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Vito Modernizing SQL Injection CTF Challenges

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The views, opinions, and thoughts in this talk are my own. They are not necessarily the views of my employer or customers. Standard Interjection

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What is CTF? • Capture The Flag • In this context, it's a computer hacking contest • Get somewhere you shouldn't be • Recover a piece of valuable data • Redeem it for points

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Who is Vito? • Helped run some CTFs • Legitimate Business Syndicate, DEF CON CTF 2013-2017 • Cyber Grand Challenge 2014-2016 • Hack-A-Sat 2020-2023 • Nautilus Institute, DEF CON CTF 2022-present •

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What is Quals? • Quali fi ers for the fi nals • Typically played by thousands of teams • Need to support them all • With very few organizers • One or, if you're lucky, two organizers understand any given chall

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Web Challenges • XSS, CSRF is hard • have to run a victim browser that hits everyone's sites • SSRF is hard • have to run a victim network that the server hits • SQL injection is hard

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SQL Injection # pretend the user POSTed this in params = %{"id" = > "x' union select receipient_id, text from direct_messages where sender_id='admin; -- "} exec(db, """ SELECT title, body FROM posts WHERE id = '#{params["id"]}' “"")

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SQL Injection # pretend the user POSTed this in params = %{"id" = > "x' union select receipient_id, text from direct_messages where sender_id='admin; -- "} exec(db, """ SELECT title, body FROM posts WHERE id = '#{params["id"]}' “"")

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Challenges: The Problem • Everything at DEF CON gets vandalized with stickers, googly eyes, etc. because it's funny • Everything in online CTFs gets vandalized because it’s funny • And also because there’s an incentive to disrupt other teams

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Challenges: The Problem • Have to have someone policing and monitoring and resetting shared resources • Now you need 24h ops

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Binary Challenges: The Solutions • Instance the challenges per-connection • Tickets/Receipts add some neat extras • Consistent RNG seed for some customization • Per-team fl ags and traceability

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Not Super-Applicable to Web • Hack-A-Sat had some web challs • Very thirsty docker-compose setups • Multiple containers per connection • Full apps and databases • The main problem is web apps need to hold state between connections

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Web Challenges: The Solutions • Instance the database per-team • Use tickets/receipts to pick the team's database • Let teams reset their own database

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Instancing a Database • Probably don’t want to instance Postgres • I’m not running `createdb` 2000 times • I'm not running 2000 servers • I trust Postgres permissions but I don’t trust them against 2000 teams of motivated hackers

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Instancing SQLite3 • “SQLite does not compete with client/server databases. SQLite competes with fopen()." • You don’t even need to `fopen()`! • Use the fi lename `:memory:` • `sqlite3_deserialize()` if you have existing state • SQLite3 normally • `sqlite3_serialize()`

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Instancing SQLite3 • A database is just a byte array

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Storing Per-Team Databases • Normal Filesystem • We want to go horizontal with multiple app servers • Bothers my 12-factor brain • Distributed/Shared Filesystem • Don’t know how this will work when two players on the same team try and touch the same fi le

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Storing Per-Team Databases • Object Storage • S3, Azure's S3 knocko ff • What're the multiple write semantics like • Pay-per-read and pay-per-write bugs me a lot

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Storing Per-Team Databases • PostgreSQL • Use a well-supported abstraction layer to interact safely • Just put the bytes in a really wide column • It's not cursed! • It's only a little bit cursed • trust me

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Storing Per-Team Databases BEGIN TRANSACTION; SELECT database FROM tickets WHERE id = ? FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1; -- operate on databass UPDATE tickets SET database = ? WHERE id = ?; COMMIT;

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Web Challenges Got Automated • (Like over a decade ago)

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Web Challenges Got Automated DirBuster • “DirBuster is a multi threaded java application designed to brute force directories and fi les names on web/application servers.” • Ran up a hell of a bill on a challenge that was a static website • Object storage and paying per 404

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Web Challenges Got Automated sqlmap • “sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection fl aws and taking over of database servers.”

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Web Challenges Got Automated sqlmap • Point it at a URL with sqli and it will • Load the page • Parse HTML • Find forms • Send requests • Dump the database

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Web Challenges Got Automated sqlmap • Please sqlmap responsibly

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Thinking About a Solution • Normal Elixir Phoenix app • One Postgres table for ticket data & instanced databases • SQL-injectable interface presented over WebSockets • Sqlmap can’t interact with these

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Working With WebSockets in Phoenix • Started fi guring out how to work with a raw WebSocket • Keeping ongoing form state in a process on the server, sending new fi elds to the client • Realized this is exactly what Phoenix LiveView does • thankfully before implementing all of it

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Refining Raw Water • All these interactions are over the WebSocket so you can't frontload it • You can still puppet a web browser • Presumably you could also write a non-browser client • Sadly, it’s after 2020 and you should probably just puppet a web browser

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Refining Raw Water defp fields_to_values(form) do form.field_seqs |> t -> field_to_value(form.fields[t]) end) |> List.flatten() |> Enum.join(", ") end defp field_to_value(%Hellform.Field{value: nil} = _field), do: [] defp field_to_value(%Hellform.Field{value: value, party: true} = _field) do "\'#{value}\'" end defp field_to_value(%Hellform.Field{} = _field) do "?" end

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defp fields_to_bindlist(form) do form.field_seqs |> t -> field_to_bindlist(form.fields[t]) end) |> List.flatten() |> tap(fn x -> end) end defp field_to_bindlist(%Hellform.Field{value: nil}), do: [] defp field_to_bindlist(%Hellform.Field{party: true}), do: [] defp field_to_bindlist(%Hellform.Field{value: v}), do: v

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Drinking the Raw Water INSERT INTO orders ( product_id, "uZJJXi5pGME", "pLlCxRHto2I", -- bunch of auto-generated field names ) VALUES ( ?, -- product_id ?, ?, -- lots more interpolation sites ?, '' | | (select flag from flags) | | '', ?, ?, -- … ) RETURNING id;

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Solving Raw Water • 1828 teams registered • 517 teams solved the baby challenge • 26 teams solved Raw Water • 11 of the top 12 teams solved it • Not Shellphish

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Can We Do Other Vulnerabilities? • Parameter injection • When you add extra form fi elds that get put into columns the developer didn't expect you to clobber • Egor Homakov did this to GitHub and it was very funny

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Parameter Injection • Fish said this isn't really “injection" • I think it's “CWE-74 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component (‘Injection’)” • “The product constructs all or part of a command, data structure, or record using externally-in fl uenced input from an upstream component, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes special elements that could modify how it is parsed or interpreted when it is sent to a downstream component.”

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Meet Gilroy • Skipped the LiveView since it's not intended to be SQL injectable • Simpler questions about when the database needs to be locked for update • Forum software style means you can make each request either update and redirect or select and render HTML

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Meet Gilroy {:ok, [[got]]} = Db.ins( db, """ insert into posters (id, name, password_digest, "group") values ($1, $2, $3, $4) returning id; """, [ merged_params["id"], merged_params["name"], merged_params["password_digest"], merged_params["group"] ] )

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Meet Gilroy • there's a constraint to only allow one admin • post a banme with the admin's poster_id • make a new user in the admin group

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Meet Gilroy • 1742 teams registered • 221 teams solved the ligature challenge • 39 teams solved Gilroy • 11 of the top 12 teams solved it

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Confessions • I still don't feel like I know web vulns • With binaries, you just grab the API docs from your ISA vendor and your OS vendor

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Confession • With web, you either • Hand out source and users will use really good tools to audit it • Give out nothing and it becomes guessing

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Confessions • Maybe hand out binaries or binary-analogues? • Gilroy’s only 350k of beams • But then you can just run strings

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Confessions • Is it the same owasp top-ten every year? • Is the di ff erence decorations?

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Confessions • More to learn and explore! • If you want to mess with this stu ff , it’s open-source • •

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Closing • Find me around, I'm doing Hacker Headshots • Come say hi at DEF CON • Later on Saturday is probably the best bet logistically • Play quals next year! • We try to announce dates on or before April 1

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Thanks • • [email protected] •