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the art of sketchnoting Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnote Day CleverTap, Mumbai 11/01/2020

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Hello Everyone ! I am Hardik Chandrahas Data Visualisation Internship - Nutanix Education Currently M.Des (Information Design) - NID, Bangalore B.E. + Msc.(Hons.) - BITS Pilani Goa Campus Sketchnoting Doing it since a couple of years (2-3) ,covering multiple mediums . Long Distance Cycling Podcasts Interests

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what is sketchnoting ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Don’t require expert drawing skills, but require one to visually process information and summarise same using shapes and text what is sketchnoting ? A form of visual thinking. Converts inferences and ideas into graphics + text Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sketchnote = A visual map of thoughts Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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where did it begin ? Graphic Facilitation Graphic Recording Sketchnoting Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020 Done with a small group of people such as a committee to aid in visual brainstorming of a problem. Designs the format of the conversation and draws it out visually as she leads it. Art of translating a conversation, public address, or panel into words and images in real time. Usally done on a large canvas for common viewing at a conference. Similar to Graphic recording, but on a smaller scale. Done on a smaller canvas and shared later with audiences.

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intent of sketchnoting ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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intent of sketchnoting ? Capture the essence of the talk, not individual details. Accentuate interesting insights to add depth. Map learnings + reflections, rather than verbatim documentaion. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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what does it mean to sketchnote ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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sketchnote != art sketchnote != paintings Focus on effective summarisation + visualisation of information, not mere aesthetics of the output. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Gestlat Principles Visual Grammar However, A well-composed sketchnote leads to better comprehension Similarity Continuity Closure Proximity Good Form Common Fate Length Area Color Texture Text /Number

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Sketchnoting is a manner of converting linear time based input data to a planar version of processed information. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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where can it be used ? Lectures Talks Panel discussions TV Shows Podcasts Project Brainstorming and more…. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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why sketch though? or even note ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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what is note writing ? Basic sentences/points we write trying to capture the information. Done either as summaries, as individual pointers or sometimes ad verbatim. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Forms of note writing Note taking benefits the ability to review material at a later stage, as it is closest to source initially. Processing occurs during act of note taking, improving learning + retention. encoding external storage Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Methods of note writing hand written The two modes for taking textual notes would be: digitally typed Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Methods of note writing Digitally Typed Hand Written More suited for verbatim writing, since typing is significantly faster than writing. Verbatim note taking leads to shallow processing. Thereby poor recall of information Longhand note takers processes notes comparatively more, as they process, summarise and then note the info. Deeper the information is processed >>> Greater are the encoding benefits >>> Better is the memory retrieval. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Note taking by hand thus is more beneficial in terms of memory retrieval . Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Notes ✔ Pictures ? ? ? Where do pictures fit ?? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Dual Coding Theory Dual Coding Theory (Allan Paivio,1986) states that information is retained by an individual in the form of visual + verbal information Cognitive Subsystems for both modes: Representation + processing of nonverbal events/objects. System A System B Processing verbal input/languages Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Dual Coding Theory While the language system deals directly with the language input, it uses visual imagery to associate behaviour, events , objects additionally. Verbal entities stored as associations Logogens Imagens Visual images stored as parts to whole Base units in both systems: Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Dual Coding Theory Direct activation of verbal/ nonverbal systems Activation of one system by the other system Activation of representations within one system. Representational Referrential Associative Modes of accessing information as: Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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A pictuer says a thooousand words, right ?? But what about pictures only Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Picture Superiority E!ect Information is retrieved far easily when stored as images as compared to verbal information. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Encoding under twin systems + Deeper Levels of Processing thereby trumps the Picture Superiority E!ect too. However, Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Notes ✔ ✔ Pictures Just add pictures or actually sketch them ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Drawing Words The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall -Jeffrey W, Melissa M, Myra F, 2014 Expt 1 Expt 4 Expt 2 Expt 5 Expt 3 Expt 6 Expt 7 Drawing v/s writing under different instructions: more detail v/s more items. Experimenting the same in live class Writing semantic descriptives of a word, thinking more on it, versus drawing more on it Gauging visual imagery v/s pictorial representation - is generating the image enough Picture Superiority - memory of drawn words v/s memory of seeing pictures for same words. Drawing from a list of words under time constraint, gauging how well can we do the encoding. Distinctiveness in recall for pure writing of words v/s pure drawing of words. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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What happens when we draw Generate physical characteristics of an item Elaboration Create a mental image of the item Visual Imagery Engage in actual hand movement reqd. for drawing Motor Action Pictorial Representation Le! with the picture as a memory cue for later retrieval . A 4 Step Process for drawing: The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall -Jeffrey W, Melissa M, Myra F, 2014 Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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What happens when we draw Memory retrieval benefit in drawing might arise due to the visualisation of each , and this imagery acting as mnemonic that drives it. Does thinking images help ? The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall -Jeffrey W, Melissa M, Myra F, 2014 Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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What happens when we draw In addition to encouraging deeper semantic processing to visual imagery, act of drawing provides physical information since it embeds the information via muscle input. What benefit does the act of drawing provide ? The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall -Jeffrey W, Melissa M, Myra F, 2014 Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Drawing causes user to generate visual imagery. Visual imagery plays a big role in enabling better retrieval. However, physical drawing embeds information via muscle , increasing the retrieval effect. What happens when we draw The drawing effect: Evidence for reliable and robust memory benefits in free recall -Jeffrey W, Melissa M, Myra F, 2014 Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Drawings + Notes leads to Better info processing leads to Better Memory Retrieval Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Also, Drawing + Notes = Sketchnotes!!! Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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components of a sketchnote What all does a sketchnote consist of? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Components Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Components Title Speaker Name Key points (bullets) Speaker Quotes Section titles (typography styles) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Component System by Mike Rohde - The Sketchnote Handbook Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Components Numbers Dividers/ Containers Illustrations-Icon Glyphs Flow Arrows Personal Signature 6 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 7 Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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approach of sketchnoting How do we go about it ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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How to sketch note ? Initial Preparation to Final Composition Setup Listen See Note Share Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Research event+speakers before hand Reach Early and get a good spot (deck visible, speaker visible) Keep all material ready and at an arm’s length How to sketch note ? Setup Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Focus Store Identify A 3 part process of listening actively to the speaker, and sketching appropraite insights. Model suggested by Mike Rohde - The Sketchnote Handbook How to sketch note ? Listen Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Listen to the speaker, see the notebook. Incase of interesting graphic, don’t fret to click a picture. Pick up themes and insights being presented. How to sketch note ? Listen: Focus Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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O!en during a talk, the speaker might progress quicker than we can capture . Caching the thought gives one the ability to note and enhance it further as per available time (during discussions, Q&A, etc.) How to sketch note ? Listen: Store ( Ideas ) Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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The Speaker usually has a way of presenting, early minutes of the talk provide cues for the same. - 5 ways of doing so - A framework/model to share - Major topics i would address. Identifying these patterns aids us in selecting a appropriate layout for the sketchnote How to sketch note ? Listen: Idenitfy ( Patterns ) Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Lookout for numbers, graphs, diagrams, grids/frameworks. Offers a visual cue + enables you to orient your notes along a specific manner. Incase you want to try illustrating the speaker, try picking up certain features as : glasses, beard, hair How to sketch note ? See Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Add insightful trivia, don’t attempt to note everything ( your version of the talk, not plain documentation ) Note major points, issues being discussed. When something seems insightful, attempt framing it from your own perspective. Try explaining / highlighting something with small sketches/illustrations. Good Composition results Better Comprehension How to sketch note ? Note Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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At the end of the talk, click a picture/scan it . If read, digitally edit picture. This serves well for documentation as well as for social media sharing. Don’t hold the notes within, share them!! How to sketch note ? Share Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sketchnotes 1o1 Breakdown by Components Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Layouts: Sketchnote Components Orientation Rasagy Sharma - @rasagy Linear, Grid - Linear - Modular - Radial - Spiral - Freeform Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Layouts: Sketchnote Components Orientation Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Spiral - Linear - Modular - Radial - Spiral - Freeform Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Layouts: Sketchnote Components Orientation Ben Crothers - @bencrothers Modular, Linear - Linear - Modular - Radial - Spiral - Freeform Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Layouts: - Linear - Modular - Radial - Spiral - Freeform Sketchnote Components Orientation Sunandini Basu - @soosixty Modular, Freeform Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sectioning Sketchnote Components Orientation Mike Rohde - @rohdesign Spaced Sections Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sketchnote Components Orientation Sectioning Spaced Sections Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020 Mike Rohde - @rohdesign

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Sketchnote Components Orientation Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Canvas Division Sectioning Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Text Styles - Heading - Speaker Names - Flourishes Sketchnote Components Typography Headings + Varying Type Rasagy Sharma - @rasagy Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Text Styles - Heading - Speaker Names - Flourishes Sketchnote Components Typography Ben Crothers - @bencrothers Headings + Varying Type Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Illustration Styles - Caricature - Silhouettes - Hero Illustrations Sketchnote Components Illustration Section Illustrations Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Illustration Styles - Caricature - Silhouettes - Hero Illustrations Sketchnote Components Illustration Sunandini Basu - @soosixty Speaker Caricatures Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Illustration Styles - Caricature - Silhouettes - Hero Illustrations Sketchnote Components Illustration Detailed Illustrations Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020 Mike Rohde - @rohdesign

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Iconic Indexical Symbolic Sketchnote Components Illustration - Icon Styles Physical resemblance to object being represented Indicates to object being represented Connect between sign and meaning is culturally learnt. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sketchnote Components Illustration - Icon Styles Iconic Indexical Symbolic Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Highlight Contrast Sketchnote Components Color Ben Crothers - @bencrothers Highlight Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Highlight Contrast Sketchnote Components Color Contrast Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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What can we sketchnote ? Where all can this be done ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote Lectures Talks Panel discussions Tv shows Podcasts Food tours Lists/plan an event. Iterinary/travel plans A list of items Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote A list of items Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Lecture: 3rd Wave of Data Visualisation,Elijah Meeks Lectures Talks Panel discussions Tv shows Podcasts Food tours Lists/Event Plan Iterinary/Travel plans Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote A list of items Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Talk: Designing for Data, Dan Hayden Lectures Talks Panel discussions Tv shows Podcasts Food tours Lists/Event Plan Iterinary/Travel plans Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Conferences: Design Up’19 Things to sketchnote

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Things to sketchnote A list of items Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Prototype in Design: Daniel Burka + Dhruv Saxena Lectures Talks Panel discussions Tv shows Podcasts Food tours Lists/Event Plan Iterinary/Travel plans Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote A list of items Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik TV Show: Salt,Fat,Acid,Heat -Samin Nosrat Lectures Talks Panel discussions Tv shows Podcasts Food tours Lists/Event Plan Iterinary/Travel plans Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote Lectures Talks Panel discussions Tv shows Podcasts Food tours Lists/Event Plan Iterinary/Travel plans A list of items Hardik Chandrahas - @18Hardik Food Tour : Dine X Design Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote Tour De Drugs - A data visualisation of doping practices in Tour De France. At work Brainstoriming Visual Thinking Conceptualisation Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote Tour De Drugs - A data visualisation of doping practices in Tour De France. At work Brainstoriming Visual Thinking Conceptualisation Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote Brainstoriming Visual Thinking Conceptualisation Visualising application structure on virtual machines - Nutanix At work Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Things to sketchnote Visualising application structure on virtual machines - Nutanix At work Brainstoriming Visual Thinking Conceptualisation Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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What tools do we need ? Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sketchnote toolkit A5 sized notebook Hard bound offers support to write Writing: 0.5mm Luxor Finewriter Highlights Felt Pen, Brush Pen Optional Pencils White gelly roll 1 3 4 2 Emphasis: 1.0mm Uniball/Brustro/Micron Notebook Pens Things I Use 1 2 3 4 Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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lets get to sketchnoting… WarmUp Exercises Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Warmup Exercises Lets start with sketching shapes - Circle - Rectangle - Triangle - Oval - Diamond Try these in different perspectives, orientations Shape Sketching 10 mins Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Warmup Exercises Now, try represnting the below concepts using these shapes Order Crowded Swi! Swing Diversity Increase Fall Misfit * Try some with only one shape Shape Sketching 10 mins Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Warmup Exercises Let’s sketch some ideas with the basic shapes we drew. Clock Chair Car Laptop Folder Rain Danger Delete Bin Save Draught Finance Fragile Icon Sketching Iconic Indexical Symbolic 25 mins Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Warmup Exercises Try sketching some human figures in the below postures Running Hanging Sitting Leaning Jumping Pointing Walking Human Sketching 15 mins Stick Figures Star man Bend man Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Warmup Exercises Capture key traits, forms, rather than very detailed pictures Angry Sad Frowning Shocked Surprised Indifferent Tense Human Faces 15 mins * Practise Emojis, convert them in other forms. *Practise capturing human faces around you. Smiley Faces Silhouette Detailed Profiles Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Warmup Exercises Write the below words visualising their essence. Write the full alphabet case in a single style to warm up Teeming Fall Fierce Run Hide Bold Bubble Weak Type Styles 30 mins * Refer inktober prompts to practise further. Inktober 2017 Geetika Shukla, @allthingstype Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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key pointers… Things to note while sketchnoting Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Key Pointers Heirarchy to highlight importance : type styles, weights, illustrations Reserve certain space blocks as purpose. Figure what layout to go as per the talk format Limit colors (max 2) Try different scripts styles. Follow gestalt principles for interesting composition. Pay attention and draw out the essence of the topic. Always capture key numbers or quotes, try drawing emphasis towards those. Layout Note Emphasize Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sketchnote isn’t a talk documentation, its a digested synopsis of the session at hand. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Sketchnoting tasks… Levelling Up Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Level 2 Exercises Illustrate a one pager sketchnote about self. You could highlight interesting facts: Background Education Work Hobbies Interests Aspirations / Goals Reason to learn sketchnoting Sketchnote Selfie 30 mins Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Level 2 Exercises Sketchnote a small TED talk, 5-10 mins long. Write the talk title + speaker name Listen - Focus - Pick Decide Layout Write insights Illustrate interesting bits Use Flow arrows Talk 1 - Less Stuff, more happiness Talk 2 - Start with Why Talk 1 - Breathe: 5 minutes can change your life Live Event 10 mins Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Level 2 Exercises Pick an idea from below and illustrate a one page sketchnote (a5) expanding on the same.. 11 Jan,2020 is the World Sketchnote Day for 2020. Hence, a set of words that describe sketchnoting. Illustrate Write Capture Idea Represent Chart Detail Idea Sketchnoting 25 mins Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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quick wins Tips + Cues Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Quick Wins Build, improve and strengthen you visual library. Pace self: pickup time during discussions or Q&A Add existing graphics/numbers. Incase of timecrunch, it serves to illustrate from it later. Make type consistent. same title,body type throughout Use variation in illustration styles: background v/s foreground, cariacature v/s icons Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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final takeaways Things to leave with Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Final Takeaways Practice across varying media. Allow yourself to fail initially Try different styles, color modes, type variations Figure out where you work well. Add to your visual +verbal toolkit. Listen , Reflect, Note Begin drawing simple. Incorporate more abstract ideas as you sketch further. Share it with wider audiences. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Remember to have fun, this your way of recording a talk. You aren’t documenting, you are sketching ideas, keep yourself in there :) Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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References Google Document Contains all references categorised respectively. Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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hardikchandrahas.tumblr Tumblr @18Hardik Twitter thank you Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020

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Thanks everyone for attending the talk :) Thanks Clevertap Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) World Sketchnotes Day 2020