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Trophy 2.0 Mattt Thompson (@mattt) Hacker, Gowalla Refresh Austin, August 2010 Achievement Systems and the Social Web

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Achievement Achievement Unlocked! 80% of Success

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On the Web

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“A game is a particular way of looking at something, anything.” - Clark C. Abt, Serious Games

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Tutorial Trying out features, Learning skills

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World Traveler Play a complete game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (CP).

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Completion Completing part of the game

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Collection “Gotta catch ‘em all!”

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Cache Checker Find every radar cache in chapter 
 Under the Radar.

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Virtuosity Playing masterfully

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Unbreakable Finish a campaign without being healed by a first aid kit.

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Special Play Style Being creative, making your own rules

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First Do No Harm Play a full round without killing any enemies, and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players.

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Guardin’ Gnome Rescue Gnome Chompski from the Carnival.

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Dedication Putting in long hours, Being a longtime user

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Social Interacting with others

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With Friends Like These… Play in a game with 7 or more players from your friends list.

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• Tutorial • Completion • Collection • Virtuosity • Special Play Style • Dedication • Social

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Best Practices

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. . .

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First-order System Input → Output

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Second-order System 1. Input 2. ??? 3. Profit!

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User Behavior Is Emergent Complex behaviors arise from simple interactions

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Is temperature above 72°? Room Sensor Activator Negative Feedback System yes Comparator

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Is temperature below 72°? Room Sensor Activator Positive Feedback System yes Comparator

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Negative Feedback System Stabilizes system towards equilibrium

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Positive Feedback System Culminates system towards entropy

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The research shows that in most cases, extrinsic motivators are ineffective and actually decrease intrinsic motivation on interesting tasks. - Chris Hecker, “Achievements Considered Harmful?”

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Well... Shit

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For interesting tasks: 1. Tangible, expected, contingent rewards reduce free-choice intrinsic motivation 2. Verbal, unexpected, informational feedback, increases free-choice and self-reported intrinsic motivation.

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• Don’t make a big fuss about them. • Use unexpected rewards. • Use absolute, not relative measures. • Use endogenous rewards. • Make them informational, not controlling.

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Thank You

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Jesse Schell’s DICE 2010 Talk google://jesse schell dice 2010 Chris Hecker: “Achievements Considered Harmful?” Yahoo! Social Design Pattern Library “What Can Left 4 Dead Teach Us About the Social Web?” “Achievement Unlocked! Human Morality When Life Becomes A Videogame”