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Let’s talk about tracing Cheng-Lung Sung (clsung@)

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About.Me/clsung • Tech Lead of Data Research & Development Center, CTBC Bank • RD Head of Product Development, HTC Health Care (DeepQ) • Cloud Service Infrastructure (Golang, Python) • Mobile App Development (Golang, Java, Swift, Node.js) • Deep Learning AI Platform (Golang, Python, Node.js) • Open Source contributor • GitHub • Golang • Plurk API • LINE API Expert

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Outline • CNCF - Observability • History of distributed tracing • Google Dapper • Facebook Canopy • Introduction to distributed tracing • Open Source tracing frameworks and tools • OpenCensus, Jaeger, Appdash, Zipkin, … • OpenTelemetry = OpenCensus + OpenTracing

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CNCF Cloud Native Landscape

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• Containerization • CI/CD • Orchestration & Application Definition • Observability & Analysis • Service Proxy, Discovery, & Mesh • Networking & Policy • Distributed Database & Storage • Streaming & Messaging • Container Registry & Runtime • Software Distribution CNCF Cloud Native Trail Map

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Microservices Debugging Challenges What Where Why How Who

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• What - 發⽣什麼事︖出錯還是等太久︖ • Where - 哪個(微)服務出問題︖ • Why - 什麼情況下發⽣︖ • How - 情境(Context)為何︖

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–Cindy Sridharan, author of Distributed Systems Observability “An observable system is one that exposes enough data about itself so that generating information and easily accessing this information becomes simple.”

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Visualize the problem

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“DevOps 三寶: Logging、Tracing、 Metrics”

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Pillars of Observability Metrics Logs Traces Visualization

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VIsual Studio

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Observability - Logs Stackdriver logging

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Observability - Logs Tailer: Tail file and publish it to NATS Server Host B Tailer Anywhere nats deamon topic Host Z Tailer Nail connects to only one natsd server and subscribes to specific topic Tailer publish logs to gnatsd Host A Tailer Nail

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Observability - Metrics Prometheus + Grafana

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Logging • Error messages and stack traces • Helpful on troubleshooting • But logs at scale become very expensive • Can not be sampled • No context, no trace • CPU, RAM, error (rate), latency, throughput • Monitoring individual components of the system • Can be aggregate-able • Choose when you need alerts Metrics

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Observability - Tracing

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2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Distributed Tracing
 Timeline Magpie Stardust … X-Trace

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Google Dapper • Design requirement • Low overhead • Application-level transparency • Scalability • Available for analysis quickly

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Google Dapper • Tree • Span • Tree node • Annotation-based • vs Black-box (statistical)

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Facebook Canopy • Generate events • Propagate a TraceID • Instrumentation APIs • Emit events • Aggregate events • Raw traces to • Model construction • Feature extraction • Query and Visualization

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Observability - Tracing

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“Distributed tracing, also called distributed request tracing, is a method used to profile and monitor applications, especially those built using a microservices architecture. Distributed tracing helps pinpoint where failures occur and what causes poor performance.”

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Distributed Tracing

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• Commercial • Epsagon • LightStep • Datadog • Elastic • Instana • Wavefront • OpenSource • Appdash • Jaeger • Apache SkyWalking • Expedia Haystack

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Span A Span B Span C Span D Span E Time Trace Spans Span F spanA := tracer.StartSpan(“Span A”)

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Terminology (OpenTracing) • Time • Trace • Spans • Tags (Attributes) • Logs (Events) • SpanContext • Baggage (DistributedContext) Span A Span B Span C Span D Span E Time Trace Spans Span F

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• A trace is a data/execution path through the system, and can be thought of as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of spans. • A trace is a collection of linked spans. The edges indicate the causal relationships (references) between spans. A B C D E F

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Span A Span B Span C Span D Span E Time Trace Spans Span F • The span is the execution of a client request. • The span representing an individual unit of work done in a distributed system. • •

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• An operation name • A start timestamp • A finish timestamp • A set of zero or more Span Tags • A set of zero or more Span Logs • A SpanContext (not shown here) func (h *Tracer) gotConn(info httptrace.GotConnInfo) { h.sp.SetTag("net/http.reused", info.Reused) h.sp.SetTag("net/http.was_idle", info.WasIdle) h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "GotConn"))

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• Span Tag represent contextual metadata relevant to a specific request. • Tags are key:value pairs that enable user-defined annotation of spans in order to query, filter, and comprehend trace data. • keys are strings and values can be strings, numbers, booleans.

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Four Myths about Distributed Tracing • I need distributed tracing to measure the health / latency / throughput of my services • I need distributed tracing to see which services talk to which other services • I can “get distributed tracing” from the service mesh without having to make any changes to my application • I can “get distributed tracing” from a service mesh by instrumenting my application with a distributed tracing library

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2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Twitter
 Zipkin Distributed Tracing Frameworks/Tools
 Timeline Uber Jaeger Google
 Dapper Facebook Canopy Magpie Stardust … X-Trace Sourcegraph
 Appdash OpenTracing Google
 OpenCensus Expedia Haystack

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Distributed Tracing Framework
 Major Components • Recorder • Agent and/or • Collector • Storage • Memory/Queue • NoSQL • Visualization • Interactive UI • Analytics • Index • Search • Distributed Context Propagation

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Different Frameworks

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2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 Twitter
 Zipkin Distributed Tracing Frameworks/Tools
 Timeline Uber Jaeger Google
 Dapper 2019 Facebook Canopy Magpie Stardust … X-Trace Sourcegraph
 Appdash OpenTracing Google
 OpenCensus Expedia Haystack

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 Transaction trace is lost because tools use different headers for context propagation With standardized headers, traces don’t break (even for proprietary information)

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• Effective observability requires high-quality telemetry. • OpenTelemetry makes robust, portable telemetry a built-in feature of cloud-native software. • Provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application. • Distributed Tracing Working Group • Data formats for on-the-wire trace context & correlation-context, and out-of-band trace data • This specification defines formats to pass trace context information across systems. • Various tracing and diagnostics products can operate together. • •

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KubeCon + CloudNativeCon
 North America 2019

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Summary • 對 Distributed Tracing 有基本的認識 • 了了解 Tracing 運⾏行行⽅方式,為什什麼要⽤用? • 未來來選⽤用 Tracing ⼯工具的⽅方向

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Thank you!