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Data Analysis with Kotlin Notebook @antonarhipov

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De fi ne objective

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De fi ne objective Collect data

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De fi ne objective Collect data Clean the data

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De fi ne objective Collect data Clean data Explore data

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De fi ne objective Collect data Clean data Explore data Analyze data

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De fi ne objective Collect data Clean data Explore data Analyze data Interpret the results Communicate fi ndings Implement decisions Monitor decisions

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De fi Collect data Clean data Analyze data Interpret the results Communicate fi Implement decisions Monitor decisions Exploratory Data Anasysis (EDA) Explore data This is what we are focusing on in this presentation

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What does it take to hit the charts? spotify-2023.csv

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Read data from CSV fi le and create a DataFrame instance

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Expose the variable from the cell

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Get a glimpse into the schema

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Looks like Taylor Swift is the most popular artist with 34 appearances

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Nullable type indicates that the data ins't always present

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The streams count is identi fi ed as String. This is clearly wrong in this case!

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Aha! An invalid data entry!

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This song isn't present in any charts. Looks like we can just ignore it

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Adjust the structure for convenience

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Filter out the invalid data

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Replace column data type

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Move the column to the left for convenience

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Rename columns

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Sort the data set

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Most popular artists by appearance

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Use Kandy library to visualize the data

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Top 20 artists Plot is an extension function for DataFrame Map the data to axes Add some colors

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Looks like you just need to be Taylor Swift to hit the charts ;)

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Not in Top 20?

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Not in Top 30?

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Not even in Top 50?

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OK, 1 appearance in Top 100

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Let's take a look at the top songs

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New column merging the values from the 'title' and the 'artist'

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Evenly distribute the values between the color categories

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Looks like C# key is the most popular one

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Let's try fi nding correlations between the di ff erent attributes related to the streams count

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Looks like there are some attributes that correlate better than the others

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"Gather" - prepare the data for plotting

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A bit brighter spots are the points of interest

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A bit brighter spots are the points of interest The outcome: Danceability is useful And you need to have at least some energy levels to be popular

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Analyzing the BPM (tempo) of the song

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Aggregation operation creates a new column that will be statically accessible in the next cell

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The static accessor was generated for the new column created by the aggregate operation

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The static accessor was generated for the new column created by the aggregate operation It looks like the most popular songs are contained within 90 to 130 BPM range The overall median is 121 BPM The most popular BPM is 120 - 39 occurances

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C# is the most popular key among the top songs on Spotify

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Some (very naive) outcomes: BPM matters: not too slow, not too fast, 120 is good The most popular key is C# Is probably G, G#, and D is acceptable too Having at least some energy levels in the song is useful

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Resources: Kotlin Notebook plugin Kotlin DataFrame Kotlin Kandy Demo

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