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Ӝ໺ ݚʢ๺ւֶԂେֶʣ email: [email protected] ೔ӳɾӳޠڭҭֶձୈ18ճݚڀձ ˏ޿ౡେֶ 2017೥5݄27೔ ΰʔϧ͔ΒḪΔ γϥόεσβΠϯ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ݸʑͷ஌ࣝ΍ٕೳΛ਎ʹ͚ͭΔ͜ͱ ͦΕΛ౷߹ͯ͠࢖͑ΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ͜ͱ Ϊϟοϓ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ݸʑͷ஌ࣝ΍ٕೳͷशಘʢ࿅शʣΑΓ΋ ͱΓ͋͑ͣʮ΍ͬͯΈΔʯ͜ͱΛ௨ͯ͠ ౷߹తͳεΩϧΛ਎ʹ͚ͭΔֶश λεΫɾϕʔεͷֶश ʢtask-based learningʣ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… λεΫɾϕʔεͷֶश ʢtask-based learningʣ ҝ͢͜ͱʹΑֶͬͯͿʢlearning by doingʣ ೔ৗੜ׆ɾֶߍڭҭͰ΋Α͘ݟΒΕΔֶशɾࢦಋ๏

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… λεΫɾϕʔεͷֶश ʢtask-based learningʣ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ࠷ऴ౸ୡ໨ඪʢΰʔϧʣ͕ߴ౓Ͱ͋Ε͹… ݸʑͷ஌ࣝ΍ٕೳΛ਎ʹ͚ͭΔ͜ͱ ͦΕΛ஁্͑͛Δ͜ͱʹҙ͕ٛ͋Δ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ͜Ͳ΋ͷࣗసं࿅श vs ΦϦϯϐοΫΛ໨ࢦ͢৔߹

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… Իָͷतۀ vs ԻָՈΛ໨ࢦ͢৔߹

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λεΫɾϕʔεͷγϥόε 1. χʔζ෼ੳʹΑΔ໨ඪλεΫͷܾఆ 2. ໨ඪλεΫͷ෼ྨͱ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓͷܾఆ 3. ೉қ౓ʢෳࡶ͞ʣΛௐ੔ͨ͠ڭҭ༻λεΫͷ࡞੒ 4. ڭҭ༻λεΫͷ഑ྻ (Long, 2005, 2015)

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λεΫɾϕʔεͷγϥόε 1. χʔζ෼ੳʹΑΔ໨ඪλεΫͷܾఆ 2. ໨ඪλεΫͷ෼ྨͱ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓͷܾఆ 3. ೉қ౓ʢෳࡶ͞ʣΛௐ੔ͨ͠ڭҭ༻λεΫͷ࡞੒ 4. ڭҭ༻λεΫͷ഑ྻ (Long, 2005, 2015)

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໨ඪλεΫʢTarget Tasksʣ • ࣮ࡍʹֶशऀ͕ૺ۰͢ΔʢͰ͋Ζ͏ʣݴޠ࢖༻ͷ࣮ྫ • χʔζ෼ੳʹΑͬͯΈ͚ͭΔ • ͦͷ··Ͱ͸೉ֶ͗ͯ͢͠शऀ͸औΓ૊Ίͳ͍

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• ࣮ࡍͷ໨ඪλεΫΛந৅Խ͠෼ྨͨ͠΋ͷ ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓʢTarget Task Typesʣ

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ڭҭ༻λεΫʢPedagogic Tasksʣ • ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓʹج͍ͮͯɿ • ࡉ෼Խͨ͠αϒλεΫʹͨ͠΋ͷ • ෳࡶ͞Λௐ੔ͨ͠΋ͷ • εΩʔϚΛܗ੒͢ΔͨΊͷϓϨλεΫΛؚΉ • ਫ਼៛Խ౳ͰΠϯϓοτΛௐ੔ͨ͠΋ͷ

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λεΫͷ഑ྻʢTask Sequencingʣ • ෳ਺༻ҙͨ͠ڭҭ༻λεΫΛɺ୯७ͳ΋ͷ͔Βෳࡶ ͳ΋ͷ΁ͱ഑ྻ͢Δ

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ࣄྫ̍ɿ٬ࣨ৐຿һʢLong, 2015ʣ • ໨ඪλεΫʢͷҰ෦ʣɿ • ே৯ɺன৯ɺ༦৯ɺҿ෺ɺܰ৯ͷఏڙ… • ٹ໋಑ҥͷ֬ೝɺۓٸ༻ҩྍػثͷ֬ೝ… • ্ͷ୨ͷ҆શ֬ೝɺ଍ݩͷՙ෺ͷऩೲ֬ೝɺ৐٬ ͕ਖ਼͍͠࠲੮ʹ͍͍ͭͯΔ͔ͷ֬ೝ…

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• ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓɿ • ҿ৯෺ͷఏڙ • ҆શػثͷ֬ೝ • ཭཮४උ ࣄྫ̍ɿ٬ࣨ৐຿һʢLong, 2015ʣ

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ࣄྫ̍ɿ٬ࣨ৐຿һʢLong, 2015ʣ • ʮҿ৯෺ͷఏڙʯͷڭҭ༻λεΫɿ 1. ৐٬ͱͯ͠ମݧ͢ΔʢΠϯϓοτʣ 2. 2छͷྉཧͷ஫จΛͱΔ 3. 3छҎ্ͷྉཧͷ஫จΛͱΔ 4. Ұ෦ྉཧ͕඼੾Εͷঢ়ଶͰ஫จΛͱΔ . . . n. ׬શͳγϛϡϨʔγϣϯ

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ಛఆ໨తͷͨΊͷӳޠʢESPʣ • English for Specific Purposes • ಉ͡໨ඪΛֶ࣋ͬͨशऀΛର৅ʹͨ͠ӳޠڭҭ • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) • English for Occupational Purposes • English for Business Purposes • English for Medical Purposes • …

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ESP ΧϦΩϡϥϜ։ൃ (West, 1994) 1. ґڌ͢Δཧ࿦ͷબ୒ 2. χʔζ෼ੳ 3. ݴޠԽ 4. ίʔεσβΠϯ 5. ίʔε࡞੒ 6. ࣮ફ

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ධՁ ଌఆ ίʔε σβΠϯ ڭत ֶश (Dudley-Evans & St. John, 1998) χʔζ ෼ੳ ESP ΧϦΩϡϥϜ։ൃ

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In an era of shrinking resources, there are growing demands for accountability in public life, with education a particularly urgent case and foreign language education a prime example within it…. There is an urgent need for courses of all kinds to be relevant… to the needs of specific groups of learners and of society at large. (Long, 2005, p. 19) ESP ͱχʔζ෼ੳ

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χʔζ෼ੳͷ৘ใݯ • ֶशঢ়گ෼ੳɿLearning situation analysis (LSA) • ֶशऀͷҙݟɾཁ๬Λௐࠪ͢Δ • ໨ඪঢ়گ෼ੳɿTarget situation analysis (TSA) • ֶशऀ͕ݴޠ࢖༻Λߦ͏ʢ༧ఆͷʣ৔໘Λௐࠪ͢Δ • ݱঢ়෼ੳɿPresent situation analysis (PSA) • LSAɺTSA ͱൺֱͯ͠ݱঢ়Λ෼ੳ͢Δ

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໨ඪঢ়گ෼ੳʢTSAʣ • ࣮ࡍͷχʔζʹҰ൪͍ۙ • ৘ใݯɿ • ࣮ࡍʹͦͷ৔໘ͰӳޠΛ࢖͍ͬͯΔਓ • ͦͷྖҬͷઐ໳Ո • ؔ࿈จॻ • ໨ඪσΟείʔε

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໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳ 1. ໨ඪσΟείʔεͷಛఆ • “Where will the students use English?” 2. ໨ඪσΟείʔεͷऩू • “What do they actually do there?” 3. ऩूͨ͠໨ඪσΟείʔεͷ෼ੳ • “Are there any patterns?”

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• ࢢൢڭࡐͱ࣮ࡍͷσΟείʔεͱͷဃ཭ • Bartlett (2005) • ίʔώʔγϣοϓͰͷσΟείʔεΛऩू͠ɺ
 ࢢൢڭࡐͷσΟείʔεͱൺֱͨ͠ ໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳͷॏཁੑ

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Wait person Customer Are you ready to order? Yes. Could I have (choose an entreé)? What kind of potatoes would you like? Let me see. I’d like… And would you like peas or asparagus? May I have…? Would you like Italian or French dressing with your salad? Could I have…? What would you like for dessert? What do you have? … … ࢢൢڭࡐதͷσΟείʔεྫ (Bartlett, 2005, p. 331)

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1 S: Hi. Can I help you? 2 C: Can I get a grande latte with vanilla? 3 S: Did you want that blended or on the rocks? 4 C: Blended, I guess. 5 S: 2% or skimmed? 6 C: Uhm 2%. 7 S: 2% OK. Any whipped cream? 8 C: Sorry? 9 S: Did you want whipped cream on that? 10 C: Yes. 11 S: Anything else? 12 C: No, that’s it. Oh no. Can I get—are those scones? 13 S: Yeah, we have cranberry and blueberry. 14 C: I think I’ll have one of those (pointing). … ऩूͨ͠యܕతσΟείʔε (Bartlett, 2005, p. 338)

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As witnessed during the researcher’s own language teaching experience and supported by previous target discourse analyses, many current textbook materials ill- equip learners to handle real-life discourse. The present analysis attempts to show that although natural interactions are somewhat complex and reveal variability, there is a predictable overall nature. (Bartlett, 2005, p. 338) ໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳͷॏཁੑ

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͜͜·Ͱͷ·ͱΊ • λεΫɾϕʔεͷγϥόε࡞੒͸χʔζ෼ੳ͔Β • ESP ΧϦΩϡϥϜ։ൃʹ͸χʔζ෼ੳ͕ෆՄܽ • ໨ඪঢ়گ෼ੳɺಛʹ໨ඪσΟείʔεऩू͕ॏཁ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷ࢖͍ํ • Type 1: δϟϯϧ෼ੳΛߦ͍ɺ໨ඪσΟείʔεʹ
 ݟΒΕΔಛ௃Λԋ៷తʹࢦಋ͢Δʢྫ, ࣉ಺ଞ, 2010, pp. 11–12ʣ • Type 2: ֶशऀʹʢௐ੔͞Εͨʣ໨ඪσΟείʔεΛ ମݧͤ͞Δ͜ͱͰؼೲతʹֶशͤ͞Δʢྫ, TBLTʣ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷ࢖͍ํ • ݱࡏͷ ESP ݚڀɾ࣮ફͷଟ͘͸ Type 1 ͷࢦಋ๏Λ
 ࠾༻ʢಛʹ EAPɺͦͷதͰ΋ϥΠςΟϯάʹଟ͍ʣ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷԋ៷త࢖༻ • ໰୊఺̍ɿPPPతੵΈ্͛ܕͷशಘϞσϧʹґଘͯ͠ ͍ΔͨΊɺPPPܕࢦಋͷ໰୊఺͕౰ͯ͸·Δ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷԋ៷త࢖༻ • ໰୊఺̎ɿԋ៷తͳࢦಋʹ޲͍ͨঢ়گɾֶशऀͱ
 ޲͔ͳ͍ঢ়گɾֶशऀ͕ଘࡏ͢ΔՄೳੑ͕͋Δ • ஌ࣝͷ໌ࣔత࢖༻͕ߦ͍ʹ͍͘෼໺ʢྫ, Ϧεχϯ άɾεϐʔΩϯάʣ • ݴޠೳྗͷͦΕ΄Ͳߴ͘ͳֶ͍शऀ

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• ߤۭେֶߍʹ͓͚ΔESPγϥόεσβΠϯ • ໨ඪλεΫɿ༷ʑͳঢ়گԼͷߤۭແઢӳޠΛཧղ ͢Δ ࣄྫ̎ɿߤۭӳޠʢೄా, 2012ʣ

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ஈ֊ λεΫ ڭࡐ 1A ௨ৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքඈߦ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի 1B ௨ৗ࣌ͷܭثඈߦ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի 2A ௨ৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքඈߦ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի 2B ௨ৗ࣌ͷܭثඈߦ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի 3A ඇৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքɾܭثඈߦ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի 3B ඇৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքɾܭثඈߦ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի ࣄྫ̎ɿߤۭӳޠʢೄా, 2012ʣ

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ࣄྫ̎ɿߤۭӳޠʢೄా, 2012ʣ ෳࡶ͞ʢ೉қ౓ʣ ࢹք ঢ়گ ڭࡐ ߴ ܭثඈߦ ඇৗ࣌ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի ௿ ༗ࢹքඈߦ ௨ৗ࣌ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի

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• ϏδωεϝʔϧΛςʔϚʹͨ͠ESPΫϥε • ໨ඪλεΫɿ༷ʑͳঢ়گԼͰద੾ͳӳจϏδωε
 ϝʔϧΛॻ͘ • ࢢൢڭࡐͱΦϦδφϧͳλεΫͷ૊Έ߹Θͤ ࣄྫ̏ɿϏδωεӳޠʢӜ໺, ҹ࡮தʣ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεɾαϯϓϧ Dear XXXX San, Thank you for your quick response. Tomorrow is our holiday (Labor's Day), we will wire transfer the payment on May-02. Your Golden week is very famous, many Japanese arrange overseas or domestic trip during Golden week. But overseas trip people seem fewer this year because Japanese Yen goes weak recently. Please give us the best price you could offer of “YYYY for Professional” so that we could start our preparation works. Thank you. Wish You a Happy Golden Week !! ZZZZ

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ڭҭ༻λεΫ ͋ͳͨ͸͜Ε·ͰۈΊ͍ͯͨHokkai Trading IncΛ5݄͍ͬͺ͍Ͱୀ৬͠ɺ6݄͔ΒMiyada, Co. Ltdʹస৬͠ ·͢ɻ͜Ε·Ͱʹ΄΅ۀ຿ͷҾ͖ܧ͗͸ࡁ·ͤ·͕ͨ͠ɺऔҾઌͷ͏ͪ͋ͱҰࣾʹ͸·ͩHokkai Trading Λୀ৬͢Δ͜ͱΛ఻͍͑ͯ·ͤΜɻ ͦ͜ͰͦͷऔҾઌɺγϯΨϙʔϧʹ͋ΔOrchard Food Tradingͷ୲౰ऀMichael Yang͞ΜʹϝʔϧͰ࿈བྷ͠ ͍ͯͩ͘͞ɻHokkai Trading͸ಓ࢈ͷ೶࢈෺΍ւ࢈෺ΛओʹΞδΞʹ༌ग़͢ΔاۀͰɺOrchard Food Tradingͱ͸γϯΨϙʔϧͷ೔ຊ৯ϒʔϜʹ৐ͬͯΧχ΍ΧΩͱ͍ͬͨڕհྨΛऔΓҾ͖͖ͯ͠·ͨ͠ɻ Mr. YangʹૹΔϝʔϧʹ͸࠷௿Ͱ΋࣍ͷ৘ใΛؚΊͳ͚Ε͹ͳΓ·ͤΜɻ • ͋ͳ͕ͨ5݄͍ͬͺ͍Ͱୀ৬͢Δ͜ͱɻ • ࠓޙͷۀ຿͸ޙ೚ͷਫຊത೭ʢHiroyuki Mizumotoʣ͕୲౰͢Δ͜ͱʢਫຊ͸Mr. YangͱγϯΨϙʔϧ ͷ঎ஊձͰձͬͨ͜ͱ͕͋Δʣɻ • ͜Ε·ͰͷऔҾ಺༰౳ඞཁͳ৘ใ͸͢΂ͯޙ೚ʹҾ͖ܧ͍Ͱ͋Δ΋ͷͷɺԿ͔໰୊͕ى͜Ε͹6݄Ҏ ߱΋Ҿ͖ଓ͖͋ͳͨʹ࿈བྷΛऔͬͯ΋Βͬͯ΋ߏΘͳ͍͜ͱɻ ͦͷଞʹؚΊΔ΂͖߲໨ʹ͸ͲΜͳ΋ͷ͕͋Δ͔͸ࣗ෼Ͱߟ͍͑ͯͩ͘͞ɻ

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Subject: My career change Dear Mr. Yang, I am writing this e-mail to let you know that I will make a career move from Hokkai Trading Inc into Miyada, Co.Ltd. I will keep working at Hokkaido Trading Inc for the rest of May. From June, Hiroyuki Mizumoto will take my place. You have already met him at the exhibition in Singapore. He is very intelligent, so he must be your great partner. I would like to thank you for your corporation and understanding. The experience of dealing with seafood such as crabs and giant pacific oysters with you is one of the best my career. I hope we can work together again someday. If you have some problems and would like to ask me something, I would like you to keep in touch with me. Sincerely, Taro Hokkai, Sales Department Hokkai Trading Inc 4-1-40 Asahimachi, Toyohira-ku Sapporo 062-8605 Japan ֶੜͷॻ͍ͨϝʔϧʢະఴ࡟ʣ

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Summary ·ͱΊ • ESP ͱ TBLT ͷ྆ํͰχʔζ෼ੳ͕ෆՄܽ • ໨ඪঢ়گ෼ੳɺಛʹ໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳ͕ॏཁ • ໨ඪσΟείʔε͸ԋ៷తʹ΋ؼೲతʹ΋࢖͑Δ • ؼೲతʹ࢖͏ͷ͕ TBLT Ӝ໺ ݚ [email protected]

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• Bartlett, N. J. D. (2005). A double shot 2% mocha latte, please, with whip: Service encounters in two coffee shops and at a coffee cart. In M. H. Long (Ed.), Second language needs analysis (pp. 305–343). Cambridge University Press. • Dudley-Evans, T., & St John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for specific purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge University Press. • Long, M. H. (2005). Methodological issues in learner needs analysis. In M. H. Long (ed.), Second language needs analysis (pp. 19–76). Cambridge University Press. • Long, M. (2015). Second language acquisition and task-based language teaching. Chichester, UK: Wiley- Blackwell. • ೄాٛ௚. (2012). ESP ͷ؍఺͔Βͷߤۭӳޠڭҭ (1): ΧϦΩϡϥϜɾڭࡐ࡞੒ʹ͋ͨͬͯ. ʰߤۭେֶߍݚ ڀใࠂʱୈ65߸, 24–42. Retrieved from: • ࣉ಺Ұɾࢁ಺ͻ͞ࢠɾ໺ޱδϡσΟʔɾ࡫ౡໜ. (ฤ). (2010). ʰ21ੈلͷESP: ৽͍͠ESPཧ࿦ͷߏஙͱ࣮ ફʱ౦ژ: େमؗ. • Ӝ໺ݚ. (ҹ࡮த). େֶͰͷӳޠࢦಋͷߟ͑ํͱ޻෉. দଜণل. (ฤ). ʰλεΫɾϕʔεͷӳޠࢦಋʔTBLTͷ ཧղͱ࣮ફʱ౦ژ: େमؗ. • West, R. (1994). Needs analysis in language teaching. Language Teaching, 27, 1–19. Ҿ༻จݙ