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BACK TO THE WILD Vladimir Končar @koncarovski

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!5 Seattle

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Meeting old friends and making new friends "#IxD19 is ALWAYS community first.” Tin

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The Local Leaders Retreat is a full-day meeting to talk about the future of the IxDA and all the local chapters

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The Opening Party was held at the Seattle Art Museum

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01 02 03 Discipline In Flux Millions of Experiments Reinvent Yourself

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Moment of mindfulness J AY E O N K I M

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Wild design for living in the wild B I L L B U X T O N

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Ubiety information in place

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persona Placeona

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The next big thing isn't a thing. It's the change in relationship between what is here and what is yet to be.

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Empathy reifies disability stigmas L I Z J A C K S O N

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pathological altruism

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We don’t need your empathy. We need your solidarity.

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Diversity: de-ambulation, monocultures, pluriverses A L O K N A N D I

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One of the challenges of designers is being here and now. We are at the point where design is being redesigned.

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“Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunters.”

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Until the designers have their own historians, the history of technology will always glorify the business.

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Democratization, Industrialization and Augmentation: Where Creativity and Design Craft is Going Next industrialization-and-augmentation-andreas-markdalen/ A N D R E A S M A R K D A L E N

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The main reason nobody is speaking about craft is that it's become so boring and predictable.

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Recovering and Reinvention J O H N M A E D A

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What are you?

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M A R I A G I U D I C E The Life of a Changemaker: Lessons From the Battlefield changemaker-lessons-from-the-battlefield-maria-giudice/

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Vision without the execution is a hallucination.

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Bust the silos

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Build the coalition of the willing Executive support is required Align your work to business goals Get shit done You can’t win them all Stay true to yourself Evaluate, iterate and evolve

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Key Takeaways

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Design beyond the screen

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Empathy is not enough

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Design is the business

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See you in Milano next year! @koncarovski