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Drupal Debug Improve your developer experience Thomas Calvet - fancyweb

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DevelopereXperience 2 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Developer experience 3 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Kind of the same concept than the User eXperience applied to development ● The user is the developer ● But we are more demanding ● And the scope is larger

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Drupal DX has even more aspects 4 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Several developer profiles ● Site builder ● Theme builder ● Custom module maker

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So, whatisthe topic today? 5 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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This talk is about 6 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Your custom code ● Daily development ● Avoid repetitive tasks ● Help new Drupal developers

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This talk is not about 7 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Admin part ● Core architecture / code ● Documentation ● Contribution

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Examplesof DX features 8 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Provide shortcuts 9 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Abstract implementations ● Functions, methods, classes, traits ● The goal is to hide a complexity

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Throw exceptions 10 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Handle common users mistakes ● Be defensive ● Throw an exception ● With an useful message

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Simple things 11 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● A small UI change ● An up to date PHPDoc ● Rename a test class ● Etc.

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Whydoesitmatter? 12 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Why does it matter? 13 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Less frustration ● Increased productivity ● A better reputation ● Attract more users

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Return on experience 14 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Who am I? 15 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Thomas Calvet - fancyweb ● 6 years experience in PHP ● Long time Symfony user and enthusiast ● New Drupal developer

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Drupalisnot readyfor developmentout of the box 16 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Missing concepts 17 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● No « debug » mode ● No « environment » management

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Examples 18 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Display exceptions and errors 19 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience sites/default content

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Display exceptions and errors 20 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Step 1

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Display exceptions and errors 21 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Step 2

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Display exceptions and errors 22 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Step 3

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Display exceptions and errors 23 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Step 4

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Display exceptions and errors 24 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● A basic and common need ● Way too many steps for a new Drupal developer ● It should be enabled from the start in local

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Drupal cache system 25 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience 13 tables of cache data

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Drupal cache system 26 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Cache data content is unreadable

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Drupal cache system 27 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Clearable caches with drush

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Drupal cache system 28 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Hard to master ● Lots of terms : internal, dynamic, Twig, render, keys, tags, context, max age ● Even way harder to understand for the front developers

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It leads to bad habits 29 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● You must clear a cache but you don’t know which one ● So you clear all cache ● Precious seconds wasted everytime

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Are thereinitiatives? Yes! 30 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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From the community 31 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Drupal console commands ● drush commands ● Devel module

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From the core 32 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● D8DX: Improving the D8 developer experience ● List DX issues ● Provide a common vocabulary

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Proposingsomethingnew 33 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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ekino/drupal-debug 34 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Open source third party library ● Improve your DX during the development process ● Help you develop better and faster ● Reuse well known and well tested open source components

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Provide actions 35 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● An action is a class that does something ● Each action has an unique goal ● 16 actions at the moment

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Drupaldevelopment configuration 36 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Disable CSS & JS aggregations 37 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Before After

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Disable CSS & JS aggregations 38 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience What it replaces

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Override Drupal configuration 39 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Global $config variable ● Normally, you modify it in the settings.php file ● The library just overrides everything after the settings initialization

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DisableDrupalcaches 40 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Disable Drupal caches 41 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience What it replaces

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Override Drupal settings 42 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Settings class singleton ● Normally, you modify it in the settings.php file ● The library just overrides everything after the settings initialization

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Twigdevelopment configuration 43 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Enable Twig debug 44 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Before After

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Enable Twig debug 45 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience What it replaces

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Override Twig configuration 46 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Twig configuration is defined by parameters ● Override those parameters before the container compilation ● Twig cache is also disabled with this way

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Display more information in a prettierway 47 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Display pretty exceptions 48 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Before

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Display pretty exceptions 49 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience After

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Display pretty exceptions 50 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Use Symfony HttpKernel component ExceptionListener ● Use Symfony Debug component ExceptionHandler ● Available after the environment boot, so very early

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Enable Debug class loader 51 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Provide better exceptions messages for case sensitive filesystems

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Enable Debug class loader 52 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Use the Symfony Debug component DebugClassLoader class ● Wrap your autoloader (a Composer ClassLoader instance most likely) ● Also does lightweight static analysis when a class is loaded

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Display dump location 53 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Before

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Display dump location 54 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience After

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Display dump location 55 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Use the Symfony VarDumper component ● Define a custom handler

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Enforcegood practices 56 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Throw errors as exceptions 57 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Code example

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Throw errors as exceptions 58 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Before

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Throw errors as exceptions 59 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience After

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Throw errors as exceptions 60 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● PHP errors must be handled ● Use the Symfony Debug Component ErrorHandler class ● Set a custom error handler that rethrow PHP errors as exceptions

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Enable Twig strict variables 61 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Code example

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Enable Twig strict variables 62 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Before

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Enable Twig strict variables 63 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience After

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Invalidatecaches automatically 64 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Watch actions 65 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Detect files creation, alteration and deletion ● Invalidate a cache ● 3 actions at the moment

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Watch container definitions 66 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Default watched files

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Watch modules hooks implementation 67 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Default watched file

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Watch routing definitions 68 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Default watched file

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Watch systems 69 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● A file resource is tied to an extension (a module or a theme) ● A resources freshness checker system ● A file cache system ● A file backend cache system

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How doesitwork? 70 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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It could not be a module 71 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Modules are handled too late in the boot ● Some actions would be impossible to implement ● It would need to be enabled on first use ● It would need to be managed to not be used on production

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Use an alternative Kernel 72 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience Drupal front controller

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Use an alternative Kernel 73 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Extend the Drupal Kernel ● Dispatch events ● Alter the container definitions

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Substitutingthe original DrupalKernel 74 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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How does the substitution work? 75 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Create a copy of the DrupalKernel on the fly ● Use another name ● Replace __DIR__ references ● Alias the DrupalKernel with our DebugKernel

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The substitution is great 76 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● The library works out of the box ● The Debug Kernel is used by any third party library that woud normally use the Drupal Kernel

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The substitution is bad 77 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Compatibility problems ● Disable it to test a behavior with caches enabled ● Disable it for all your tests

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Configuration 78 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Default configuration 79 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Some actions are configurable with options ● Not mandatory because there are defaults values ● Configuration is done in a YAML file ● Some with environment variables

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Requirements 80 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Requirements 81 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Composer ● PHP >= 7.1 (last supported stable version) ● Drupal >= 8.6

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What’snext? 82 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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Improvements 83 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● On existing actions ● Optional actions (opened PR) ● Configuration by action (opened PR)

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More actions and features 84 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Watch themes hooks implementations ● Watch libraries (JS & CSS files) ● Support third parties actions (opened PR)

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The hidden goal 85 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● A wake up call! ● To have a debug mode in the Drupal core ● To have more DX initiatives in the Drupal core

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Final thoughts 86 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience

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An enriching experience 87 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● For me ● For Drupal ● For Symfony

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Is the community interested? 88 Drupal Dev Days Transylvania - Drupal Debug: improve your developer experience ● Is it useful for a lot of developers? ● Find first users and testers ● Eventually find contributors

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Thank you, for your attention. Any questions?

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