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A  Glimpse  of Muhammadali Shaduli

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ü  PHP  Developer  since  2003. ü  Symfony  Developer  since  2008 ü  Open  source  Consultant ü  Trainer ü  Lead  Developer  at  Como  Group  Asia  Pacific  Pte.  Ltd. ü  A  loving  Husband  and  Father   About  Me

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What  is  Symfony  2  ?

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ü  Symfony2  is  a  PHP  Web  Development  framework. ü  Symfony2  is  a  reusable  set  of  standalone,  decoupled,  and   cohesive  PHP  components  that  solve  common  web   development  problems. ü  Then,  based  on  these  components,  Symfony2  is  also  a   full-­‐‑stack  web  framework.

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Really,  What  is  it  ?

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² Wri@en  for  PHP  5.3  . ² Anonymous  Functions  and  Closures ² Late  Static  Binding ² Standalone  Components ² Born  from  a  company  called  SensioLabs

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Does  not  reinvent  the   wheel

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² Doctrine ² PHPUnit ² SwiftMailer ² Twig

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The  Components

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²  BrowserKit   ²  ClassLoader   ²  Config   ²  Console   ²  CssSelector   ²  Debug           ²  DependencyInjection ²  DomCrawler   ²  EventDispatcher   ²  Filesystem   ²  Finder   ²  Form         ²  H@pFoundation   ²  H@pKernel   ²  Locale   ²  Intl   ²  Icu   ²  OptionsResolver   ²  Process   ²  PropertyAccess   ²  Routing   ²  Security   ²  Serializer   ²  Stopwatch   ²  Templating   ²  Translation   ²  Validator         ²  Yaml  

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What  is  Symfony  2   framework  ?

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Project  Structure

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Application  Flow

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² blog_show  can  be  anything ² pa@ern  –  uri  to  match ² defaults  –  controller  shortcut

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² Goal  is  to  always  return  HNpResponse  Object

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² Very  extensible

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Doctrine  (Models)

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How  do  we  use  it  ?

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Looking  up  entities

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Many  More… ² Services ² Dependency  Injection ² Console  Commands ² Security ² Forms ² Unit  Testing

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Training  Sessions ² Object  Oriented  PHP ² HTTP ² Symfony  2  Architecture ² Standardization ² Bundle  Best  Practices ² Controllers ² Routing ² Twig ² Forms ² Validation ² Dependency  Injection ² Security ² HTTP  Caching ² Command  Line  Interface ² Automated  Testing ² Error  Management  and  Debugging

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