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The  power  of  Open  Data  to  the  NHS Swirrl Data  Conference  15th June  2017 presented  by  Rob  Sinclair, @rhcsinclair

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 2 1.6  million  patients,  every  36  hours

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 3 Annual  budget  of  £116.4bn

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 4 1.5  million  employees

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 5 Over  150k  doctors

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 6 Over  40k  GPs

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 7 Over  315k  Nurses

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 8 Over  18.5k  Ambulance  Staff

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 9 Over  111k  health  care  professionals

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 10 Annual  budget  of  £116.4bn

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What  do  you  know  about  the  NHS? 11

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Providers  of  Data NHS  England NHS  Digital Public  Health  England Care  Quality  Commission Department  of  Health NHS  Improvement

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Providers  of  Data

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What  are  some  of  the  problems? 14

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How  the  NHS  works 15

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Open  data  in  the  health  sector 16

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Single  authoritative  online source 17

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My  NHS  – aims  to  make  NHS  and  care  data  available  and  accessible My  NHS site  is  designed: • for  the public,  professionals and  organisations;; • to  compare,  in  public,  the  quality  and  performance  of  NHS  and   care  services,  providers  and  commissioners,  including  public   health;;   • to  support  transparency and  to  stimulate  improvements  in  quality,   safety,  and  efficiency • to  provide  public  accountability 18

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A  single  Directory? • NHS  Choices  /  My  NHS  / • Pathways  /  111  Online • CQC • E-­RS • CDOBS • ODS • NHS  Digital 19

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Our  aims  for  September  Health  Expo My  NHS  will  provide  an  open  data  platform  enabling  the  delivery  of:-­ – 5  Star  Open  Data  achieving  the  Open  Government  Data  objectives – Dynamic  Search  allowing  users  to  create  their  own  datasets – Visualisations  of  the  data  available  as  standard  and  creation  of  narratives – Ability  to  view  time  series  data – Ability  to  link  NHS  Data  to  other  data  providers  through  Linked  Data 20

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Financial  Performance  vs.  Safe  Staffing 21

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Deprivation  vs  A&E  Performance 22

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Mortality  &  Staff  Recommendation 23

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Mortality  &  Staff  Recommendation 24

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Cancer  waiting  times  – good  performance 25

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Cancer  waiting  times  – poor  performance 26

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Cancer  waiting  times  vs.  National  Average 27

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Comparing  Lincolnshire 28

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Value  of  Open  Data  to  the  NHS 29

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Coming  soon  to  MyNHS 30

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Some  of  the  team  here  today 31

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