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Scratchͱ೔ຊޠ Scratcher meet up@Osaka 2018.08.15 Scratch and Japanese

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एྛ݈Ұ 4DSBUDIΞΧ΢ϯτɿLXBLB $PEFS%PKPಸྑɾੜۨɾ໌೔߳ɹ୅ද $PEFS%PKPాݪຊɹڞಉ୅ද Kenichi Wakabayashi Scratch Account : kwaka1208 CoderDojo Nara / Ikoma / Asuka Founder CoderDojo Tawaramoto Co-founder About me

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Which script works correctly? ͲͪΒͷεΫϦϓτ͕ਖ਼͘͠ಈ͖·͔͢ʁ

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What is different? Ͳ͕͜ҧ͏ͷͰ͠ΐ͏ʁ

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Half-width ൒֯਺ࣈ શ֯਺ࣈ Full-width

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Difficult to find the error ؾ෇͖ʹ͍ؒ͘ҧ͍

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Solution ରԠํ๏

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Treat both as numbers ͲͪΒ΋ಉ͡਺ࣈͱͯ͠ѻ͏

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Is it possible? ٕज़తʹՄೳ͔ʁ

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YES! (maybe) ͸͍ʂʢ஌ΒΜ͚Ͳʣ

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Should we adopt this solution? ͦͷΑ͏ʹରԠ͢΂͖͔ʁ

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NO ͍͍͑

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We need to use both types of character. ਖ਼͘͠࢖͍෼͚Δ͜ͱ͕ඞཁ ̖̗̘̰̱̲̍̎̏ 123 ABC abc

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Alternative ରԠҊ̎

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Make it easy to recognize. ݟ෼͚Λ͖ͭ΍͘͢͢Δ ̍̌

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I’m struggling with Scratch code. 4DSBUDIͷίʔυͱʹΒΊͬ͜த

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I will send a PR (If I could). 13ૹΔʢ͔΋͠Εͳ͍ʣ

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Thank you! ͋Γ͕ͱ͏͍͟͝·ͨ͠ ͜ͷεϥΠυ͸೔ຊޠͱӳޠΛซه͢Δ:VLJϝιουͰ࡞੒͠·ͨ͠ɻ This slides made with both of Japanese and English. I call this style as “Yuki method” from DojoCon Japan 2017.

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Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. See