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By Maina Wycliffe DevFest Rift Valley 2022 Angular without Modules - The State of Standalone Components

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About Me Maina Wycliffe Angular GDE, Software Engineer at Flanksource, & Typescript aficionado Author of the All Things Typescript Newsletter - Maina Wycliffe

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Standalone Components? Directives / Pipes / Components

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No content

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Bootstrapping a Standalone Application

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New Standalone APIs? Angular v14.2 & 15

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Router provideRouter(...)

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Top Level Routes - provideRouter()

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Available Router Features ● withDebugTracing ● withDisabledInitialNavigation ● withEnabledBlockingInitialNavigation ● withInMemoryScrolling ● withPreloading ● withRouterConfig

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Lazy Loading Components - loadComponent

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Lazy Loading Feature Routes Array - loadChildren Resolving Routes Routes Array to Load

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Feature Routes Array - Providing Dependencies

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HTTP Client provideHttpClient(...)

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HTTP CLient - provideHttpClient()

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Available HTTP Features ● withInterceptors ● withJsonpSupport ● withLegacyInterceptors ● withNoXsrfProtection ● withRequestsMadeViaParent ● withXsrfConfiguration

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Animations provideAnimations(...) provideNoopAnimations(...)

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Compatibility with NgModules importProvidersFrom(...)

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Compatibility with NgModules - Route Component

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Compatibility with NgModules - Providing to a Route and its children

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And then, there is more

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Inject Function Functional Angular

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Inject Function ● Decouple Angular from Classes ● An alternative to Constructor DI ● Functions in Angular

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Inject Function – Functions

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Inject Function – Functional Guards

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What’s next? ● NgModules are not going anywhere ● You can use a combination of both

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Resources ● Standalone APIs | This is Angular guides ● Advancements in the Angular Router | by Andrew Scott | Oct, 2022 ● Angular - Getting started with standalone components

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Thank you! @mwycliffe_dev mainawycliffe Maina Wycliffe

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au revoir 󰗚