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 Getting Started with JupyterHub, Binder, and JupyterLab Carol Willing, Project Jupyter Binder Team JupyterHub Team JupyterLab Team @WillingCarol Oct. 5, 2018

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Hi and Welcome Steering Council, Project Jupyter Core Developer, Project Jupyter Software Engineer, Cal Poly SLO Fellow, Python Software Foundation Core Developer, CPython Geek in Residence, Fab Lab San Diego Carol Willing @willingcarol

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1. Overview 1.1. Interactive Discussion and Hands On 1.2. Schedule: 3 hours (15 minute break) 2. Jupyter Notebooks 2.1. What is a notebook? 2.2. Where are we today? 3. JupyterLab - The Next Generation 3.1. Building blocks 3.2. State of JupyterLab 3.3. A Whirlwind Tour @WillingCarol Agenda

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4. JupyterHub 4.1. The Littlest JupyterHub 4.2. Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes 5. BinderHub and 6. Wrap up 6.1. Resources 6.2. Questions @WillingCarol Agenda

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 The Jupyter Notebook

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Learning and computational ideas Usability Reproducibility Collaboration Prediction Recommendation Classification

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 Jupyter Notebook • Interactive, browser-based computing environment • Exploratory data science, ML, visualization, analysis, stats • Reproducible document format: • Code • Narrative text (markdown) • Equations (LaTeX) • Images, visualizations • Over 50 programming languages • Everything open-source (BSD license) Interactive, Exploratory, Reproducible

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 Jupyter Notebook A Jupyter Notebook document with a visualization of measles data.

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 Project Jupyter: Where are we today?

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 Millions of Notebooks

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 Millions of Users

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 Enabling Reproducible Science

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 Live Code on Binder LIGO Binder

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 Enabling Open Data Journalism

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 Authoring Interactive Books O’Reilly Atlas authoring platform incorporating live code

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 Classic Jupyter: More Than Just Notebooks

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1. Overview 1.1. Interactive Discussion and Hands On 1.2. Schedule: 3 hours (15 minute break) 2. Jupyter Notebooks 2.1. What is a notebook? 2.2. Where are we today? 3. JupyterLab - The Next Generation 3.1. Building blocks 3.2. State of JupyterLab 3.3. A Whirlwind Tour @WillingCarol Agenda

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 Introducing JupyterLab

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 JupyterLab: The Evolution of the Jupyter Notebook The JupyterLab Team Chris Colbert, Jupyter Steven Silvester, Quansight Afshin Darian, Jupyter Ian Rose, Berkeley Jason Grout, Bloomberg Brian Granger, Cal Poly Jessica Forde, Jupyter Grant Nestor, Cal Poly Cameron Oelsen, Cal Poly Fernando Perez, LBNL/Berkeley Cal Poly Interns The Larger Jupyter Team @jupyterlab on GitHub @ProjectJupyter on Twitter

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 JupyterLab: Integrated Experience

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 Building Blocks for Interactive Computing

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 Kernels Output Text Editor Terminal File Browser Notebooks Building Blocks

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 JupyterLab • Work with the building blocks in a flexible and integrated manner • Modern JavaScript development: npm-based packaging, Typescript, phosphor.js • Clean model/view separation • Well separated public/private APIs • Fully extensible by third parties • High performance • Design! Building Blocks

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 January 2018 • •~2.5 years worth of development •~100 contributors, ~60 components •~1,800 releases (npm+python) •Over 11,000 commits, ~classic notebook •Currently Beta JupyterLab Today

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 Roadmap • Beta releases, January 2018 • For all users • For adventurous extension developers • 1.0 this year • For all users, extension developers • Eventually: • Classic notebook will be retired JupyterLab Beta: Use It Today conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab or pip install jupyterlab

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A Whirlwind Tour of JupyterLab

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New implementation of the notebook

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Collapsible cells and draggable cells

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Collaboration between tools A log in the console of commands executed Explore data in console without messing up your notebook

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Editors Many different editors; preview markdown

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Editor connected to a console Connect to console and Shift-Enter to run code snippet

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Single document mode Shift-Command-Enter to enter single document mode. Similar to classic notebook.

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Extensible “In one night and a couple of dozen lines of code we wrote a Fasta viewer.”

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Becomes a notebook extension With the same code, the Fasta viewer becomes an extension usable in the notebook.

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Datasets, grids, and scale 1.2M rows 200Mb csv file. Excel can’t open. A few seconds to load and then “smooth as butter” when scrolling. Rumor has it that Chris Colbert has a trillion row by column demo too.

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Live Demo @WillingCarol (Why? Because it's cool how responsive JupyterLab is.)

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•Drag-and-drop cells in and between notebooks •Run code blocks interactively from text files (.py, .R, .md, .tex, etc.) •Link a code console to a notebook kernel to explore code interactively without cluttering up the notebook with temporary scratch work •Edit popular file formats with live preview, such as Markdown, JSON, CSV, Vega, VegaLite, and more @twitter handle New Functionality

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SciPy Tutorial 2018 Talk: JupyterLab - The Next Generation JupyterLab Documentation Gallery of Interesting Notebooks @WillingCarol Resources • JupyterLab • Jupyter Widgets • JupyterCon

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4. JupyterHub 4.1. The Littlest JupyterHub 4.2. Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes 5. BinderHub and 6. Wrap up 6.1. Resources 6.2. Questions @WillingCarol Agenda

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JupyterHub Computational Thinking for Groups @WillingCarol

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@WillingCarol Kubernetes

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@WillingCarol JupyterHub: Deploy with Kubernetes

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Solving problems using machine learning Usability Reproducibility Collaboration

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The Littlest JupyterHub @twitter handle

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Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes @twitter handle

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4. JupyterHub 4.1. The Littlest JupyterHub 4.2. Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes 5. BinderHub and 6. Wrap up 6.1. Resources 6.2. Questions @WillingCarol Agenda

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Binder interactive-research-environment

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Build your own BinderHub

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4. JupyterHub 4.1. The Littlest JupyterHub 4.2. Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes 5. BinderHub and 6. Wrap up 6.1. Resources 6.2. Questions 6.3. Thank you and appreciation @WillingCarol Agenda

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Get Involved @twitter handle Gitter Chat Mailing list!forum/jupyter!forum/binderhub Deploy your own JupyterHub Deploy your own BinderHub

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Thank You @twitter_handle

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• Project Jupyter team and community • JupyterLab team • JupyterHub and Binder teams Attributions and recognition

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Questions? @twitter_handle