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DRTTOHC T h e D e r i v a t i v e o f a R e g u l a r T y p e i s i t s T y p e o f O n e - H o l e C o n t e x t s - C o n o r M c B r i d e

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Who Am I? • Resident Haskellion-chained- to-the-rocks-of-Javascript on the New York Times interactive news desk • Not the guy that makes the cool maps • PourOver, Fashion Fingerprint, World Cup, MOD • Failed analytic philosopher (the space of reasons was too crowded and too empty)

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5 2 5 , 6 0 0 s i g m a s Reasons of Love - The “algebra” behind “algebraic data types” - The types-as-values epiphany - Unlocking the metaprogrammatic promise of dependent types (or at least a sufficiently robust type system) - Bernstein’s “CS connections” criterium

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A g o n y = > E c s t a s y How I Read It - Does he really mean that kinda derivative? - McBride learned to diff erentiate as a child? - How does associativity work in this symbolism? - What’s a fixed point again?

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A g o n y = > E c s t a s y How I Read It - Side-eff ects of readership - Algebraic data types - Fixed points - Zippers - Remembering all the calculus I never learned, frittering my days away in a humanities major

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Types and Fixed Points

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Y o u d o w n w i t h g a d t s ? Types & Algebra - Taxonomy of algebraic types: - Empty (0): _|_, Unit(1): Lf - Basic type: Int - Product (Int,String): Int × String - Sum (A or B): Nothing + Just Int - Definitions/parametric types … - Recursive types …

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P a r a m e t r i c p l a y g r o u n d Definitions in types - F|x = S - Define the type variable x in F to be S - List x = [] + (x × List x) - List x | x=Int - List Int = [] + (Int × List Int)

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What does this mean? µx.F

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The Fixed Point • The fixed point of a function f(x) is the x such that f(x) = x. • f (fix f) = fix f • Type constructors are just functions • Imagine a type constructor with a variable in it: • Z + S x • How do we make that the Nat type (Z | S Nat) • By substituting the whole constructor for x • Nat = Z + S Nat fixed point of Z + Sx

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Mr. Fix-It • µx.F can be read as “the fixed point of F over x” • Nat -> µx.1 + x • F x = 1 + x • Nat = Fix F • Fix F = F (Fix F) • Fix F = 1 + Fix F • Nat = 1 + Nat No let/name binding needed

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W h o ’ s g o t t i m e f o r t h a t ? Or … • µx.F can be read as “the recursive type F, in which we substitute F for x recursively” • Probably easier to think of it this way • Nat -> µy . 1 + y • IntList -> µy . 1 + (Int × y) • IntBtree -> µy . 1 + (Int × y × y)

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Zippers and Holes

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“ L i k e V e l c r o f o r t r e e s ” Why Zippers - If our trees are immutable, how can we get fast access to children and parents. - Just turn it “inside-out like a returned glove”! - Filesystems, mazes, Xmonad!

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No content

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1 2 3 4 5 B 1 (B 2 (B 4 Lf Lf, B 5 Lf Lf),(B 3 Lf Lf)) BT = Lf + B Int (BT, BT)

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1 3 2 4 5 , ( ) Split at focus?

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1 3 Happy path! Ctx (B 4 Lf Lf) (B 5 Lf Lf) [(Left, 1, B 3 Lf Lf)] 4 5 , , ( ) Ctx LeftChild RightChild [PathSteps]

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Zip it up Ctx (B 4 Lf Lf) (B 5 Lf Lf) [(Left, 1, B 3 Lf Lf)] (2) Ctx (B 2 (B 4 Lf Lf, B 5 Lf Lf)) (B 3 Lf Lf) [] (1)

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Zip it down Ctx (B 4 Lf Lf) (B 5 Lf Lf) [(Left, 1, B 3 Lf Lf)] (2) Ctx Lf Lf [(Left, 1, B 3 Lf Lf),(Right, 2, B 4 Lf Lf)] (5)

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[ 2 B 4 Lf Lf 5 Ctx (Left, 1, B 3 Lf Lf)] B ( Lf Lf) ( ) ( ) [ 2 In motion! B 4 Lf Lf 5 Ctx (Left, 1, B 3 Lf Lf)] B ( Lf Lf) ( ) (Right, , )] ( )

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Wherefore Holes? • Given some type T that contains x’s of type X, we are looking for the type that describes a T with a specific x removed • One-hole contexts are always contexts with respect to some interior type • A zipper is the one-hole context of a binary tree of x’s (a binary tree with a hole at a specific x) AND the value that was removed

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Time to Derive

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A l i t t l e b i t o f c o n t e x t Leibnizian Childhood Pair Triple (1,2) (1,2,3) Int × Int Int × Int × Int Int2 Int3 (L|R,Int) (L|M|R,Int,Int) 2 × Int 3 × Int2 Context: (L,2) Context: (M,1,3)

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Wait … Pair Type: Int2 Context: 2 × Int Triple Type: Int3 Context: 3 × Int2 That looks like the power rule to me!

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BIG IDEA: To find the type of a context of type T with a hole in place of some x, take the partial derivative of T with respect to x CTXx (T) = ∂x T

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OTHER IDEA: Think of finding partial derivatives (wrt x) as answering the question “How can we find x’s in T’s”

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Simple Derivatives - (Empty) ∂x 0 = 0 - An empty instance is its own (empty) context - ∂x x = 1 - A single value has a singleton context - Int -> Unit - ∂x y = 0 - We find no x’s in a y - ∂x (S + T) = ∂x S + ∂x T - The context of a sum is the sum of contexts - Lef t Int + Right Int -> 1 + 1

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Products Rule! - ∂x (S × T) = (∂x S × T) + (S × ∂x T) - The derivative of a product type follows the product rule. - Intuitive explanation: either 1) we find the container for x in S and record T or 2) we find the container for x in T and record S - Consider we are looking for an Int context of the type Int × String (Int, String). - ∂Int Int = 1, ∂Int String = 0 - Applying the product rule: 1 × String + Int × 0 - Otherwise known as String - The context of an Int in (Int,String) is simply the string. The hole has to be the only Int.

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T h e C h a i n ( r u l e ) G a n g Harder Derivatives - Definitions (F | y=S) are a problem because a context for x could be hiding in S. You can’t just take the par tial derivative of F. - So just apply the multivariable chain rule !! … Wait, what? - ∂x (F|y=S) = (∂x F|y=S) + (∂y F|y=S)×∂x S - Let’s all agree no one want s to see the derivation of this ^

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T h e C h a i n ( r u l e ) G a n g Harder Derivatives - ∂x (F|y=S) = (∂x F|y=S) + (∂y F|y=S)×∂x S - Intuitively: If you’re looking for x’s in a F where y=S, either 1) your x is at the top level of F and you don’t care what’s inside y=S or 2) your x is inside a y, so you have to record which y and then find the context inside of that - Foo y -> (String, y) | y=Int - Find an Int context - (∂Int (String×y)|y=S) + (∂y (String×y)|y=Int)×∂Int Int - 0 + ( String ) × 1 - The context is String just as expected

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Recursive Derivs • ∂x (µx.F) = ∂x (F|x=µx.F) • Expand the derivative of a recursive type into the derivative of a definition • ∂x F|x=µx.F + ∂y F|x=µx.F × ∂x (µx.F) • Either your x is at the top level or you have to go a level deeper and find it there • Isomorphic to [∂y F|x=µx.F] × ∂x F|x=µx.F • A list of steps until you get to your hole’s level and then its context at that level But this is what we needed in the first place!

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Recursive Derivs • ∂x (µx.F) = ∂x (F|x=µx.F) • Expand the derivative of a recursive type into the derivative of a definition • ∂x F|x=µx.F + ∂y F|x=µx.F × ∂x (µx.F) • Either your x is at the top level or you have to go a level deeper and find it there • Isomorphic to [∂y F|x=µx.F] × ∂x F|x=µx.F • A list of steps until you get to your hole’s level and then its context at that level Encode sum with list (f actor by ∂x F)?

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Recursive Derivs • [∂y F|x=µx.F] × ∂x F|x=µx.F • A list of steps until you get to your hole’s level and then it s context at that level • Wait, where have we seen that before … (zip)

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Let’s Test • What’s the one-hole context of a list? List x = 1 + (x × List) List x = µy. 1 + (x × y) ∂y (µy. 1 + (x × y)) = ∂y (1 + (x × y) | y = List x) = [∂y (1 + x × y)] × ∂x (1 + x × y) = [x] × (y | y = List x) = (List x) × (List x) ! • The context of a List is t wo list s? • Yup. Prefix and suffix • [1,(2),3,4] -> ([1],[3,4])

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List Context [1,2,3,4,5] ! [1,2,3,(),5] ! ([1,2,3],[5])

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Let’s Test • What’s the one-hole context of a binary tree Btree x = Leaf + (x, Btree x, Btree x) Btree x = µy. 1 + (x × y2) ∂y (µy. 1 + (x × y2)) = ∂y (1 + (x × y2) | y = Btree x) = [∂y (1 + (x × y2))] × ∂x (1 + (x × y2)) = [2xy | y = Btree x] × (y2 | y = Btree x) = [2x ×(Btree x)] × (Btree x)2 = [(2,x,Btree x)],(Btree x),(Btree x) ! • The context of a binary tree is list of steps, a lef t child, and a right child

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Does the BIG IDEA make sense? • In Calculus, a derivative describes a relationship between instantaneous rates of change • dx/dt is a context/ is contextual • Leibnizian omniscience (Actual Newton-Leibniz f anart)

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Why Should You Care? • You probably won’t be asked to implement a zipper structure at work on Monday … or ever. • DRTTOHC demonstrates the value/ promise of transformations between kinds of types • Metaprogramming! Write functions on containers, get functions on contexts for free. (If you can write the type signature, the function should be trivial … right? RIGHT?)

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But How!? • A language in which types are *just* values that you can operate on normally • You write a `context` function that transforms types into the one-hole context type. • If you can write type-generic functions you can automatically transform functions on a type T to function on that T’s context • Idris example

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“…one only has to open one’s old school textbooks almost at random and ask ‘what does this mean for datatypes?’”