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MICROFRONTENDS WebMontag Kassel, 3. Februar 2020

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AGENDA ● Microfrontends ● Single SPA ● Learnings

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BACK IN TIME Application “The monolith” Frontend SPA “Rise of the SPAs” Backend API Frontend SPA “Microservices everywhere” Service A API Service C API Service B API Backend for Frontend 2000 2011 2015

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MICROFRONTENDS Service A SPA “Verticals” Service A API Service C API Service B API Service B SPA Service C SPA

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Service B Frontend Service C /service-b INTEGRATION “Separate Apps” Service A Frontend Service B /service-a Service C Frontend /service-c

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Service B Frontend /service-b INTEGRATION “Partials” Service A Frontend /service-a Service C Frontend /service-c Template Service B Frontend

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single-spa is a top level router. When a route is active, it downloads and executes the code for that route. index.js /service-a Service A Frontend /service-a

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{ "imports": { "service-a": "http://localhost:3001/index.js", "single-spa": "" } } IMPORT MAPS

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System.import('single-spa').then(function (singleSpa) { singleSpa.registerApplication( 'service-a',//applicationName () => System.import('service-a'), //applicationOrLoadingFn location => location.pathname.startsWith('/service-a') //activityFn ); singleSpa.start(); })

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TARGETED FRONTEND LAYOUT Navigation bar Footer Menu Service-A

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import React from ‘react’; import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’; import App from ‘./App.js’; import singleSpaReact from ‘single-spa-react’; const reactLifecycles = singleSpaReact({ React, ReactDOM, App, domElementGetter: () => { let main = document.getElementById(‘main’); let serviceA = document.getElementById(‘service-a’); if(!serviceA} { serviceA = document.createElement(‘div’); = ‘service-a’; main.appendChild(serviceA); } return serviceA; } ) // export reactLifecycles.bootstrap, mount, unmount ANY SERVICE

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LEARNINGS ● Every building block (e.g. navbar, footer, menu) should be treated as service ● Everything (JavaScript, CSS, HTML) has to be contained in the entry file ○ Some optimizations fall short (e.g. chunking) ○ Create React App is PITA in this case ● Images should be stored in a CDN, or use Webpacks base64-inline-loader ● Put as much dependencies into root import map as possible (e.g. React, Axios, lodash, momentjs, ...) ○ … and make use of Webpack externals

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THANK YOU! eMail: Twitter: @wbiller