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Over 9000 JRuby in 2015

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Me • Charles Oliver Nutter • • @headius • Red Hat

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Ruby on the JVM JVM SUCKS ROFL AbstractMetaRubyImplementationFactoryFactoryImpl I don't like Java so I don't like JRuby LOL applets

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JRuby is Ruby! on the JVM... shhh!

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Stable: 1.7.19 • Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 support • AST interpreter and JVM bytecode JIT • Easy integration with JVM libraries • No support for MRI C ext

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Oldest alternative Ruby…around for 4-5 years before any others.

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Aaron Patterson Aditya Bhardwaj Akinori MUSHA Alan Moore Alex Coles Alex Dowad Alex Tambellini Aliaksei Palkanau Aman Gupta Anders Bengtsson Andreas Woess Andrew Grimm Andrew Kiellor Andy Lindeman Anil Wadghule Anoop Sankar Anthony W. Juckel Antoine Toulme Arne Hormann Arun Agrawal Aslak Hellesøy Atsuhiko Yamanaka Ben Browning Benoit Cerrina Benoit Daloze Bernerd Schaefer Bernhard Urban Bill Dortch Bob Beaty Bob McWhirter Bob Potter Bohuslav Kabrda Brad Heller Brandur Brian Browning Brice Figureau Bruce Adams Bruno Oliveira Chad Fowler Charles Oliver Nutter Charlie Somerville Chris Andrews Chris Heald Chris Jester-Young Chris Price Chris Seaton Chris Sinjakli Chris White Christian Christian Meier Christoffer Sawicki Clayton O'Neill Clayton Wheeler Colin Jones Conrad Irwin Daniel Azuma Daniel Hahn Daniel Lucraft Daniel Luz Daniel Marcotte Daniel Noll Daniel Pittman Dario Bertini Dave Thomas David Calavera David Corbin David Grayson David Hudson David Kellum David Masover David Pollak Deepak Giridharagopal Dennis Ranke Dmitry Ratnikov Don Schwartz Douglas Campos Dwayne Litzenberger Ed Sinjiashvili Edward Anderson Eric Sendelbach Erik Michaels-Ober Frederic Jean Garrett Conaty Gerard Fowley Gino Lucero Greg Mefford Gustav Munkby Gustavo Frederico Temple Pedrosa Heiko W. Rupp Hiro Asari Hironobu Nishikokura Hiroshi Nakamura Hongli Lai (Phusion) Iain Barnett Ian Dees Isaiah Peng Jacob Evans Jake Goulding James Abley James Pickering Jan Arne Petersen Jan Graichen Jan Xie Jason Karns Jason Staten Jason Voegele Javier Jay Jeff Pace Jeff Simpson Jeff Stone Jeremy Evans Jez Ng Joe Joe Kutner Joey Gibson John Croisant John F. Douthat John Firebaugh John Shahid Jon Zeppieri Jonathan Adams Jordan Sissel Jose Rivera Josef Haider Joseph LaFata Josh Ballanco Josh Matthews Joshua Go Juergen Herzog Kamil Bednarz Karol Bucek Kenichi Kamiya Ketan Padegaonkar Kevin Menard Kohsuke Kawaguchi Koichiro Ohba Konstantin Haase Kouhei Sutou Kristian Meier Kubo Takehiro Kyrylo Silin Lars Westergren Lelon Stoldt Leonardo Borges Lin Jen-Shin Loren Segal Luca Simone Lucas Allan Amorim Malte Swart Manish Marcin Mielzynski Marcin Mielżyński Mark McCraw Mark Rada Mark Triggs Mark Warren Martin Harriman Martin Ott Martin Traverso Mateusz Lenik Matjaz Gregoric Matt Hauck Matt Wilbur Matt Wilson Matthew Denner Matthew Kerwin Matthias Grimmer Maximilian Konzack MenTaLguY Micah Martin Michael J. Cohen Michael Klishin Michael Kohl Michal Papis Mike Dalessio NAKAMURA NARUSE, Yui Naoto "Kevin" IMAI TOYODA Nicholas Jefferson Nick Howard Nick Klauer Nick Klauer (a03182) Nick Muerdter Nick Sieger Ola Bini Ole Christian Rynning Olov Lassus Ori Kremer Pablo Varela Patrick Mahoney Patrick Plenefisch Patrick Toomey Paul Brown Paul Mucur Paul Phillips Pekka Enberg Peter Suschlik Peter Vandenabeele Phil Smith Philip Jenvey Pierre-Yves Ritschard Pierrick Rouxel Prathamesh Sonpatki Rajarshi Das Rhett Sutphin Rick Ohnemus Riley Lynch Robert Glaser Robin Dupret Robin Message Rohit Arondekar Ron Dahlgren Ryan Blue Ryan Brown Ryan Fowler Sakumatti Luukkonen Samu Voutilainen Satoru Chinen Scott Blum Scott Clasen Seamus Abshere Sebastian Staudt Sebastien Le Callonnec Seth Wright Shugo Maeda Smit Shah Stefan Huber Stefan Matthias Aust Stephen Bannasch Steven Cook Steven Parkes Subramanya Sastry Syver Enstad Sébastien Le Callonnec Ted Pennings Teemu Theo Theo Hultberg Thomas E Enebo Thomas E. Enebo Thomas Enebo Thomas Wuerthinger Tim Felgentreff Tobi Vollebregt Tobias Crawley Travis Tilley Tristan Hill Unbit Uwe Kubosch Vipul A M Vishnu Gopal Vitor de Lima Vladimir Sizikov Vít Ondruch Wayne Meissner William Thurston Xavier Shay Xb Yoko Harada Yosuke Zach Anker amuino areman arkxu donv elcubo enebo eregon geemus hmalphettes james jc00ke john muhl jonforums josedonizetti kares kiichi kristian lfstad-bren mkristian mohamed peter royal qbproger rdp retnuh rogerdpack rohit ryenus sglee77 simonjsmithuk takeru tduehr the8472 thedarkone timfel tnarik uid41545 unknown wayne williamd wpc yousuke zszugyi

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But why?

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Ruby is not perfect.

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Sometimes, Ruby is the wrong tool.

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We can make Ruby the right tool for more jobs.

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Preview: JRuby 9000 • Ruby 2.2 compatible • New optimizing runtime and compiler • Reworked IO, Process, encoding, and more • JRuby is already out there!

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Challenges • Concurrency • Language and Libraries • Straight-line Performance • Garbage Collection • Tooling

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True Parallellism Ruby Threads Native Threads Ruby 1.8.7 Ruby 2.0.0 Green Threading CPU Cores in Use JRuby Global Lock Single Thread Real Threading

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Multicore in MRI 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance Ten-way concurrency * 200MB = 2GB

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Multicore in MRI 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 100-way concurrency * 200MB = 20GB 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance 200MB MRI Instance

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Multicore in JRuby 300MB JRuby Instance One instance across 10 threads = 300MB

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Multicore in JRuby 300MB JRuby Instance One instance across 100 threads = 300MB

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MRI 1.9.3+, Eight Threads

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JRuby, Eight Threads

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Presentation: Bringing Concurrency to Ruby

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Concurrency Futures

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Work with ruby-core on concurrency primitives

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Mutation testing and monitoring

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Object ownership and explicit transfer

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Language and Libraries

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In MRI, two choices

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In JRuby, you can use…

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Micro Focus Visual Cobol

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And dozens of others

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And any language callable with FFI

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JRuby 1.6 C Exts • Limited support (now disabled) • Removed to a separate repo • If you want it, support it • Some stuff worked...most didn’t

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Problems • Performance • Data copying to emulate raw structs • Locking to keep C code thread-safe • Multiple JRuby instances in one JVM • No way from C to know which one • Huge API to support

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Java Integration • Call Java (Scala, Clojure, ...) from Ruby • Smart mapping of method names • Type conversions as appropriate • Super easy and fun

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import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JLable frame ="Window") label ="Hello") frame.add(label) frame.default_close_operation = JFrame::EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.pack frame.visible = true

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Java Native Extensions • Similar to C ext for MRI, but with Java • Fast call protocol...basically free • Same GC for all objects • Have to keep in sync if C version too

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 public IRubyObject each(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
 if (!block.isGiven()) {
 return enumeratorizeWithSize(context, this, "each", enumLengthFn());
 for (int i = 0; i < realLength; i++) {
 block.yield(context, safeArrayRef(values, begin + i));
 return this;

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FFI • Ruby API/DSL for calling native code • Came from Rubinius • Runs on all Ruby impls • Solves "access" use case • Works well for coarse-grained calls

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Ruby FFI example class Timeval < FFI::Struct layout :tv_sec => :ulong, :tv_usec => :ulong end module LibC extend FFI::Library ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC attach_function :gettimeofday, [ :pointer, :pointer ], :int end t = LibC.gettimeofday(t.pointer, nil)

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Language and Library Futures

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9000 will match MRI

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More core in Ruby

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Eliminating object wrappers

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Better two-way integration with JVM languages

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Better FFI tooling in JRuby and JVM

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Steady Improvement

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MRI 1.9 ~ 2-3x 1.8

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MRI 2.1 ~ 2-3x 1.9

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Faster than most interpreted languages

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Not even close to compiled/jitted speed

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JRuby • Faster than MRI on average • Steady improvement • Approaching Java in some areas

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JVM Over Time 0 6 12 18 24 Java 1.4 Java 5 Java 6 Java 7 JRuby 1.0.3 (bm_red_black_tree.rb)

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Versus MRI 1.8 0 6 12 18 24 Java 1.4 Java 5 Java 6 Java 7 JRuby 1.0.3 (bm_red_black_tree.rb) MRI 1.8

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0 0.55 1.1 1.65 2.2 1.1.6 1.4.0 1.5.6 1.6.8 1.7.0 OpenJDK 8 (bm_red_black_tree.rb)

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The Good • Method dispatch cheap or free • Method activation cheap or free • Languages inline together (Java, Ruby, Scala…) • Shared resources across languages

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red/black tree, pure Ruby versus native ruby-2.0.0 + Ruby ruby-2.0.0 + C ext jruby + Ruby Runtime per iteration 0 0.75 1.5 2.25 3 0.29s 0.51s 2.48s

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The Bad • Unoptimized patterns often have terrible performance characteristics • Numeric operations allocate objects • Instance vars require wrapper, indirection • Java objects must be wrapped or marshaled • Closure state is expensive • Blah blah startup time blah blah

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Performance Futures

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Intermediate Representation • Traditional compiler architecture for JRuby • Instructions, operands, control-flow graph • Optimization passes • Optimize before emitting bytecode • Closer mapping to JVM operations

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def foo(a, b) c = 1 d = a + c end 0 check_arity(2, 0, -1) 1 a = recv_pre_reqd_arg(0) 2 b = recv_pre_reqd_arg(1) 3 %block = recv_closure 4 thread_poll 5 line_num(1) 6 c = 1 7 line_num(2) 8 %v_0 = call(:+, a, [c]) 9 d = copy(%v_0) 10 return(%v_0) Register-based 3 address format IR Instructions Semantic Analysis

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The Good • Well-understood techniques • Creator worked on Java JIT years ago • Drastically simpler JVM bytecode backend • Less one-off opto code • Simpler runtime • Performance!

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Numeric loop performance 0 0.9 1.8 2.7 3.6 times faster than MRI 2.1 JRuby 1.7 JRuby 9k

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def loop(a)
 i = 0
 while i < a
 i +=1
 end def loop(a:int)
 i = 0
 while i < a
 i +=1

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Numeric loop performance 0 15 30 45 60 times faster than MRI 2.1 JRuby 9k JRuby 1.7 9k+unbox

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The Bad • Work in progress - join us! • Large-scale rework • Requires knowledge of compiler design • Doesn’t address object layout yet

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Truffle • Optimizing language framework • Builds on Graal • Write AST + interpreter, it builds a JIT • Hints for object layout, unboxing • Early days but very exciting

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mandelbrot(500) 0 10 20 30 40 times faster than MRI 2.1 JRuby 9k + indy JRuby 9k + unboxing JRuby 9k + Truffle

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Time per GC versus heap usage Time per GC 0ms 75ms 150ms 225ms 300ms Heap usage (MRI/JRuby) 188KB/29MB Ruby 2.0.0 JRuby

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GC runs per iteration, gc_stress.rb 0 750 1500 2250 3000 Ruby 2.2 JRuby

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GC time per iteration, gc_stress.rb 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 Ruby 2.2 JRuby

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Many GCs • Serial collector • Parallel collector • Concurrent collector (CMS) • Concurrent region collector (G1) • Continuously concurrent collector (Azul)

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JRuby, One Thread

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JRuby, One Thread Serial GC Parallel GC Concurrent GC

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Unlikely GC will be a problem for most apps.

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JVM tools are awesome

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$ jruby --manage …

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require 'jmx'
 def in_mb(value)
 format "%0.2f Mb" % (value.to_f / (1024 * 1024))
 server = JMX.simple_server
 client = JMX.connect
 memory = client["java.lang:type=Memory"] do
 puts "Enter 'gc' to garbage collect or anything else to quit"
 while gets.chomp == "gc"
 exit 0
 while (true)
 heap = in_mb(memory.heap_memory_usage.used)
 non_heap = in_mb(memory.non_heap_memory_usage.used)
 puts "Heap: #{heap}, Non-Heap: #{non_heap}"

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require 'jmx'
 class UsefulMetrics < RubyDynamicMBean
 rw_attribute :name, :string, "My sample attribute"
 r_attribute :explicit_reader, :int, "Sample int with writer", :my_reader
 operation "Doubles a value"
 parameter :int, "a", "Value to double"
 returns :int
 def double(a)
 a + a
 my_server =
 dyna ="domain.UsefulMetrics", $$.to_s)
 domain = my_server.default_domain
 my_server.register_mbean dyna, "#{domain}:type=UsefulMetrics"

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Heap Dumps VisualVM or jmap + jhat

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Useful to Us

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Maybe Useful for You

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Tooling Futures

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Alienist Java Heap Ruby Heap hprof JSON Ruby Heap JSON Rails App

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More Stats • What metrics would be interesting? • Hook up to monitoring services? • Remote debugging and profiling?

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alienist $ jruby -e 'gets'& $ jmap -dump:live,file=foo.dump $ alienist -c foo.dump Took 33.7012s to parse 596577 objects from 5698 classes. Ruby Instances: 11,627, Ruby Classes: 351

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{ "name": "Gem::Platform", "size": 325, "id": 34200727296, "instances": [ { "id": 34211817960, "size": 40, "variables": [ ["@cpu", 34186089840], ["@os", 34211854176], ["@version", 34186089840] ], "references": [34211803176] }, ] }, Class name ids!

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alienist TODO • Concept of Size, query language? • Make (someone make) MRI dumper • Allow for impl-specific data • Specification for JSON format

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Your Turn

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Excluding merges, 24 authors have pushed 790 commits to master and 909 commits to all branches. On master, 1,880 files have changed and there have been 69,878 additions and 66,549 deletions.

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Use 'jruby-9000' in Ruby installers

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Test with 'jruby-head' on TravisCI

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File bugs at

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Help us build Ruby’s Future!

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Thank you!