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Twig: Still relevant in 2025? Fabien Potencier

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Twig turned 15!

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Twig is "still" widely used

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The SPA Pendulum Swing The return of server-side rendering

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> htmx Click Me Supported in Symfony since 2.0 preview release 5 - Dec 8, 2010

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> htmx #[Route('/messages', name: 'messages')] public function messages(MessageRepository $messageRepo): Response { return $this->render('messages.html.twig', [ 'messages' => $messageRepo->findAll(), // many more variables ]); } {% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}
    {% for message in messages %}
  • {{ message.content }}
  • {% endfor %}
Refresh {% endblock %}

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#[Route('/messages/refresh', name: 'refresh_messages')] #[Template('messages/messages.html.twig', block: 'messages')] public function messages(MessageRepository $messageRepository): array { return ['messages' => $messageRepository->findAll()]; } {% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}
    {% block messages %} ... {% endblock %}
Refresh {% endblock %} "block" attribute added in Symfony 7.2 Twig ❤ > htmx

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Twig Sandbox User-contributed templates with security {{ include('not_trusted.html.twig', sandboxed: true) }}

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Twig 3.9+ Twig evolved a lot in the last 6 months Template cache hot reload Operator precedence fixes Arrows everywhere Named arguments (macros, ...) Twig callable arguments as snake-case or camelCase Colon as argument separator Yielding instead of echo-ing Inline comments ChainCache Argument unpacking Static Analyzer support{% types %} Compile time checks {% guard %} Functions: enum, html_cva, enum_cases Filters: find, singular, plural, shuffle Tests: sequence, mapping Tons of internal changes/refactoring to make the code more robust (no more global functions!)

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Template cache hot reload Use cases: * Long-running processes - Messenger worker * Modern PHP app servers - FrankenPHP * User templates - stored in a DB * ...

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Template cache hot reload $twig = new Twig\Environment($loader, [ 'auto_reload' => false, 'cache' => __DIR__.'/cache', ]); // prime the cache echo $twig->load('index.twig')->render([]); // update the template file_put_contents(__DIR__.'/index.twig', file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/index.twig').'foo'); // still use the cached version echo $twig->load('index.twig')->render([]); // remove the cache for this template $twig->removeCache('index.twig'); // refresh the cache with the updated template echo $twig->load('index.twig')->render([]);

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Template cache hot reload In memory cache only (read-only cache)

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ChainCache ReadOnlyFilesystemCache

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Operator Precedence 2015 2019 2020 2022 2013 2014 2017

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Operators Precedence {{ '42' ~ 1 + 41 }} ? {{ '42' ~ (1 + 41) }} {{ ('42' ~ 1) + 41 }} Probably not what you would expect Probably what you would expect

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4242 462 How to NOT break BC? Twig 3 Twig 4 {{ '42' ~ (1 + 41) }} {{ ('42' ~ 1) + 41 }} {{ '42' ~ 1 + 41 }}

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A framework to automate these changes Since twig/twig 3.15: Add explicit parentheses around the "??" binary operator to avoid behavior change in the next major version as its precedence will change in "index.twig" at line 4.

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Other operator precedence changes 'not' => ['precedence' => 50, 'precedence_change' => new OperatorPrecedenceChange(70)] '??' => ['precedence' => 300, 'precedence_change' => new OperatorPrecedenceChange(5)] '~' => ['precedence' => 40, 'precedence_change' => new OperatorPrecedenceChange(27)]

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PHP 8 has a similar change concatenation vs addition/substraction

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Inline comments {{ # this is an inline comment "Hello World"|upper # this is an inline comment }} {{ { # this is an inline comment fruit: 'apple', # this is an inline comment color: 'red', # this is an inline comment }|join(', ') }} {{ "Hello World"|upper # this is an inline comment }} {{ "Hello World"|upper # this is an inline comment }} Nope Yep Yep Yep

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Inline comments

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Twig callables A Twig Filter is a Twig callable A Twig Function is a Twig callable A Twig Test is a Twig callable A Twig Tag is NOT a Twig callable 'needs_environment' => false, 'needs_context' => false, 'needs_charset' => false, 'is_variadic' => false, 'deprecation_info' => null, 'deprecated' => false, 'deprecating_package' => '', 'alternative' => null,

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: vs = for named arguments

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Named arguments everywhere {# dot operator#} {{ html.generate_input(name: 'pwd', type: 'password') }} {# macro #} {{ html.generate(name: 'pwd', type: 'password') }} {# block function #} {{ block(name: "title", template: "common_blocks.twig") }}

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Static analysis with {% types %} {% types { is_correct: 'boolean', score?: 'number', } %}

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Compile-time checks with {% guard %} {% guard function importmap %} {{ importmap('app') }} {% else %} {# the importmap function doesn't exist, generate fallback code #} {% endguard %}

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Arguments unpacking {% set numbers = [1, 2, ...moreNumbers] %} {% set ratings = {'foo': 10, 'bar': 5, ...moreRatings} %} {{ 'Hello %s %s!'|format(...['Fabien', 'Potencier']) }} New

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Twig callable args as camel or snake public static function htmlCva(... $compoundVariants = [], ...): Cva {% set alert = html_cva( // ... compound_variants=[{ color: ['red'], size: ['md', 'lg'], class: 'font-bold' }] ) %} PHP likes camelCase Twig likes snake_case

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Arrows everywhere {% set first_name_fn = (p) => p.first %} {{ _self.display_people(people, first_name_fn) }} {% macro display_people(people, fn) %} {{ people|map(fn)|join(', ') }} {% endmacro %}

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Yielding output instead of ob_* output

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for tag new implementation 4.x only

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for improvements (4.x only) loop.last always available non-countable generators

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for improvements (4.x only) loop.previous / {% for value in values %} {% if not loop.first and value > loop.previous %} The value just increased! {% endif %} {{ value }} {% if not loop.last and > value %} The value will increase even more! {% endif %} {% endfor %} New

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for improvements (4.x only) loop.changed {% for entry in entries %} {% if loop.changed(entry.category) %}

{{ entry.category }}

{% endif %}

{{ entry.message }}

{% endfor %} New

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for improvements (4.x only) loop.cycle {% for row in rows %}
  • {{ row }}
  • {% endfor %} New {{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0) }}

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    for improvements (4.x only) recursive loops via loop()
      {%- for item in sitemap %}
    • {{ item.title }} {%- if item.children -%} {%- endif %}
    • {%- endfor %}
    New New

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    for improvements (4.x only) if support is back! {% set stopOnFabien = false %} {% for user in users if not stopOnFabien %} - {{ user }} {% set stopOnFabien = user == 'Fabien' %} {% endfor %} {% for user in users if loop.length != 5 %} - {{ user }} {% endfor %}

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    Welcome to the new world! 💪 + +

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    Slide 39 text Sponsor Symfony Thank you!