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Masaya Aoyama CyberAgent - adtech studio Extensibility and Possibility of Kubernetes Custom Resource @Open Source Summit Japan 2019 amsy810 @amsy810

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Publicity (excerpt)   Books 『Kubernetes Perfect Guide』 『Docker/K8s for everyone』  Keynotes 『Japan Container Days v18.04』 『Google Cloud K8s Day』   Invitations 『IPSJ Computer System Symposium』         『AWS Dev Day Tokyo』 『IBM Think Japan』 『JEITA Committee』   Sessions 『KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2019』 and so on  Certifications 『CKAD #2』 『CKA #138』 Masaya Aoyama (@amsy810) Infrastructure Engineer Community   Co-chair 『Cloud Native Days Tokyo (旧 Japan Container Days)』  Organizer 『Cloud Native Meetup Tokyo』   『Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo』   『KubeCon Japanese exchange meeting』   Contribute to OpenStack and Kubernetes Main job: * Implementing K8s as a Service * Architect for related K8s + CREATIONLINE - Technology Advisor + SAKURA Internet Research Center - Visiting Researcher

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Agenda 1.  What is Kubernetes? 2.  Extends your own CustomResource with kubebuilder 3.  GPUaaS abstraction plan at CyberAgent

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Do you know Kubernetes?

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Do you use Kubernetes in production?

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Do you like Kubernetes?

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Palm-sized Personal Kubernetes Cluster Everyone has a personal Kubernetes cluster just like a smartphone, right?

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Kubernetes is anywhere We can use phyisical Kubernetes cluster anywhere

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Kubernetes is anywhere Be careful, this is not a bomb, this is Kubernetes.

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What is Kubernetes?

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What is As a “Container / Application Execution Platform “ As a “X as a Service Platform” As a “Framework for Distributed System”

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As a “Container / Application Execution Platform” Sophisticated platform based on Google Borg •  Self-healing •  Integration with load balancer •  auto scaling •  data management •  adaption for several workload types

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As a ”X as a Service Platform” Platform for Platform •  Database as a Service on Kubernetes •  Queue as a Service on Kubernetes •  Serverless as a Service on Kubernetes •  ML as a Service on Kubernetes oracle/mysql-operator Automate “cluster repair at failure” “operation such as backup” like a managed service

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As a ”X as a Service Platform” Kubernetes like a “small public cloud” oracle/mysql-operator Relational DB Key Value Store Document DB Queue Developer Automate “cluster repair at failure” “operation such as backup” like a managed service

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As a “Framework for distributed systems” “Decralative API” and “Framework for distributed system” ※ strictly, controller also create and delete pod/container via API reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch cluster state Create and delete pod Controller

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Reconcile Loop converges to desired state  = not only to launch, but also to keep the replicas Observe Diff Act Actual state (Cluster state) Desired state reconcile() { … } Controller As a “Framework for distributed systems” Observe actual state calculate Difference Action for filling difference

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As a “Framework for distributed systems” e.g.) when only 2 pods are running at cluster Observe: desired pods=3, actual pods=2 Observe Diff Act reconcile() { … } Controller Actual state (Cluster state) Desired state Observe actual state calculate Difference Action for filling difference

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As a “Framework for distributed systems” e.g.) when only 2 pods are running at cluster Diff: 1 pod is missing Observe Diff Act reconcile() { … } Controller Actual state (Cluster state) Desired state Observe actual state calculate Difference Action for filling difference

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As a “Framework for distributed systems” e.g.) when only 2 pods are running at cluster Act: launch 1 pod includes a nginx:1.12 container Observe Diff Act reconcile() { … } Controller Actual state (Cluster state) Desired state Observe actual state calculate Difference Action for filling difference

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As a “Framework for distributed systems” Reconcile Loop converges to desired state  = not only launch, keep the replicas operation knowledge convert to program for automation This program is called as “Controller (Operator)” ReplicaSet Controller is working with actual replicas •  if missing, then launchs new pods •  if over, then stops some pods Observe Diff Act Observe actual state calculate Difference Action for filling difference

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As a “Framework for distributed systems” A lot of controllers are running on Kubernetes •  ReplicaSet Controller •  Deployment Controller •  Endpoints Controller •  Cloud Controller •  etc. There are many controllers that work asynchronously and they make Kubernetes a distributed system. reconcile() { … } Controller reconcile() { … } Controller reconcile() { … } Controller reconcile() { … } Controller reconcile() { … } Controller Actual state Desired state watch

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As a “Framework for distributed systems” “Decralative API” and “Framework for distributed system” ※ strictly, controller also create and delete pod/container via API reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch cluster state Controller Create and delete pod

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Extending Kubernetes Resource using CustomResource CustomResource (extended resource) ※ strictly, controller also create and delete pod/container via API reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage MySQL cluster Controller reconcile() { … } Controller What to do for Custom Resource Write a controller for make operation easy (Operation knowledges become a program)

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Build your CustomResource and controller

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How to create your Kubernetes-native app? we need to create CustomResource: 1.  Scheme (definition) 2.  Controller ※ strictly, controller also create and delete pod/container via API reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage MySQL cluster Controller

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How to create your Kubernetes-native app? ※ strictly, controller also create and delete pod/container via API reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage MySQL cluster Controller reconcile() { … } Controller What to do for Custom Resource Write a controller for make operation easy (Operation knowledges become a program)

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Example, WebServer Custom Resource we need to create CustomResource: 1.  Scheme (definition) 2.  Controller ※ strictly, controller also create and delete pod/container via API reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage simple web server hosting WebServer Controller hello, ossummit! hello, ossummit! hello, ossummit!

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kubebuilder (v1) # Initialize project $ kubebuilder init \ --domain \ --license apache2 \ --owner "amsy810" # Create CustomResource scheme and controller skeleton $ kubebuilder create api \ --group servers \ --version v1beta1 \ --kind WebServer apiVersion: kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample spec: content: "hello, ossummit!" replicas: 3

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Directory structure $ tree ./pkg/ pkg ├─ apis │ ├─ addtoscheme_servers_v1beta1.go │ ├─ apis.go │ └─ servers │ ├─ group.go │ └─ v1beta1 │ ├─ doc.go │ ├─ register.go │ ├─ v1beta1_suite_test.go │ ├─ webserver_types.go │ ├─ webserver_types_test.go │ └─ zz_generated.deepcopy.go │ ├─ controller │ ├─ add_webserver.go │ ├─ controller.go │ └─ webserver │ ├─ webserver_controller.go │ ├─ webserver_controller_suite_test.go │ └─ webserver_controller_test.go └─ webhook └─ webhook.go apiVersion: kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample spec: content: "hello, ossummit!" replicas: 3 1.  API Scheme part 2.  Controller logic part

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Default generated scheme code kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample webserver_types.go

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Update CustomResource scheme kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample spec: content: "hello, ossummit!" replicas: 3 here webserver_types.go

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Update CustomResource scheme Insert additional fileds kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample spec: content: "hello, ossummit!" replicas: 3 webserver_types.go

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Update CustomResource scheme Of course, we can insert nested map struct kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample spec: content: "hello, ossummit!" replicas: 3 software: name: nginx version: 1.12 webserver_types.go

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Update controller logic When CustomResource and related resources are changed, Reconcile() method is called webserver_controller.go

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Update controller logic At the default, controller has small logic which is creating nginx Deployment webserver_controller.go

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Update controller logic kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample spec: content: "hello, ossummit!" replicas: 3 At the default, controller has small logic which is creating nginx Deployment

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Update controller logic “instance” variable is WebServer resoruce kind: WebServer metadata: name: webserver-sample spec: content: "hello, ossummit!" replicas: 3

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Example, WebServer CRD we need to create CustomResource: 1.  Scheme 2.  Controller ※ strictly, controller also create and delete pod/container via API reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage simple web server hosting WebServer Controller hello, ossummit! hello, ossummit! hello, ossummit!

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Example, WebServer CRD reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage Deployment WebServer Controller hello, ossummit! hello, ossummit! hello, ossummit!

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MySQL operator reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage StatefulSet MySQL Operator

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At CyberAgent

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GPU environment GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU with nvidia-docker Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer GPU GPU GPU 払い出し

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Complex YAML manifest GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU with nvidia-docker Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer Developer GPU GPU GPU 払い出し

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MLTask CustomResource for GPUaaS abstraction Abstract GPUaaS for ML engineers Difficult for most ML engineers to understand complex manifest Simple settings •  Which image to use •  Which training data to use •  Where to place the calculated models •  Where to place the temporary shared files •  How many parallels to run •  How many GPU resources to use

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reconcile() { … } Register (via API Request) Watch Manage StatefulSet MLTask Controller GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU GPU MLTask CustomResource for GPUaaS abstraction

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our company own Ingress controller L4 LB VM Network Pod Network VM . VM . Software LB cluster Ingress Controller Watch Manage

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Conclusion As a “Container / Application Execution Platform “ As a “X as a Service Platform” As a “Framework for Distributed System” Observe Diff Act Controller (operation knowledge) CustomResource (scheme) Watch Processing

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Thank you for your attention Let’s enjoy with Kubernetes follow me: @amsy810

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