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Practical Responsive Web Design JSDay 2013 Jonathan Klein, Performance Engineer @jonathanklein

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Slides, Links

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Some Etsy Stats • Handmade marketplace • 1.4 billion page views/month • Almost $1B in sales last year • ~1M lines of JavaScript

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Two Assertions

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1. RWD isn’t that hard

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2. RWD can be fast

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The Basics

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Building blocks of RWD /* Greater than 900px wide */ @media screen and (min-width: 56.25em) {...} ! /* Retina Display */ @media screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {...} ! /* You can chain these */ @media screen and (min-width: 56.25em) and (min- device-pixel-ratio: 2) {...}

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Building blocks of RWD /* Greater than 900px wide */ @media screen and (min-width: 56.25em) {...} ! /* Retina Display */ @media screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {...} ! /* You can chain these */ @media screen and (min-width: 56.25em) and (min- device-pixel-ratio: 2) {...}

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What Breakpoints to Use?

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What Breakpoints to Use? • Don’t think about devices

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What Breakpoints to Use? • Don’t think about devices • “Make it look good”

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What Breakpoints to Use? • Don’t think about devices • “Make it look good” • Something like 600px, 900px, max

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What Breakpoints to Use? • Don’t think about devices • “Make it look good” • Something like 600px, 900px, max • Divide by 16 to get em’s

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Retina Images

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Start With the Normal Version ! /* Small version of the logo */ .logo { background-image: url(logo_sm.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: 230px 50px; }

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Start With the Normal Version ! /* Small version of the logo */ .logo { background-image: url(logo_sm.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: 230px 50px; }

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High Res Screens ! ! ! ! /* Provide a hi-res logo for retina screens */ @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { .logo { background-image: url(logo_lg.png); } }

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RWD In Action

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Clean up some CSS .article { width: 31%; min-width:250px; } ! #content .wrapper { width:auto; } ! #page { background:none; }

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Make it Responsive /* Two articles across */ @media screen and (max-width: 850px) { .article { width: 46%; } } ! /* One article across */ @media screen and (max-width: 530px) { .article { width: 90%; } }

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A Few Considerations

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A Few Considerations • Extra CSS (minimal)

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A Few Considerations • Extra CSS (minimal) • Retina Images (ouch)

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A Few Considerations • Extra CSS (minimal) • Retina Images (ouch) • Larger images than needed

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A Few Considerations • Extra CSS (minimal) • Retina Images (ouch) • Larger images than needed • Extra Image Requests

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A Few Considerations • Extra CSS (minimal) • Retina Images (ouch) • Larger images than needed • Extra Image Requests

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Responsive Images

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Three Performance Goals:

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Three Performance Goals: 1. Start with a small image

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Three Performance Goals: 1. Start with a small image 2. Upgrade to larger size without downloading both

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Three Performance Goals: 1. Start with a small image 2. Upgrade to larger size without downloading both 3. Unique image URLs (caching)

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• Resize on the fly • Compress automatically First Step: Automation

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Lossless Compression

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140 KB Lossless Compression

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140 KB 85 KB Lossless Compression

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140 KB 85 KB Lossless Compression • •

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• Automate HTML output • Plan for the future More Automation

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HTML Output (picturefill)

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HTML Output (picturefill) •

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HTML Output (picturefill) • • Mimics proposed element

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HTML Output (picturefill) • • Mimics proposed element • < 0.5K JS file

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HTML Output (picturefill) • • Mimics proposed element • < 0.5K JS file • Supports all media queries

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HTML Output (picturefill) • • Mimics proposed element • < 0.5K JS file • Supports all media queries • Works across all browsers

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! Interesting Image Alt Text

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! Interesting Image Alt Text
IE 6, 7, 8 get this

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How does it do?

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How does it do? ✓ Unique image URLs

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How does it do? ✓ Unique image URLs ✓ Start with smallest image

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How does it do? ✓ Unique image URLs ✓ Start with smallest image ✓ Only one image download

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How does it do? ✓ Unique image URLs ✓ Start with smallest image ✓ Only one image download ✓ Fallback for old IE

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But that markup...

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Plan to Replace Whatever You Build

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Resources for Responsive Imgs Jason Grigsby: !

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Don’t type, click:

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Browser Support

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Handle IE Conditional Comments ! ! More: design-cross-browser-compatibility/

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The Future: Client Hints

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Proposal by Ilya Grigorik

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Proposal by Ilya Grigorik • Client (browser) sends an additional HTTP Header

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Proposal by Ilya Grigorik • Client (browser) sends an additional HTTP Header • CH: dh=598, dw=384, dpr=2.0, t

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Proposal by Ilya Grigorik • Client (browser) sends an additional HTTP Header • CH: dh=598, dw=384, dpr=2.0, t •

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Find your favorite non-responsive site

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Find your favorite non-responsive site

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Find your favorite non-responsive site Save the HTML locally

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Find your favorite non-responsive site Save the HTML locally

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Find your favorite non-responsive site Save the HTML locally Add some media queries and a breakpoint

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Find your favorite non-responsive site Save the HTML locally Add some media queries and a breakpoint

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Find your favorite non-responsive site Save the HTML locally Add some media queries and a breakpoint Make one retina image and use it

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Find your favorite non-responsive site Save the HTML locally Add some media queries and a breakpoint Make one retina image and use it

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Welcome to the world of RWD

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• Resize browser window, use console when you want a breakpoint • document.body.offsetWidth • If you must start w/ desktop, use: • @media screen and (max-width: 900px) { Some Hints

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Recap • Start with small sizes on new sites

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Recap • Start with small sizes on new sites • Use em’s and %’s

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Recap • Start with small sizes on new sites • Use em’s and %’s • ~3-4 device independent breakpoints

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Recap • Start with small sizes on new sites • Use em’s and %’s • ~3-4 device independent breakpoints • Use Responsive Images

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Recap • Start with small sizes on new sites • Use em’s and %’s • ~3-4 device independent breakpoints • Use Responsive Images • Have a fallback plan for IE

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Get in Touch ! ! ! @jonathanklein