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1 BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Topics 2 Goal Installation Usage Walk-through

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Goal: Create an easy way for users to embed BPMN and DMN editors in their own applications 3 BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / History 4 VS Code extension Github Chrome extension Desktop App Online Editor

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How to start using it? 5 BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Installation 6 1) Community hosted JS files Add them to your application:

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Installation 7 2) Manual download of each JS file Download the files at: ● DMN Editor: ● BPMN Editor: Add them to your application:

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Installation 8 3) NPM package Available at Add it to your package.json file: "@kogito-tooling/kie-editors-standalone": "0.8.2" ( you can use this command too: npm install @kogito-tooling/kie-editors-standalone ) Add them to your application: import * as DmnEditor from "@kogito-tooling/kie-editors-standalone/dist/dmn" import * as BpmnEditor from "@kogito-tooling/kie-editors-standalone/dist/bpmn"

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Usage 9 BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Usage 10 const editor ={ container: document.getElementById("editor-container"), initialContent: Promise.resolve(""), readOnly: false, resources: new Map([ [ "MyIncludedModel.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ]) });

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Usage 11 const editor ={ container: document.getElementById("editor-container"), initialContent: Promise.resolve(""), readOnly: false, resources: new Map([ [ "MyIncludedModel.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ]) }); const editor ={ container: document.getElementById("editor-container"), initialContent: Promise.resolve(""), readOnly: false, resources: new Map([ [ "MyWorkDefinitions.wid", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ]) });

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Usage 12 const editor ={ container: document.getElementById("editor-container"), initialContent: Promise.resolve(""), readOnly: false, resources: new Map([ [ "MyIncludedModel.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ]) }); container:

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Usage 13 const editor ={ container: document.getElementById("editor-container"), initialContent: Promise.resolve(""), readOnly: false, resources: new Map([ [ "MyIncludedModel.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ]) }); initialContent:n(content => content.text()) 1) Promise.resolve("") 2) Promise.resolve("DIAGRAM_CONTENT_DIRECTLY_HERE>") 3) fetch("MyDmnModel.dmn").then(content => content.text())

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Usage 14 const editor ={ container: document.getElementById("editor-container"), initialContent: Promise.resolve(""), readOnly: false, resources: new Map([ [ "MyIncludedModel.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ]) }); readOnly:n(content => content.text()) true or false

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Usage 15 const editor ={ container: document.getElementById("editor-container"), initialContent: Promise.resolve(""), readOnly: false, resources: new Map([ [ "MyIncludedModel.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ]) }); resources (optional):n(content => content.text()) new Map([ [ "MyIncludedModel1.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ], [ "MyIncludedModel2.dmn", { contentType: "text", content: Promise.resolve("") } ] ])

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BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors / Usage 16 Returned object: ● getContent(): Promise ● setContent(content: string): void ● getPreview(): Promise ● subscribeToContentChanges(callback: (isDirty: boolean) => void): (isDirty: boolean) => void ● unsubscribeToContentChanges(callback: (isDirty: boolean) => void): void ● markAsSaved(): void ● undo(): void ● redo(): void ● close(): void

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Walk-through 17 BPMN and DMN Standalone Editors

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Slide 18 text 18 Thank you Paulo Martins Senior Software Engineer