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Shell Scripting Lessons from a year administering remote machines

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Basic Concepts

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Shell Anatomy 101 • time php test.php 2>&1 | grep $NEEDLE > results.txt Shell Builtin Executables Arguments Redirection Pipe Environment Variable output

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Process Pipes, a review Process stdin stdout stderr 2 1

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2>&1 Process stdin stdout stderr 2 1

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Shell Anatomy 101 • time php test.php 2>&1 | grep $NEEDLE > results.txt Shell Builtin Executables Arguments Redirection Pipe Environment Variable output

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Tools to Know About

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man • read the manual page for a given command • $ man grep

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cat • Puts the contents of a file onto stdout • $ cat “hello.txt”
 Hello, world

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head/tail • Puts the beginning or end of a file on stdout • great for dealing with logs, especially with -f • $ tail -f /var/log/system.log
 Hello, world

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ps • list information about processes • $ ps axu | grep grep
 bnicholas 4521 0.0 0.0 2453264 692 s000 S+ 10:26PM 0:00.00 grep grep

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kill/killall • send a signal to processes by pid or name • $ kill -SIGUSR1 2048 • $ killall perl

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sort • Takes lines from stdin and sorts them on stdout • $ cat file.txt | sort • $ cat numbers.txt | sort -n

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uniq • Removes duplicate lines from stdin to stdout • $ cat file.txt | sort | uniq • $ cat ~/history | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

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grep • Search for a regular expression • can be used on stdin or files • $ cat /var/log/product.log | grep -i “error”

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tr • “trim” text, replacing characters with others • $ cat sentence.txt | tr ‘ ‘ ‘\n’

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sed • stream editor: a mini text editor • Similar to vim find+replace syntax, but so much more too • $ echo “hello world!” | sed -e “s/ w.*d/bn.u/“
 hello bn.u!

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find • A file finder with extra • $ find . -name “*.orig” -print - delete • $ find . -type f —mtime -1 -print

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awk • a small programming language for dealing with columns • ps aux | grep grep | awk ‘{print $2}’

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Control Flow

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conditionals • if [ $VAR = “foo” ]
 echo “bar”
 echo “baz”

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Better conditionals • Use && and || when possible • cat a.txt | grep “hello” && echo “world”

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For loops • for FILE in `ls`
 cat $FILE

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SSH The magic glue that holds things together

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Key-based auth • More secure and convenient than passwords • ssh-copy-id @ • Last time you’ll need to type a password • Also applies to git, scp, sftp, and others

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~/.ssh/config • Set up usernames across computers • Keep connections alive longer • Set up tunnels

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Great Tricks/Tools

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Some example problems