Slide 1

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Getting Started With MRTK for Beginner

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#AR_Fukuoka Hashtag

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Goal Learn about object manipulation as the basic usage of MRTK

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Sample Data

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Downloading MRTK (1/3) releases

Slide 6

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Downloading MRTK (2/3) Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit v2.4.0 is used for this tutorial 少し下にスクロール

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Downloading MRTK (3/3) Download Foundation.2.4.0.unitypackage Foundation.2.4.0.unitypackage

Slide 8

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Creating Project (1/6) Launch UnityHub and click Project Project

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Creating Project (2/6) Click ▽ aligned on the right side of NEW button. ▽

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Creating Project (3/6) Select 2018.4.xxf1 (2018.4.23f1 is selected in this deck) 2018.4.xxf1

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Creating Project (4/6) ①3D ②Set the project name (ex.ARFukuoka_MRTK) ③Select the directory to save the project

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Creating Project (5/6) Create

Slide 13

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Creating Project (6/6) Unity Editor will appear

Slide 14

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Installation of MRTK (1/3) Double click the unitypackage. Click Import button of Import Unity Package dialog. Microsoft.MixedReality. Toolkit.Unity.Foundation .2.4.0.unitypackage Import

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Installation of MRTK (2/3) Apply Click Apply button to switch the setting to xR.

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Installation of MRTK (3/3) Close Close MRTK Project Configurator dialog.

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Adding 3D Object into the Space (1/3) Right click blank of Hierarchy

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Adding 3D Object into the Space (2/3) ①3D Object ②Cube

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Adding 3D Object into the Space (3/3) Cube should appear

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Run View from camera will be shown. Click to play Click it again to stop preview

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Modification of Objectʼs Transform Click Cube

Slide 22

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Modification of Objectʼs Transform Move Rotate Scale

Slide 23

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Inputting Values to Transform Object Click Cube

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Inputting Values to Transform Object p Properties of each object can be added/edited in Inspector p Position/Rotation/Scale are editable in Transform. Inspector

Slide 25

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Inputting Values to Transform Object Set as following Positionを 0 0 1 Rotation 0 0 0 Scale 0.3 0.3 0.3 p Properties of each object can be added/edited in Inspector p Position/Rotation/Scale are editable in Transform.

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Controlling Viewpoint of Scene Letʼs set the object at the center of scene tab

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Controlling Viewpoint of Scene Double Click Cube

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Controlling Viewpoint of Scene Object can be shown on the center of Scene tab.

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Controlling Viewpoint of Scene [←] [→]: Move to Left/RIght [↑][↓]: Zoom In/Out [Alt]+Drag: Rotation +Drag: Move to ←→↑↓

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Next Step Not only Transform but also appearance and behavior and properties can be edited in Inspector

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Changing Color of Cube (1/4) ① Cube ② See Mesh Renderer ③ Open Materials

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Changing Color of Cube (2/4) Element0

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Changing Color of Cube (3/4) Appearance information is described in Material file

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Changing Color of Cube (4/4) Detail of Material is shown at the bottom of Inspector. But Default-Material is not editable.

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Itʼs necessary to create Material file to edit appearance of a object.

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Creating Material (1/3) Create Material to describe color of Cube. ①Assets ②Right Click

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Creating Material (2/3) Create Material to describe color of Cube. ①Create ②Material

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Creating Material (3/3) New Material should appear Create Material to describe color of Cube.

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Application of Material (1/2) Open Materials of Cube in Inspector ② See Default-Material ①Cube

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Application of Material (2/2) Replace Default-Material with New Material. Drag & Drop into Default-Material

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Editing Color of Cube (1/3) ①Cube ②Material should be New Material

Slide 42

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Editing Color of Cube (2/3) Open NewMaterial Click □ next to Albedo

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Editing Color of Cube (3/3) Color should be changed

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How to Save this Scene (1/4) File

Slide 45

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How to Save this Scene (2/4) SaveAs...

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How to Save this Scene (3/4) ①Name as Sample1 ②Save

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How to Save this Scene (4/4) Sample1 should be appear in Assets

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You can override the scene with current info by Ctrl / Command + S

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Letʼs use MRTK from now!

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What Youʼll Do at First? Prepare moving around and using hand in UnityEditor

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Using Camera of MRTK (1/3) MixedRealityToolkit

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Using Camera of MRTK (2/3) Add to Scene and Configure...

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Using Camera of MRTK (3/3) MixedRealityToolKit and MixedRealityPlayspace should appear

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Play (1/4) Click Play

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Play (2/4) [A][D] :Move to Left and Right [W][S] :Zoom In/Out [Q][E] :Move to Up and Down RightClick + Drag :Rotation

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Play (3/4) [Shift] :Show left hand [Space] :Show right hand While hand is appearing+ [Click] :Pinch [Scroll] :Forward/Back

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Play (4/4) Stop before going to next step

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Letʼs manipulate Cube

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Making Cube Manipulatable (1/3) ①Cube ②Add Component

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Making Cube Manipulatable (2/3) Search [manipulation] Select ManipulationHandler

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Making Cube Manipulatable (3/3) ①Cube ②ManipulationHandler should be added

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Enable Near Interaction ①Cube ②Add Component

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Enable Near Interaction ①Search [Near] ②NearInteractionGrabbable

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Enable Near Interaction ①Cube ②NearInteractionGrabbable should be added

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Play (1/4) Click Play

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One Hand Manipulation

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Play (2/4) Shift or Space

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Play (3/4) Put the cursor on Cube

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Play (4/4) Drag and move Cube

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Two Hand Manipulation

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Play (1/5) Show left hand by pushing Shift

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Play (2/5) ①Click after putting cursor on Cube ② Hit [T] to fix left hand

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Play (3/5) Show right hand by pushing Space

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Play (4/5) Drag and move

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Play (5/5) You can Rotate/Scale Cube

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Letʼs Add Another Object

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Adding Obj File(1/7) Assets

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Adding Obj File (2/7) Sample Folder → Model

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Adding Obj File (3/7) Drag & Drop Model into Assets

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Adding Obj File (4/7) Model

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Adding Obj File (5/7) model.obj

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Adding Obj File (6/7) Drag & Drop model.obj into Hierarchy

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Adding Obj File (7/7) ①model Set chair as following nbv Position 0.5 -0.3 1 Rotation 0 180 0

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In order to enable chair to detect contact with hand, Collider should be added to model.obj

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Adding Collider (1/5) ①model ②Add Component

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Adding Collider (2/5) ①Search box ②BoxCollider

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Adding Collider (3/5) Bounding box will appear

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Adding Collider (4/5) ①model ②Edit Collider

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Adding Collider (5/5) Adjust position of each face by moving■

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Make Chair Manipulatable (1/5) ①model ②Add Component

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Make Chair Manipulatable (2/5) ① Searchmanipulation ②ManipulationHandler

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Make Chair Manipulatable (3/5) ①model ②Add Component

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Make Chair Manipulatable (4/5) ①Search near ②NearInteractionGrabbable

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Make Chair Manipulatable (5/5) ①model ②NearInteractionGrabbable should be appear

Slide 95

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Restrict the Direction of the Chair ①model ②Set One Hand Rotation Mode Near/Far to Gravity Aligned Maintain Rotation to User

Slide 96

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Allow Only Rotation for 2 Hand Operation ①model ②Set Rotate for Two Hand Manipulation Type ③ Set Y Axis Only for Constraint On Rotation

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Play Put cursor on chair Drag to move Rotate with to hands

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Play Stop

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Remove Performance Viewer Can be deleted

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Remove Performance Viewer ①MixedRealityToolKit ②Copy & Customize

Slide 101

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Remove Performance Viewer ①Change Profile Name to Sample1 MixedRealityToolkit... ②Clone

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Remove Performance Viewer ①Diagnostics ②Turn Enable Diagnostics System into Off

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Play Stop

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Running On AR Devices

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Running On AR Devices

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Build Setting for HoloLens2 File

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Build Setting for HoloLens2 Build Setting

Slide 109

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Build Setting for HoloLens2 ①Universal Windows Platform ②Switch Platform

Slide 110

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Build Setting for HoloLens2 Apply

Slide 111

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Build Setting for HoloLens2 Player Settings...

Slide 112

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Build Setting for HoloLens2 ①XR Settings ②Select 16-bit depth ad Depth Format

Slide 113

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Build for HoloLens2 Build

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Build for HoloLens2 New Folder

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Build for HoloLens2 Rename new folder to build

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Build for HoloLens2 ①build ②Select Folder

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Wait for a moment...

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Build for HoloLens2 Open build

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Build for HoloLens2 Open solution (*.sln) with VisualStudio2019

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Build for HoloLens2 Release ARM

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Build for HoloLens2 ▼

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Build for HoloLens2 Device

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Connect HoloLens2 and PC by using USB cable

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Build for HoloLens2 ① Debug ②Start without debug

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No content

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Running On AR Devices

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Running On AR Devices

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Instalation of ARFoundation Window

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Instalation of ARFoundation Package Manager

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Instalation of ARFoundation ①AR Foundation ②Open version list

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Instalation of ARFoundation ①All Version ②1.5.0-preview.6

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Instalation of ARFoundation Install

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Setting procedure for iOS is from next page.

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Installation of ARKit (for iOS) ①ARKit XR Plugin ②2.1.2

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Installation of ARKit (for iOS) Install

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Setting procedure for Android is from next page.

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Installation of ARCore (for Android) ①ARCore XR Plugin ②2.1.2

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Installation of ARCore (for Android) Install

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Setting procedure for both ARCore/ARKi is from here.

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Build Setting for ARFoundation ①MixedRealityToolkit ②DefaultHoloLens2Configuration

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Build Setting for ARFoundation Copy & Customize

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Build Setting for ARFoundation ①Set ProfileName as Mobile MixedRealityToolkit... ②Clone

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Build Setting for ARFoundation ①Camera ②Clone

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Build Setting for ARFoundation ①Set ProfileName as Mobile MixedRealityCameraProfile ②Clone

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Build Setting for ARFoundation Camera Setting Providers

Slide 146

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Build Setting for ARFoundation -

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Build Setting for ARFoundation AddCameraSettingsProvider

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Build Setting for ARFoundation Newdataprovider 0

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Build Setting for ARFoundation Open Taypeを開く

Slide 150

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Build Setting for ARFoundation ①MicrosoftMixedReality.Toolkit.Experimental.UnityAR ②UnityARCameraSetting

Slide 151

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Remofe Performance Viewer Diagnostics

Slide 152

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Remofe Performance Viewer Turn Off Enable Diagnostics System

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Build for ARFoundation File

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Build for ARFoundation Build Settings...

Slide 155

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Build for ARKit(iOS) ①iOS ②Switch Platform

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Build for ARCore(Android) ①Android ②Switch Platform

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Build for ARFoundation Apply

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Build for ARFoundation Player Settings...

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Setting procedure for iOS is from next page.

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Build for ARKit(iOS) Other Settings

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Build for ARKit(iOS) Set Bundle Identifier ex) com.Yoshinaga.ARFukuoka

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Build for ARKit(iOS) Strip Engine CodeをOff

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Setting procedure for Android is from next page.

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Build for ARCore(Android) Set Package Name ex)com.yourname.arfukuoka

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Build and Run for ARCore/ARKit

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Ctrl / Command + S Save

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Letʼs Use Spatial Awareness Next Step is...

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Use room mesh model

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Duplicate Current Scene File

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Duplicate Current Scene Save As...

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Duplicate Current Scene Save As...

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Import of Spatial Mesh Model Assets

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Import of Spatial Mesh Model Import New Asset

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Import of Spatial Mesh Model ①room.obj ②import

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Import of Spatial Mesh Model room should appear

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Import of Spatial Mesh Model MixedRealityToolkit Clone

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Import of Spatial Mesh Model ①Set ProfileName as Sample2 MixedRealityToolkit... ②Clone

Slide 179

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model ①MixedRealityToolkit ②Spatial Awareness

Slide 180

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model Clone

Slide 181

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model ①Set ProfileName as Sample2MixedRealityCameraProfile ②Clone

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model Windows Mixed Reality Spatial Mesh Observer

Slide 183

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model Typeを開く

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model ①Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.SpatialObjectMeshObserver ②SpatialObjectMeshObserver

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model Clone

Slide 186

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model ①Set ProfileName as Sample2SpatialObjectMeshObserver... ②Clone

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model See Spatial Mesh Object

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model See room (Do NOT click)

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model Drag&Drop into ExampleSpatialMesh

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Visualization of Spatial Mesh Model Replaced to room

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Replace Material of Spatial Mesh Click ○ aligned on the right of MRTK_ Wireframe

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Replace Material of Spatial Mesh Defaultで検索 Defaultを選択 ※他のMtaterialでもOK

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Replace Material of Spatial Mesh Example Spatial Mesh Default Material

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Using Gravity ①model ②Add Component

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Using Gravity ①Search rigid ②Rigidbody

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Using Gravity ①model ②Rigidbody ③Turn ON Use Gravity

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Depending on the development environment, the chair may fall off before the mesh appears on the scene. Keep the chair in the air at first and allow it to fall when you let go of your hand.

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Turn Off Gravity ①model ② See Rigidbody

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Turn Off Gravity ①Use GravityをOff ②Is KinematicをOn Note︓ Turn Is Kinematic On to prevent physical interference. Prevents the chair from hitting the mesh and flying away when the app is launched.

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Turn On Gravity After Manipulation model The ManipulationHandler has OnManipulation Started/Ended, which makes it easy to get the operation started and finished.

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Turn On Gravity After Manipulation ①model ②Add Component

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Turn On Gravity After Manipulation ①Clear Search Area ③Set Script Name ex)PhysicsScript ②New script ④Create and Add

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Letʼs Write Script ①model ②Physics Script should appear.

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Letʼs Write Script ①model ②Open Physics Script

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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PhysicsScript : MonoBehaviour { // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } } Editing Script

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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PhysicsScript : MonoBehaviour { Delete Start and Update function } Editing Script

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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PhysicsScript : MonoBehaviour { //SetGravityにtrue/falseを渡すことで重⼒および物理⼲渉のOn/Offを切り替える public void SetGravity(bool flag) { //重⼒のOn/Offを設定 gameObject.GetComponent().useGravity = flag; //物理的な⼲渉のOn/Offを設定 gameObject.GetComponent().isKinematic = !flag; } } Function to Switch On/Off Physics

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Turn On Gravity when Manipulation is Ended ①model ②On Manipulation Ended ③Click +

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Turn On Gravity when Manipulation is Ended ①model Drag & Drop into area of shown as None

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Turn On Gravity when Manipulation is Ended ①model ②Click No Function

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Turn On Gravity when Manipulation is Ended ②SetGravity(bool) ①PhysicsScript

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Turn On Gravity when Manipulation is Ended ①model ③Turn On ②See Manipulation Ended

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Setting Hand Gesture ①model

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Setting Hand Gesture ①SetManipulation Type as One Handed Only ②Set Constraint on Rotation as None

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The object (chair) will rebound and roll when spatial meshes are refreshed on the actual HoloLens. Turn off gravity as soon as collision with spatial mesh

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using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class HandScript : MonoBehaviour { //SetGravityにtrue/falseを渡すことで重⼒および物理⼲渉のOn/Offを切り替える public void SetGravity(bool flag) { gameObject.GetComponent().useGravity = flag; gameObject.GetComponent().isKinematic = !flag; } //Called when collision is occured private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { SetGravity(false); } }

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Delete Unused Object Remove Cube

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Delete Unused Object

Slide 220

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Play on Unity Editor

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Letʼs build and deploy this application into xR device.

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Run On Each Device

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Run On Each Device

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Setting for HoloLens2 ① model ② Spatial Awareness

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Setting for HoloLens2 See Windows Mixed Reality Spatial Mesh Observer

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Setting for HoloLens2 Open dropdown menu aligned on right of Type

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Setting for HoloLens2 ①MicrosoftMixedReality.Toolkit.WindowsMixedReality.SpatialAwareness ②MicrosoftMixedReality.Spatial.MeshObserver

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Build -> Deploy -> Run Installation

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No content

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Run On Each Device

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p HoloLens2 p ARFoundation(ARKit/ARCore) Run On Each Device

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Setting for AR Foundation ①MixedRealityToolkit ②See Mixed Reality Toolkit

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Setting for AR Foundation MobileMixedRealityToolkitConfiguration (The setting made in the first half of tutorial)

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Letʼs use plane detection instead of spatial awareness.

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Using Plane Detection ①MixedRealityPlayspace ②Add Component

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Using Plane Detection ①SearchAR Plane ②AR Plane Manager

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Using Plane Detection ①MixedRealityPlayspace AR Session Origin & AR Plane Manager should be added

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Using Plane Detection Right click on the blank of Hierarchy

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Using Plane Detection ①XR ②AR Default Plane

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Using Plane Detection ①See AR Default Plane ②Assets

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Using Plane Detection Drag&Drop AR Default Plane into Assets

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Using Plane Detection Delete AR Default Plane

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Using Plane Detection ①MixedRealityPlayspace ②See Plane Prefab

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Using Plane Detection ①SeeAR Default Plane (※ Do NOT click) ②Drag & Drop into None aligned right of Plane Prefab

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Using Plane Detection Plane Prefab should be AR Default Plane

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Build -> Deploy -> Run Installation

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No content

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