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What is DDD? Ubiquitous Language Supple Design Bounded Context What’s next? 2

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What is DDD? 6 • Domain-Driven Design & Bounded Context

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What is DDD? 8 Most of the core concepts are still relevant

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What is DDD? 11 Aneamic domain model Data vs behaviour Tell don’t Ask How to split a bigger system

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What is DDD? 12 You might want to dive into Domain- Driven Design

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What is DDD? 13

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BLOG: Domain-Driven Design in 2020, by Alberto Brandolini Approach to software development • Focus on learning What is DDD? 14

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BLOG: Domain-Driven Design in 2020, by Alberto Brandolini Approach to software development • Focus on learning • Language as a first class citizen What is DDD? 15

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BLOG: Domain-Driven Design in 2020, by Alberto Brandolini Approach to software development • Focus on learning • Language as a first class citizen • Multiple models is the key for not evolving into a big ball of mud. What is DDD? 16

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BLOG: Domain-Driven Design in 2020, by Alberto Brandolini Approach to software development • Focus on learning • Language as a first class citizen • Multiple models is the key for not evolving into a big ball of mud. • Good coding practices are expected. What is DDD? 17

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BLOG: Domain-Driven Design in 2020, by Alberto Brandolini Approach to software development • Focus on learning • Language as a first class citizen • Multiple models is the key for not evolving into a big ball of mud. • Good coding practices are expected. • Know your core domain What is DDD? 18

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BLOG: Domain-Driven Design in 2020, by Alberto Brandolini • Focus on learning • Language as a first class citizen • Multiple models is the key for not evolving into a big ball of mud. • Good coding practices are expected. • Know your core domain What is DDD? 19

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BLOG: Domain-Driven Design in 2020, by Alberto Brandolini • Focus on learning • Language as a first class citizen • Multiple models is the key for not evolving into a big ball of mud. • Good coding practices are expected. • Know your core domain What is DDD? 20

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Who am I Paul van der Slot • Freelance Software Engineer • Fan of a lot of software practices and techniques like: DDD, Collaborative Design, Clean Code, Hexagonal Architecture, Refactoring, Agile, XP, TDD, Pair Programming, and way more 22

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What is DDD? Ubiquitous Language Supple Design Bounded Context What’s next? 23

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Introduction Ubiquitous Language Ubiquitous Language 24 Developer and Domain Expert talking Shipment Cargo

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25 Ubiquitous Language Scrum Team Code Test Scenarios User Stories Domain experts specific for a domain Ubiquitous Language

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26 Ubiquitous Language Scrum Team Code Test Scenarios User Stories Domain experts specific for a domain Ubiquitous Language

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27 Code Domain model Ubiquitous Language customer payment invoice product customer payment invoice product

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28 “Tackling complexity in the heart of software”

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29 Code Domain model Ubiquitous Language customer payment invoice product customer payment invoice product DB Caching REST Monitoring

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30 Code Domain model Ubiquitous Language customer payment invoice product customer payment invoice product DB Caching REST Monitoring Domain logic matching with the business problem Separate technical details from the domain logic As little as possible accidental complexity in domain

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Hexagonal Architecture 31 Alistair Cockburn

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Hexagonal Architecture 32 Your business logic should evolve because of the business evolution and nothing else.

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public class CardService { private CardDetailsRestClient restclient; private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cardDetails = restClient.getExtraCardInformation(cardIds); List dbCards = cardRepository.getCards(cardIds); activateCards(dbCards, cardDetails); } } 33

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public class CardService { private CardDetailsRestClient restclient; private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cardDetails = restClient.getExtraCardInformation(cardIds); List dbCards = cardRepository.getCards(cardIds); activateCards(dbCards, cardDetails); } private List activateCards(List dbCards, List cardDetails){ // do validation / transformation / null checks of external data // business logic updatedDbCards.forEach(cardRepository::save); } } 34

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public class CardService { private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cards = cardRepository.findAll(cardIds); activateCards(cards); } private void activateCards(List cards){ // business logic updatedCards.forEach(cardRepository::save); } } 35 public class CardService { private CardDetailsRestClient restclient; private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cardDetails = restClient.getExtraCardInformation(cardIds); List dbCards = cardRepository.getCards(cardIds); activateCards(dbCards, cardDetails); } private List activateCards(List dbCards, List cardDetails){ // do validation / transformation / null checks of external data // business logic updatedDbCards.forEach(cardRepository::save); } }

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public class CardService { private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cards = cardRepository.findAll(cardIds); activateCards(cards); } private void activateCards(List cards){ // business logic updatedCards.forEach(cardRepository::save); } } interface CardsRepository { // port List findAll(List cardId); void save(Card card); } 36 public class CardService { private CardDetailsRestClient restclient; private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cardDetails = restClient.getExtraCardInformation(cardIds); List dbCards = cardRepository.getCards(cardIds); activateCards(dbCards, cardDetails); } private List activateCards(List dbCards, List cardDetails){ // do validation / transformation / null checks of external data // business logic updatedDbCards.forEach(cardRepository::save); } }

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public class CardService { private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cards = cardRepository.findAll(cardIds); activateCards(cards); } private void activateCards(List cards){ // business logic updatedCards.forEach(cardRepository::save); } } interface CardsRepository { // port List findAll(List cardId); void save(Card card); } // Outside business logic, in an adapter class MongoCardRepository implements CardsRepository { // do validation / transformation / null checks } 37 public class CardService { private CardDetailsRestClient restclient; private CardsRepository cardRepository; void activateCards(List cardIds){ List cardDetails = restClient.getExtraCardInformation(cardIds); List dbCards = cardRepository.getCards(cardIds); activateCards(dbCards, cardDetails); } private List activateCards(List dbCards, List cardDetails){ // do validation / transformation / null checks of external data // business logic updatedDbCards.forEach(cardRepository::save); } }

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39 “Make the Implicit Explicit”

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Value Object 41 A Value Object is an immutable type that is distinguishable only by the state of its properties. Examples: Height, Money, AccountNumber, Color

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Value Object 42 A Value Object is an immutable type that is distinguishable only by the state of its properties. Examples: Height, Money, AccountNumber, Color Using new Types (Value Objects) to make your code more explicit

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43 void checkIn(int roomNumber){ validatePositive(roomNumber); int floorNumber = determineFloor(roomNumber); // do check in logic } int determineFloor(int roomNumber){ validatePositive(roomNumber); // do logic } Dan Bergh Johnsson - The Power of Value

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44 void checkIn(RoomNumber roomNumber){ Floor floor = roomNumber.getFloor(); // do check in logic }

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45 void checkIn(RoomNumber roomNumber){ Floor floor = roomNumber.getFloor(); // do check in logic } • Validation inside the Value Object • Limit operations to useful ones. RoomNumber is not an int! No + - * / • Place to put logic relevant to a Domain Concept, like getFloor()

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Value object Center of gravity for (complex) business logic Immutable, easy to test 46

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Value object vs Util method 47 Email Validation duplicated around the codebase boolean matchesPattern(String inputValue){ Pattern p = Pattern .compile(" ^[a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&’*+/=?`{|}~^.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$ "); Matcher m = p.matcher(inputValue); return m.matches(); }

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Value object vs Util method 48 • Call the Util when you need to validate • You need to know the UTIL exists (not forcing) • You don’t know if the email is validated yet, later on in the code EmailUtil.matchesPattern(emailAddress); Option 1: Put it in a Utillity class

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Value object vs Util method 49 • Everywhere, you use the validated Email • Email type as a parameter later on (type safe) • Explicit domain meaning Email email = new Email(emailAddress); Option 2: Create a Value Object

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From Stringly typed / primitive obsession to domain primitives Talk with your team and introduce a ubiquitous language 50

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From Stringly typed / primitive obsession to domain primitives learning concepts -> introduce in code 51

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From Stringly typed / primitive obsession to domain primitives learning concepts -> introduce in code current understanding -> reflected in code 52

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From Stringly typed / primitive obsession to domain primitives learning concepts -> introduce in code current understanding -> reflected in code change in code -> verify with business and change shared model 53

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From Stringly typed / primitive obsession to domain primitives learning concepts -> introduce in code current understanding -> reflected in code change in code -> verify with business and change shared model iterative process 54

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56 “Tell Don’t Ask”

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TELL DON’T ASK 57 Tell an object what to do instead of asking for internal data to do it yourself This invites you to add the behavior in the object the data belongs to!

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TELL DON’T ASK 58 public boolean canBeActivated(Card card) { Account account = card.getAccount(); if(account.isBlocked()){ return false; } Customer owner = card.getOwner(); if(owner != null && isTrustworthy(owner)){ return false; } return true; }

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TELL DON’T ASK 59 public boolean canBeActivated(Card card) { return card.canBeActivated(); }

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60 “Getters and Setters are evil” Tell don’t Ask Allen Holub

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GETTERS AND SETTERS ARE EVIL 61 patient.setShotType(ShotTypes.TYPE_FLU); patient.setDose(dose); patient.setNurse(nurse); Vaccine vaccine = vaccines. standardAdultFluDose(); nurse.administerFluVaccine(patient,vaccine);

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GETTERS AND SETTERS ARE EVIL 62 patient.setShotType(ShotTypes.TYPE_FLU); patient.setDose(dose); patient.setNurse(nurse); … Customer owner = card.getOwner(); if(owner != null && isTrustworthy(owner)){ return false; } … Vaccine vaccine = vaccines. standardAdultFluDose(); nurse.administerFluVaccine(patient,vaccine); card.canBeActivated();

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GETTERS AND SETTERS ARE EVIL 63 Setters – I haven’t seen a good example. Better to name it like the business action Getters - Do I really need that information outside this object? Don’t autogenerate getters and setters, and think twice before you introduce them

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What is DDD? Ubiquitous Language Bounded Context Supple Design What’s next? 64

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What is Supple Design? Supple, as the opposite of stiff Loosely coupled Highly cohesive Able to change Supple Design 65

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What is Supple Design? Supple, as the opposite of stiff Loosely coupled Highly cohesive Able to change Supple Design 66 Heuristics and Patterns to get to Supple Design

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But first Supple Design 67

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COUPLING & COHESION Supple Design 68 Tie Together vs Stick Together

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COUPLING Supple Design 69 Coupling has to do with change Coupling(a,b,∆) = a∆ -> b∆ for the total correctness of the system Tie Together

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COUPLING Supple Design 70 Number of classes/microservices Tight Coupling Loose Coupling Tie Together

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COUPLING Supple Design 71 Degree of Coupling Billing Service Item Tight Coupling Loose Coupling double price = item.getGrossPrice(); TaxRate taxRate = item.getTaxRate(); return price * (1 + (taxRate.percentage() / 100)); Billing Service Item return item.computeNetPrice(); TaxRate TaxRate Tie Together

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COHESION Supple Design 72 High Cohesion Low Cohesion When one thing changes, all has to change Stick Together

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COHESION Supple Design 73 Low Cohesion When one thing changes, all has to change. Isn’t that bad? What is the alternative? “Attempting to divide a cohesive class would only result in increased coupling and decreased readability” High Cohesion Stick Together

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COHESION Supple Design 74 Low Cohesion When one thing changes, all has to change Isn’t that bad? What is the alternative? Cohesion has a lot to do with terms like: • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) • Separation of Concerns (SoC) High Cohesion Stick Together

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LOW COUPLING & HIGH COHESION Supple Design 75 Effect on software: • Testability increases (single purpose / less dependencies)

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LOW COUPLING & HIGH COHESION Supple Design 76 Effect on software: • Testability increases (single purpose / less dependencies) • Maintainability increases / Impact of change decreases (changes are in one place)

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LOW COUPLING & HIGH COHESION Supple Design 77 Effect on software: • Testability increases (single purpose / less dependencies) • Maintainability increases / Impact of change decreases (changes are in one place) • Reusability increases (Units with a single purpose)

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BACK TO THE BLUE BOOK Supple Design 78 Heuristics and Patterns to get to Supple Design

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SUPPLE DESIGN 79 Intention revealing interfaces Side effect free functions Supple Design Heuristics and Patterns to get to Supple Design

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INTENTION REVEALING INTERFACES When a method name isn’t clear, you have to look inside the method to see what it is for. Or inside the next method it is calling. Or inside the next method it is calling. Or inside the next method it is calling. 80 Supple Design

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INTENTION REVEALING INTERFACES - Group things that belong together (easier to name) - Name things really well 81 Supple Design

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INTENTION REVEALING INTERFACES - Group things that belong together (easier to name) - Name things really well chef.prepare(String string) 82 Supple Design

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INTENTION REVEALING INTERFACES - Group things that belong together (easier to name) - Name things really well chef.prepare(String string) chef.make(Dish dish) 83 Supple Design

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private Collection totalOrderPrice; private double taxRate; PriceDetails calculatePriceDetails(Item item, int amount) { PriceDetails priceDetails = PriceDetails.of(item, amount, taxRate); totalOrderPrice.add(priceDetails); return priceDetails; } 84 SIDE EFFECT FREE FUNCTIONS Supple Design

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SIDE EFFECT FREE FUNCTIONS private Collection totalOrderPrice; private double taxRate; PriceDetails calculatePriceDetails(Item item, int amount) { PriceDetails priceDetails = PriceDetails.of(item, amount, taxRate); totalOrderPrice.add(priceDetails); return priceDetails; } 85 Supple Design

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SIDE EFFECT FREE FUNCTIONS AKA Pure Functions 86 Supple Design

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SIDE EFFECT FREE FUNCTIONS Why? Can lead to unexpected behavior and is therefore the cause of many bugs WRITE PURE FUNCTIONS WHERE POSSIBLE! 87 Supple Design

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SIDE EFFECT FREE FUNCTIONS But side effects can’t be prevented • Updating a Database • Calling a Webservice • Sending a message 88 Supple Design

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SIDE EFFECT FREE FUNCTIONS But side effects can’t be prevented • Updating a Database • Calling a Webservice • Sending a message 89 Note: This mostly happens at the edge of your application. In the domain logic, pure functions can be used a lot Supple Design

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90 Imperative Shell Functional Core Inside your business logic: • Majority is pure functional code FUNCTIONAL CORE, IMPERATIVE SHELL

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91 Imperative Shell Functional Core Inside your business logic: • Majority is pure functional code • Code with side-effects in the imperative shell FUNCTIONAL CORE, IMPERATIVE SHELL

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92 Imperative Shell Functional Core Inside your business logic: • Majority is pure functional code • Code with side-effects in the imperative shell FUNCTIONAL CORE, IMPERATIVE SHELL Direction of dependencies

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What is DDD? Ubiquitous Language Bounded Context Supple Design What’s next? 93

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Bounded Context 94 There once was some software for an IT consultancy

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95 One model for the whole business Bounded Context

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96 Bounded Context

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97 So then a bug appeared Bounded Context

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98 So then a bug appeared Bounded Context

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99 Different groups had different views (models) Bounded Context

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100 Different groups had different views (models) IT consultancy Employee - Project - Rate - Level - IBAN - Address - Completed Trainings - Ambitions Bounded Context

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101 Different groups had different views (models) IT consultancy Employee - Project - Rate - Level - IBAN - Address - Completed Trainings - Ambitions Sales Finance People management HR Bounded Context

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102 Multiple models are needed. Different problems need different models Bounded Context

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103 - The boundary within a domain where a particular domain model applies BOUNDED CONTEXT Bounded Context

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104 - The boundary within a domain where a particular domain model applies - Language driven - Ubiquitous Language is unique per bounded context BOUNDED CONTEXT Bounded Context

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105 - The boundary within a domain where a particular domain model applies - Language driven - Ubiquitous Language is unique per bounded context - A natural way to split up your model - Strictly consistent within your bounderies - Don´t be distracted or confused by issues outside BOUNDED CONTEXT Bounded Context

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106 Different groups had different views (models) IT consultancy Employee - Project - Rate - Level - IBAN - Address - Completed Trainings - Ambitions Sales Finance People management HR Bounded Context

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107 What does that mean for my code Bounded Context

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108 Bounded Context

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109 Bounded Context

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110 DRY vs Coupling across bounded contexts Bounded Context

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111 DRY vs Coupling across bounded contexts Can’t have both Bounded Context

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112 DRY very important inside a bounded context Bounded Context

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113 Reduced coupling more important across bounded contexts Bounded Context

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114 Autonomy -> Able to evolve alone Bounded Context Reduced coupling more important across bounded contexts

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115 Autonomy -> Able to evolve alone Decreased cognitive load -> Only have to think about own bounded context Bounded Context Reduced coupling more important across bounded contexts

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116 Autonomy -> Able to evolve alone Decreased cognitive load -> Only have to think about own bounded context Especially when Bounded Context = Team Bounded Context Reduced coupling more important across bounded contexts

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117 Bounded Context

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118 Employee - IBAN - Address - Completed Trainings - Ambitions - Project - Rate - Level Finance People management Sales Is the CEO an employee / consultant? Bounded Context

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119 Finding bounded contexts Bounded Context

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120 Bounded Context

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What is DDD? Ubiquitous Language Bounded Context Supple Design What’s next? 121

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What’s next? 122 How can I write code like this?!

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123 “I don’t write clean code from the start, I don’t think anyone could” Uncle Bob REFACTOR What’s next?

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124 “The moment that the code works, is when you start investing in your career” REFACTOR What’s next?

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Thank you! 126