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Android Media Hacks @KeithYokoma - Drivemode, Inc. potatotips #18

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@KeithYokoma Keishin Yokomaku at Drivemode, Inc. as Android Engineer Experience 1.SNS client and photo book application for Android 2.Driver’s application for Android Publications 1.Android Training 2.Mixi official smartphone application development guide Like Motorsport, Bicycle, Photography, Tumblr

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Media Playback Control Put media playback controller on… • Notification • AppWidgets • Android Auto App • Lock Screen(KeyGuard)

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Media Playback Control Different implementations for each API level • RemoteController (from KitKat) • RemoteControlClient(from ICS) These system are based on PendingIntent From Lollipop… • MediaSession and MediaController

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MediaController Standardized media playback control API from Lollipop System will use this API in… • Notification.MediaStyle • Android Auto App

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How it works on Notification Media Application MediaSession System Notification MediaController Token Transport Control

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How it works on Android Auto Media Application MediaSession Android Auto MediaController Token & Media Contents Bind MediaBrowserService MediaBrowser Token Token Transport Control

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Watching Notification…

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NotificationListenerService Event receiver for status bar notification available from JB-MR2 We can access following data in the notification… • Title • Message • ContentView • HeadsUpContentView • Extras

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NotificationListenerService Event receiver for status bar notification available from JB-MR2 We can access following data in the notification… • Title • Message • ContentView • HeadsUpContentView • Extras

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–Me “Yes, you can steal a media session token without invading private APIs”

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–Me “And you can set the token to your own MediaController”

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–Someone “This is more like session hijacking”

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Take control of music playback public class MusicNotificationWatcher extends NotificationListenerService { private Bus eventBus; @Override public void onNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) { MediaSession.Token token = sbn.getNotification().extras.getParcelable(Notification.EXTRA_MEDIA_SESSION); NewMusicNotification(token)); } } public class MyActivity extends Activity { private MediaController controller; @Subscribe public void onNewMusicNotificationAdded(NewMusicNotification event) { controller = new MediaController(this, event.getToken()) } }

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Take control of music playback public class MusicNotificationWatcher extends NotificationListenerService { private Bus eventBus; @Override public void onNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) { MediaSession.Token token = sbn.getNotification().extras.getParcelable(Notification.EXTRA_MEDIA_SESSION); NewMusicNotification(token)); } } public class MyActivity extends Activity { private MediaController controller; @Subscribe public void onNewMusicNotificationAdded(NewMusicNotification event) { controller = new MediaController(this, event.getToken()) } }

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Take control of music playback public class MusicNotificationWatcher extends NotificationListenerService { private Bus eventBus; @Override public void onNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) { MediaSession.Token token = sbn.getNotification().extras.getParcelable(Notification.EXTRA_MEDIA_SESSION); NewMusicNotification(token)); } } public class MyActivity extends Activity { private MediaController controller; @Subscribe public void onNewMusicNotificationAdded(NewMusicNotification event) { controller = new MediaController(this, event.getToken()) } }

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No content

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It only works for Google Play Music

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Conclusion • Do not put PRIVATE things on your notification • Crackers are watching you • Consider using MediaSession and MediaController • For better interaction with Auto, Notification and
 your partners’ applications

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Conclusion • For a OS compatibility reason, you can use RemoteControlClient and AudioManager • Still you need some dirty hacks… • For an application compatibility reason, you should use RemoteController • Even though it is deprecated now, it works on Lollipop

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Android Media Hacks @KeithYokoma - Drivemode, Inc. potatotips #18