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Elegant Concurrency

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Why Concurrency?

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No content

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Why Concurrency? Be a Good Machine Tamer! © Eduardo Woo

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As a Good Machine Tamer Why Concurrency? • Get the machine into full play! • The capacities: • CPU • IO • Disk • Network bandwidth • Network connections • etc.

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 Is Hard?

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∵ The Various Ways? Concurrency Is Hard? • threading • queue • multiprocessing • concurrent.futures • asyncio • thread • process • coroutine • gevent • lock • rlock • condition • semaphore • event • barrier • manager • … • ???

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With Today's Sharing Concurrency Is Hard? ★ queue ★ thread

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Plus Some Concurrency Is Hard? ★ queue ★ thread ★ process ★ coroutine ★ gevent

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❤ Python & open source Mosky • Python Charmer at Pinkoi. • Has spoken at • PyCons in TW, KR, JP, SG, HK • COSCUPs & TEDx, etc. • Countless hours 
 for teaching Python. • Has serval Python packages: • ZIPCodeTW, 
 MoSQL, Clime, etc. •

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Frontend & Backend
 Engineers We're looking for

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Outline • Why Concurrency? • Concurrency Is Hard? ★ Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) ★ Channel-Based Concurrency ★ Concurrent Units ★ CSP vs. X

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Communicating Sequential Processes

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Communicating Sequential Processes Is a Formal Language

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Communicating Sequential Processes • A formal language for describing concurrent systems. • The main ideas: • “Processes” and • Interact with each other solely through channels. • But why CSP?

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— Effective Go Do not communicate by 
 sharing memory; instead, 
 share memory by communicating. ” “

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— Effective Go Using channels to control access makes it easier to write 
 clear, correct programs. ” “

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— The Python Wiki Use locks and shared memory to shoot yourself in the foot 
 in parallel. ” “

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In Python Communicating Sequential Processes • “Processes” • → threads, processes, coroutines, etc. • → concurrent units • Interact with each other solely through channels. • → concurrent units' channels • → usually the queues

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Channel-Based Concurrency

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Channel-Based Concurrency • Not going to talk the exact CSP. • Just adapt the concepts. • → Use channel to communicate between concurrent units. • Will continue with the code:

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But The Traditional Way NOT Channel-Based Concurrency def consume(url_q): while True: url = url_q.get() content = requests.get(url).content print('Queried', url) # mark a task is done url_q.task_done()

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url_q = Queue() for url in urls: url_q.put(url) for _ in range(2): # the “daemon” is not the Unix's deamon # daemon threads are stopped at shutdown call_in_daemon_thread(consume, url_q) # block and unblock when all tasks are done url_q.join() # when main thread exits, Python shuts down

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But the Traditional Way NOT Channel-Based Concurrency • The queue is a thread-safe queue. • .task_done() • If 0, notify all by releasing the locks. • .join() • Block by a double acquired lock. • Daemon threads – are stopped abruptly at shutdown. • How do I know? The uncleared docs & the Python source code. • Let's make the it simpler.

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The Channel-Based Concurrency def consume(url_q): while True: url = url_q.get() if url is TO_RETURN: return content = requests.get(url).content print('Queried', url)

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url_q = Queue() for url in urls: url_q.put(url) for _ in range(N): url_q.put(TO_RETURN) for _ in range(N): call_in_thread(consume, url_q)

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Much easier!

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Layered Channel-Based Concurrency • Model more complex concurrent system. • Use 3 layers: • Atomic Utils • Each function must be concurrency-safe. • Channel Operators • Functions interacts with each other solely through channel. • Graph Initializer • A function initializes the whole graph.

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Concurrency-Safe? Layered Channel-Based Concurrency • Depends on the concurrent unit, e.g., thread-safe. • Tips for keeping atomic: • Access only its frame. • Use atomic operations – • Redesign with channels. • Use lock – the last option.

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The Crawler Layered Channel-Based Concurrency • A crawler crawls all the PyCon TW website's pages. • f1: url → text via channel • f2: text → url via channel • Plus a channel to break loop when end. • And run concurrently, of course!

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Atomic Utils Layered Channel-Based Concurrency # conform accessing only its frame def query_text(url): return requests.get(url).text def parse_out_href_gen(text): soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser') return (a_tag.get('href', '') for a_tag in soup.find_all('a')) def is_relative_href(url): return (not url.startswith('http') and not url.startswith('mailto:'))

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# conform using atomic operators url_visted_map = {} def is_visited_or_mark(url): visited = url_visted_map.get(url, False) if not visited: url_visted_map[url] = True return visited

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Channel Operators Layered Channel-Based Concurrency • Function put_text_q operates • url_q → text_q • run_q • Function put_url_q operates • text_q → url_q • run_q

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def put_text_q(url_q, text_q, run_q): while True: url = url_q.get() run_q.put(RUNNING) if url is TO_RETURN: url_q.put(TO_RETURN) # broadcast return text = query_text(url) text_q.put(text) run_q.get()

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def put_url_q(text_q, url_q, run_q): while True: text = text_q.get() run_q.put(RUNNING) if text is TO_RETURN: text_q.put(TO_RETURN) return href_gen = parse_out_href_gen(text) # continue to the next page

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for href in href_gen: if not is_relative_href(href): continue url = urljoin(PYCON_TW_ROOT_URL, href) if is_visited_or_mark(url): continue url_q.put(url) if run_q.qsize() == 1 and url_q.qsize() == 0: url_q.put(TO_RETURN) text_q.put(TO_RETURN) run_q.get()

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Graph Initializer Layered Channel-Based Concurrency url_q = Queue() text_q = Queue() run_q = Queue() init_url_q(url_q) for _ in range(8): call_in_thread(put_text_q, url_q, text_q, run_q) for _ in range(4): call_in_thread(put_url_q, text_q, url_q, run_q)

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The Output Layered Channel-Based Concurrency $ py3 2 1 # even 1 1 when debug Thread-1put_text_q:52 url_q.get() -> https://P/a Thread-1put_text_q:54 run_q.put(RUNNING) # query Thread-1put_text_q:65 run_q.get() # done ... Thread-3put_url_q:75 len(text_q.get()) -> 12314 Thread-3put_url_q:78 run_q.put(RUNNING) # parse Thread-3put_url_q:98 url_q: 14 # more url -> not the end Thread-3put_url_q:99 run_q: 1 Thread-3put_url_q:104 run_q.get() # done ... Thread-2put_text_q:49 url_q.get() -> https://P/b ... Thread-3put_url_q:98 url_q: 0 # no more url and Thread-3put_url_q:99 run_q: 1 # only 1 running -> end Thread-3put_url_q:103 url_q.put(TO_RETURN) # signal to return Thread-3put_url_q:104 text_q.put(TO_RETURN)

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Not so easy, but clear.

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The Crawler With Error Handling Layered Channel-Based Concurrency • A new function: get errors for further handling

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Concurrent Units

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The Standard Options • threading.thread • queue.Queue • multiprocessing.Process • multiprocessing.Queue • @asyncio.coroutine ≡ async def • asyncio.Queue • gevent.Greenlet • gevent.queue.Queue Concurrent Units Pro Tip: DO NOT mix them!

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threading multiprocessing asyncio gevent CPU ❌ ⭐ ❌ ❌ IO ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Run-Time Cost ⚡ ⚡ Note Easy! Note processes' memories are isolated. IMO, 
 the API is 
 too basic. The API is 
 rich and similar to threading.

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Scale Out • The channel can also be • RabbitMQ. • Redis. • Apache Kafka. • Scale out from a single machine with a similar design. Concurrent Units

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CSP vs. X

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CSP vs. X • X: • Lock • Parallel Map • Actor Model • Reactive Programming • MapReduce

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CSP vs. Lock • Channel is just lock plus message passing. • Locks and its variants cause complexity. • Channels provide a better abstraction to control the complexity. • Just like Python vs. C. • Design with channels first, and then transform to locks if need.

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CSP vs. Parallel Map • Level: Lock < CSP < Parallel Map • If you problem fits parallel map, just use, • e.g., concurrent.futures. • i.e., if you don't need to share memory, why communicate? • If can't fit perfectly, consider using CSP to model it.

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• Both are mathematical models. • Model CSP with Actor model? Yes. • Model Actor model with CSP? Yes. • The major differences are • Actor model emphasizes the “worker”. • CSP emphasizes the “channel”. CSP vs. Actor Model

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• When implement, using Actor model tends to • class. • private state. • CSP tends to • function • implies more functional, so simpler testing. • explicit channel • implies easier visualize, so simpler optimizing. • IMO, I prefer CSP.

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print('Testing query_text ... ', end='') text = query_text('') print(repr(text[:40])) print('Testing parse_out_href_gen ... ', end='') href_gen = parse_out_href_gen(text) print(repr(list(href_gen)[:3])) print('Testing is_relative_href ...') assert is_relative_href('2017/en-us') assert is_relative_href('/2017/en-us') assert not is_relative_href('') assert not is_relative_href('mailto:[email protected]') print('Testing is_visited_or_mark ...') assert not is_visited_or_mark('/') assert is_visited_or_mark('/')

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$ py3 ... Benchmarking query_text ... 0.7407s Benchmarking parse_out_href_gen ... 0.01298s # optimize by the ratio $ py3 40 1 ...

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• Both support multiple concurrent units. • CSP can build flexible data flow easier. • In reactive, the default one-way stream may limit you. • CSP can use concurrency easier ∵ old-school. • In reactive, have to understand its flat_map and/or schedulers. • Reactive has richer APIs, especially for UI events. CSP vs. Reactive Programming

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• CSP is more lightweight. • CSP is more flexible. • In MapReduce, • The algorithm must fit the MapReduce form, and • Even more fixed data flow than reactive. • MapReduce system is designed for PB-level data at the first. CSP vs. MapReduce

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At the End

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At the End • Channel-base concurrency from CSP consists of • Concurrent units. • Channels. • CSP helps to avoid the pitfalls, but not all of the pitfalls. • Logging and visualizing help debugging. • When your problem fits a higher-level model? Use it! • But always can model with CSP.

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Notes At the End • The crawler is for showing the flexibility of using channels. • Looks good, but not perfect, since the • url_q.get() • run_q.put(RUNNING) • must be synced. • The issue occurs on the high threads ratio. • Keep your graph simple!