cheap but not free :) ● Grep + Parsing in browser ● Can’t do complicated queries Loki: Caveats

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What we’re working on

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Enable Explore UI (BETA: Prometheus) Behind feature flag. To enable, edit Grafana config ini file [explore] enabled = true Set up a datasource that supports Explore, e.g., Prometheus. Will be released in 6.0 (Feb 2019)

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Integrate Tracing ● Associate traces with logs and metrics ● Labels FTW ● Aiming for Q2 2019

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Logging UI needs to be refined still behind feature flag, feedback welcome: @davkals or UX improvements on logs and metrics views Performance improvements

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One last thing...

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Tack for listening Questions to @putadent