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Anubhav Mishra Senior Developer - Production Operations and Delivery @anubhavm Hootsuite’s Journey to a Production Grade Cluster Kubernetes

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Agenda ● Fundamentals ● Architecture ● AWS deployment ● Other options for deployment

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Fundamentals ● Pods ● Nodes

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Fundamentals - Pods

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Fundamentals - Nodes

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API kubelet

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scheduler API kubelet

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scheduler API kubelet controller Manager

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scheduler API kubelet controller Manager kube proxy

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scheduler API kubelet controller Manager kube proxy kube DNS

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scheduler API kubelet controller Manager kube proxy kube DNS etcd

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scheduler API kubelet controller Manager kube proxy kube DNS etcd

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Computer The journey begins….

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“Kubernetes The hard Way” Kelsey Hightower Developer Advocate - Google

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pod1 pod2

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“Source/Destination Checks” whaaaaat?

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Advantages ● Using layer 3 (AWS Routing Table) ● Simpler implementation Limitations ● Routing table (50 entries max) = 50 nodes ● Complex orchestration*

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Our Production Criteria ● ~1000s of nodes / cluster ● Operationally friendly ● Highly available ● Easily reproducible ○ Multi region ○ Multiple clusters / environment ● Secure

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Our Production Criteria ● ~1000s of nodes / cluster ● Operationally friendly ● Highly available ● Easily reproducible ○ Multi region ○ Multiple clusters / environment ● Secure

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Lets not use the AWS Routing Table? But how? pod1 pod2

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Overlay Network (Flannel, Calico)

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Overlay Network (Flannel, Calico)

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Overlay Network (Flannel, Calico)

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Our Production Criteria ● ~1000s of nodes / cluster ● Operationally friendly ● Highly available ● Easily reproducible ○ Multi region ○ Multiple clusters / environment ● Secure

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Our Production Criteria ● ~1000s of nodes / cluster ● Operationally friendly ● Highly available ● Easily reproducible ○ Multi region ○ Multiple clusters / environment ● Secure

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AWS Deployment

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4 months x

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But wait isn’t there something called “kops”?

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kops (Kubernetes Operations) ● Easy to get a production grade cluster ● Create/Upgrade/Delete a cluster ● Reconfigure the cluster components ● Manage multiple clusters ● Export terraform

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Kelsey Hightower

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Yay! We made it through. Yes! We are hiring :D Senior Developer - Production Operations and Delivery @anubhavm Anubhav Mishra