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neverstop Developing Plugins for Android Studio AHMED ALI ANDROID ENGINEER SEP 2024 All code examples are hosted here GITHUB

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• Add a button to the context menu • Read the class code • Send to Gemini • Write docs What we are going to build!

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Let's discuss what we need to build it!

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Actions To register a button in the context menu Let's discuss what we need to build it!

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Actions To register a button in the context menu Let's discuss what we need to build it! PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body

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Actions To register a button in the context menu The platform way of handling Dependency Injection Let's discuss what we need to build it! PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body Services

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Actions To register a button in the context menu The platform way of handling Dependency Injection Let's discuss what we need to build it! PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body Services Running the API calls in the background and doing updates in the UI Threading Model

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Plugin Types:

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Plugin Types: Custom Framework Integration

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Plugin Types: Custom Framework Integration Custom Language Support

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Plugin Types: Custom Language Support Tool Integration Custom Framework Integration

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Plugin Types: Tool Integration Theme Changes Custom Language Support Custom Framework Integration

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Plugin Types: Theme Changes User interface add-ons Tool Integration Custom Language Support Custom Framework Integration

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Creating a Plugin Gradle Project

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• Install IntelliJ community • Install plugin DevKit • Use Latest versions Creating a Plugin Gradle Project

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Creating a Plugin Gradle Project

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Creating a Plugin Gradle Project • Familair Gradle structure • build.gradle.kts • • settings.gradle.kts

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Creating a Plugin Gradle Project • Familair Gradle structure • build.gradle.kts • • settings.gradle.kts • META-INF/plugin.xml?

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META-INF/plugin.xml • Very much like AndroidManifest.xml • Declare several components • Share componentes with other plugins

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Plugin config

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Actions To register a button in the context menu The platform way of handling Dependency Injection PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body Services Running the API calls in the background and doing updates in the UI Threading Model

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Actions • Actions are key to adding interactive components in the IDE. • Add items to the platform menus and toolbars • Example: File | Open File... menu item and the Open... toolbar button.

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How to create an action • Create a class that extends the AnAction class.

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How to create an action • Create a class that extends the AnAction class. • Use the ‘Register Action’ option in IntelliJ.

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How to create an action

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How to create an action • update() Function: • Manages visibility and enablement state. • De fi nes logic for when and where the action should be available. • Example: Only show the action when right- clicking on classes or functions.

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How to create an action • actionPerformed() Function: • Executes code when the action is triggered. • De fi nes what happens when the user clicks on the action.

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How to create an action • getActionUpdateThread() Function (introduced in 2023): • Speci fi es the thread for the action to run on • EDT or BGT

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Choosing the Right Thread • Use the Main thread for most actions involving UI updates. • Use BGT for actions interacting with PSI elements or the file system. • If UI updates are needed after a BGT operation, switch back to the Main thread.

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Actions To register a button in the context menu The platform way of handling Dependency Injection PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body Services Running the API calls in the background and doing updates in the UI Threading Model

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PSI • PSI is a key layer within the IntelliJ platform.

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PSI • PSI is a key layer within the IntelliJ platform. • Handles parsing files and creating syntactic and semantic code models(AST).

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PSI • PSI is a key layer within the IntelliJ platform. • Handles parsing files and creating syntactic and semantic code models. • Simplifies identifying code elements like functions, classes, etc.

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PSI • PSI Files • PSI Elements

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PSI Files • Root structure representing the content of a file. • Acts as the entry point for understanding the file’s structure. • PsiFile is the base class for all PSI files. • Example: PsiJavaFile for Java files, KtFile for Kotlin.

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PSI Elements • Building blocks representing parts of source code structure. • Includes everything from whitespace to classes and functions. • Provided by the IntelliJ platform for detailed code exploration.

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Notice something?

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Notice something? This is how you add support for custom language, by implementing your own suite of PsiElements and PsiFiles

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Actions To register a button in the context menu The platform way of handling Dependency Injection PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body Services Running the API calls in the background and doing updates in the UI Threading Model

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Services • Plugins DI • A service is a class that can be loaded on demand • Each service has only one instance, making it a singleton

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Service Level 01 Application Application Level Global Singlton • Works across the entire IDE’s lifecycle. • Covers the whole scope of the application. 02 Project Project spec fi c • Speci fi c to individual projects. • Each project has its own instance of the service.

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Service Type 01 Light Private • Private to your plugin • Simple to setup 02 Non-Light Exposed • Exposed to other plugins • Needs to be added to plugin.xml fi le

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Service Light services • Create a regular class and annotate it with @Service. • Include a Project parameter for project- level services, automatically injected by IntelliJ.

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Service non-light services • No need to use @Service • Needs to be registerd in plugin.xml

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Service retrieving • Application-Level Service: Use getService() method. • Project-Level Service: Use getService() within a project context. • For dependent services, Don’t use constructor injection.

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Actions To register a button in the context menu The platform way of handling Dependency Injection PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body Services Running the API calls in the background and doing updates in the UI Threading Model

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Threading Model

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Threading Model • Also known as the UI thread. • Handles UI events, such as button clicks and interface updates. • Used for writing data operations as well. Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)

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Threading Model • Also known as the UI thread. • Handles UI events, such as button clicks and interface updates. • Used for writing data operations as well. Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) Background Thread (BGT) • Handles long-running and costly operations. • Ideal for tasks like fi le processing, network calls, and intensive computations.

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Coroutines • Lightweight and easy-to-implement alternative to traditional threads. • Recommended by IntelliJ for plugin development starting in 2024. • Familiar to Android developers.

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Coroutines Dispatchers Scopes Read and Write Locks

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Dispatchers • Default, IO,Unconfined, EDT, and Main dispatchers. • Main and EDT are the same • Use EDT dispatcher for UI- related tasks, as recommended.

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Scopes • Multiple scopes available, including application and project scopes - Deprecated . • Service scopes are preferred for their efficiency and lifecycle management.

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Read and write locks • Crucial for managing read/write operations in asynchronous environments. • Writing Allowing Read Action (WARA): Prioritizes writes; read actions are canceled and retried. • Writing Blocking Read Action (WBRA): Prioritizes reads; write actions are blocked until reads complete.

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Actions To register a button in the context menu The platform way of handling Dependency Injection PSI To analyze di ff erent coding elements, and read the body Services Running the API calls in the background and doing updates in the UI Threading Model

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UI • Swing • Kotlin UI dsl • Compose?

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UI kotlin UI dsl • Declartive UI toolkit • Binding to a state • Used for panels and dialogs

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UI Compose • Not officially supported • You have to use Jewel • Check this talk

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How to learn more about plugin dev? Docs IntelliJ-community source code Slack community

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in fi neverstop Thank you!