page views on
desktops and laptops
Source: Digital, Social & Mobile in 2015
Slide 14
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page views on
Source: Digital, Social & Mobile in 2015
Slide 15
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when will conferences go beyond
pitches and stating the obvious?
ffs,"mobile web usage in
increasing" is not insightful,even if
you have data
Slide 16
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Mobile web usage
is on the rise
Slide 17
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Mobile is a
hard problem
Slide 18
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Mobile is an
odd problem
Slide 19
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Dad's Radio by Alan Levine
Slide 20
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“Back to the Future”
Slide 21
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Why do I work
on the web?
Slide 22
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of trust
for all
on everything
W3C Mission
for rich interaction
of data and services
Slide 24
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People with Internet Connection
Slide 25
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Global Average
Slide 27
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Web pages served to mobile
Slide 29
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Global Average
Slide 31
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Wealth distribution
in India
Slide 33
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In India, the richest
10% own 74%
of total wealth
Source: India’s staggering wealth gap in five charts — The Hindu
Slide 34
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Smartphones are
getting affordable
Slide 35
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First time users
Slide 36
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In 2013, global smartphone sales
exceeded feature phone sales…
Source: Gartner
Slide 37
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Asia/Pacific grew the highest at 74.1
percent, followed by Latin America
Source: Gartner
Slide 38
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Cab and auto drivers, people
the on buses, delivery boys,
street vendors, farmers, etc.
Slide 39
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“ प"री iद'ली ) *ी WiFi +,- ”
Slide 40
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No content
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No content
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Average Net
Connection Speeds
USA Global India India (Mobile)
2.0mbps 1.7mbps
Source: Digital, Social & Mobile in 2015
Slide 43
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Jan 2013
Jan 2014
Jan 2015 Apr 2015
Average Page Weight
Source: HTTP Archive
Slide 44
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In 2013, UC Browser became the
most popular browser in India.
Today its share is 32%.
Source: StatCounter
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No content
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No content
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No content
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“View Desktop Version”
Slide 50
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Banking in India
Slide 51
Slide 51 text
We have ensured that key services
are available to you on the mobile
website. For other services, please
continue to desktop login.
Slide 52
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Mobile-only users
Slide 53
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mobiForge Global Mobile Statistics 2014
In many developing nations, the
majority of mobile web users are
mobile-only, highest include
Egypt at 70 percent and India at
59 percent.
Slide 54
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mobiForge Global Mobile Statistics 2014
Many mobile-only web users do not
have a bank account, in India this
is 57 percent of the mobile-only.
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One Web
Slide 57
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W3C Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0
One Web means making, as far as is
reasonable, the same information
and services available to users
irrespective of the device they
are using.
Slide 58
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W3C Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0
…while services may be most appropriately
experienced in one context or another, it is
considered best practice to provide as
reasonable experience as is possible given
device limitations and not to exclude access
from any particular class of device, except
where this is necessary because of device
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No content
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Mobiles have made it
economically feasible for a large
section of India to access the web…
Slide 62
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…and an even larger population
from the weaker socio-economic
section are waiting to get onboard
Slide 63
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India is just one of 117
developing nations…
Slide 64
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…and one of the ten newly
industrialised countries
Slide 65
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The Map Is Not The Territory
Ethan Marcotte
Build 2012 and An Event Apart, Chicago 2013
Slide 66
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Soon, if it hasn’t happened
already, people using the web
will be very different from us
Slide 67
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A compromised mobile web
experience will affect far more
number of people than a compromised
laptop / desktop experience…
Slide 68
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…and would go against the vision,
the mission, the values and the
guiding principles that make the web
Slide 69
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The Web is Agreement
Slide 70
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Accessibility is the
base experience
Slide 71
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Performance is an
uncompromisable feature
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The promise of the web — @dpup
…if the web didn’t exist, it would be
necessary to invent it.
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Dear technologists,
please make the right