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Slide 3 text
#2023ReSAKSS #2023ATOR
§ Food system (FS) is a network of actors or players and their activities along the
entire food value chain from inputs to production, processing, distribution, and
§ Food systems in Africa are currently facing myriad of challenges;
§ ⇧ Food insecure people; ⇧ levels of undernourishment; -ve impacts of climate change,
vulnerability to external shocks, conflicts etc
§ Continent is not on track to achieve CAADP targets and goals
§ Recent FS discourse has gone through three important phases:
ØPrior to the UNFSS of 2021, several countries undertook country-level dialogues, stakeholder
engagements at regional, continental, and global levels conducted
ØAt the UNFSS itself, countries made commitments to undertake food system transformation
ØAfter the UNFSS, the UN’s priority action is development & implementation of food system
transformation pathways (2030) & robust mechanisms for tracking progress in FS