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Gareth Rushgrove What’s inside that container? (redux)

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This talk What is this all about?

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- Some research - Some tools - Some live demos

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- Some research into container usage - Some tools for container analysis - Some live demos of said tools

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Setting the scene Some background

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Configuration management camp talk

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The New Stack coverage

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Caveat, this data is from February

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Let’s grab downloads from Hub $ curl -s ...repositories/library/ubuntu/ | jq .pull_count

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What about other popular official images? Node (32,523,647), Java (16,635,049), etc. Currently based on Debian too

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A quick non-scientific poll

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Data from GitHub and Google bigquery

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The majority of people using Docker are using images containing an entire operating system filesystem

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Scratch, or other approaches like Nix, appear to occupy a small niche

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Alpine usage is growing more rapidly than others, but starting from a much smaller install base

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Why does this matter?

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Images vary in size

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Count files on images $ find -maxdepth 1 -type d | while read -r dir; do printf "%s:\t" "$dir"; find "$dir" -type f | wc -l; done

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Count packages in images $ dpkg -l | grep ^ii | wc -l $ dnf list installed $ rpm -qa | wc -l $ apk info | wc -l

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Can you tell me all the versions of OpenSSL you have in production right now?

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You mentioned tools Anything that can help with these problems?

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Option 1: Rebuild everything

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Option 2: Something messier

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Skopeo from Red Hat

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Query registry data without downloading the image $ skopeo inspect docker://

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$ skopeo inspect docker:// { "Name": "", "Tag": "latest", "Digest": "sha256:cfd8f0466748f522406f7ae5908d002af1b1a1", "RepoTags": [ "20", "21", "22", "23", "heisenbug", "latest", "rawhide" ],

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But what about running containers? Or the contents of the image?

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Open source and on GitHub

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Get package and version information (and more) from Docker containers with: $ lumogon scan

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$ lumogon scan {"$schema":" ","generated":"2017-08-07 11:35:16.6517922 +0000 UTC","owner":"default","group":["default"],"client_version": {"BuildVersion":"development","BuildTime":"2017-05-11 08:24:20 UTC","BuildSHA":"a7f2943697f83ba74514a0169890ecf8ad1cfacb"}, "reportid":"c6a8731e-9681-4758-9151-9c2699769418","container s":{"8c8024760f3e4692e93c6f4f76dc56eaab879e56ace06f876afeccc 5c615ac28":{"$schema":" port/draft-01/schema#1","generated":"2017-08-07 11:35:16.1308581 +0000 UTC","container_report_id":"2e65f6e7-371d-4bae-9336-85b14b0b 19c0","container_id":"8c8024760f3e4692e93c6f4f76dc56eaab879e 56ace06f876afeccc5c615ac28","container_name":"/p

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- Packages (rpm, apk, dpkg) - Host info (eg. linux distro) - Labels and other metadata - Extensible with new capabilities

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How we have all the data, what can we do with it?

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List all the debian containers $ lumogon scan | jq -r '.containers[] | select( == "debian") | .container_name'

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$ lumogon scan | jq -r '.containers[] | .container_name + " " + .capabilities.dpkg.payload.bash + " " + .capabilities.rpm.payload.bash' /fixtures_debian-jessie_1 4.3-11+deb8u1 /fixtures_centos7_1 4.2.46-21.el7_3-x86_64 /fixtures_fedora_1 4.3.43-4.fc25-x86_64 /fixtures_debian-wheezy_1 4.2+dfsg-0.1+deb7u4 /fixtures_ubuntu-xenial_1 4.3-14ubuntu1.1 List versions of bash in all my containers

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A hack for finding packages with CVEs

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Query our list of package for known CVEs $ lumogon scan | findcve lumogon

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$ lumogon scan | findcve lumogon ==> Scanning /peaceful_goldberg apt has vulnerabilities Currently installed Latest version CVE-2011-3374 is unimportant bash has vulnerabilities Currently installed 4.3-11+deb8u1 Latest version 4.3-11+deb8u1 CVE-2016-9401 is low** TEMP-0841856-B18BAF is unimportant coreutils has vulnerabilities Currently installed 8.23-4 Latest version 8.23-4 CVE-2016-2781 is low** dpkg has vulnerabilities

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Manifesto from Aqua Security

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Store and query metadata about Docker images, stored alongside the image on Hub

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Save Lumogon data with manifesto $ ./ > /tmp/lumogon.json $ manifesto put lumogon /tmp/lumogon.json

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See what manifesto data is available for our image $ manifesto list puppet/puppet-agent Metadata types stored for image 'puppet/puppet-agent:latest': lumogon

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$ manifesto get puppet/puppet-agent lumogon | head -n 10 { "$schema": "", "generated": "2017-07-26 16:25:19.858671545 +0000 UTC", "owner": "default", "group": [ "default" ], "client_version": { "BuildVersion": "20170612091728-", "BuildTime": "2017-06-12 08:17:28 UTC",

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Blog post with more examples

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Live demo klaxon

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Summary If all you remember is...

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Container adoption needs to be a gentle slope, not a base jump with a parachute marked experimental

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The real world is messier than the cloud native ideal

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We need to consider the situation where we are running unknown artefacts

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Small, composable tools point us to higher-level, more comprehensive, solutions

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I heartily recommend finding out what’s inside your containers

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Any questions? And thanks for listening