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Fostering a culture of collaboration Ben Balter @benbalter

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Roadmap • Open source (in the enterprise) • Best practices (internal, external) • Community building (internal, external)

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Open source in the enterprise

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The open source maturity model • Consuming - Using open source software • Releasing - Creating a new open source project • Contributing - Contributing to upstream projects • Embracing - Strategically participating in open source

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Conway's law “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations ”

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How you work is as important as What you work on

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How closed source projects can work like open source projects

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Open source ≠ Published source

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Open source is a philosophy Not a type of software

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Process is shared to the widest extent practical One team — your organization — the entire world

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Open Source (software)
 software that can be freely used, modified, and shared 
 (in both modified and unmodified form) by anyone

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Open Source
 a philosophy of collaboration in which working materials are made available for 
 others to fork, modify, discuss, and contribute to.

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Adopting open source Code & process

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Friction (n) - the time it takes to go from "I want to contribute" to "I have"

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Open source best practices

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Inside the firewall

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1. The technology is the easy part

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2. Start small, go through the motions

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3. Minimize information imbalance procedurally — day-to-day — long term

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4. Embrace the constraints of open source Electronic — Available — Asynchronous — Informal

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5. Open source problems, not solutions

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Outside the firewall

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1. Expand your definition of stakeholders (Potential) users — (Potential) contributors — Subject matter experts

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2. Be the hub, encourage spokes

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3. Minimize contributor friction

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4. Decentralize governance Community management — Code review — Leadership

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5. Encourage contributions In advance — day-to-day — going forward

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Open source community building

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1. Make open source an explicit expectation Open source Fridays — Hack Weeks — upstream improvements

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2. Solve a shared problem

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3. Link to the repository from your project’s distribution channel Topics — Good first issues — Help wanted

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4. Add community documentation Common license — CONTRIBUTING — Community Profile

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5. Publish technical documentation Marketing docs — End-user docs — Technical docs

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6. Document how to contribute (And that you want contributions)

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7. Clarify support vs. development SUPPORT file — troubleshooting/FAQ — dedicated channels

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8. Welcome new contributors Hand holding — Saved replies — Linking to other issues

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9. Set up automated tests (CI) To provide instant feedback without human intervention

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10. Enforce code standards (and community standards too)

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Bonus: Automate (or outsource) community management Probot — Adoption — Archived repositories

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Resources • Open source guide: • FOSS Maturity model: • Best practices - Internal: • Best practices - External: • Best practices - Community: • Contributing template:

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These slides:

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Fostering a culture of collaboration Ben Balter @benbalter