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for mobile ++ = Reactive Extensions Mobile@Scale | Tel Aviv, Israel | Nov 14th, 2018

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About Me Shai Mishali @freak4pc iOS Tech Lead @ Gett Open Source = ❤ Won some hackathons Battlehack Tel Aviv 2014
 Battlehack World Finals 2014 Ford Dev Challenge 2015 iOS Team @ RW

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Agenda • What is Rx & Why you’d want to use it? • Rx Building Blocks • Defining Behaviors with Streams • Differences between RxSwift and RxJava • Debunking some Myths • Where to go next? And of course … An absurd amount of Memes

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What is rx?

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What is Rx? “An API for asynchronous programming with observable streams” -

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What is Rx?

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Observers / Subscribers the observer pattern “A software design pattern in which an object (Observable) maintains a list of Observers and notifies them automatically of changes.” isReady
 Observable View 1
 Observer Some
 Observer Activity
 Indicator Observer View 2 Observer

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What is Rx? - Focusing on Data Flow and Defined Behavior to
 drive your application. - A new concept to most iOS developers, more popular in the Android community. - High learning curve - This lecture won’t make you an
 Rx expert. - Most likely will bend your brain a bit until it “clicks”. Be Patient !

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Why use rx?

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WHY USE RX? • Provides a unified API for dealing with asynchronous actions (e.g. Observable). • Provides a mechanism to Reactively handle and manipulate Values over Time. ⏳ • Focus on Writing Declarative and Expected Code that defines behaviour. Data is king. • The rise of Kotlin makes inter-team logic sharing/ discussion easier than ever. • Encourages good architecture.

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multi-platform Moving between platforms is relatively seamless, since ReactiveX provides a standard implemented in many languages.
 Learn once, use anywhere RxSwift RxJava RxKotlin Rx.NET RxJS RxDart RxGo and many more …

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Companies using Rx Rx is mature and has been in use by some of the biggest tech companies

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REACTIVE let canMakePurchase = Observable .combineLatest(userBalance, productPrice) .map { $0 >= $1 } // Observable canMakePurchase ALWAYS reflects the latest state canMakePurchase doesn’t reflect the latest state var userBalance = 5 let productPrice = 10 let canMakePurchase = userBalance >= productPrice print(canMakePurchase) userBalance += 20 print(canMakePurchase) // false // STILL false!

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No content

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Simple Easy

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Rx Building Blocks

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Observable Int Independent Values 1 52 1337 52 70000 -24 404 Observable Values over time 40 1 404 -24 1337

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observable lifecycle An Observable (aka Stream) may emit any number of next(value) events next next next next next next next next error X next next next completed X next When it emits a single error or completed event, the sequence will terminate

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everything is a stream

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everything is a stream Any values/events over time can be modeled as an Observable Stream tap Taps on a button: tap tap tap tap tap tap tap Networking: Array of Results completed X Number of products in a shopping cart: 1 2 5 4 5 0

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Observable Notifications
 Delegates / Adapters Bindings
 ↔ UI
 everything is a stream

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subscribing The act of listening or observing events emitted by
 an Observable is called Subscribing.

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subscribing let numbers = Observable.of(1, 4, -24, 400) numbers.subscribe( onNext: { value in print("Got next: \(value)") }, onError: { error in print("An error occurred: \(error)") }, onCompleted: { print("Completed") }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) val numbers = Observable .from(listOf(1, 4, -24, 400)) numbers.subscribeBy( onNext = { println("Got next: $it") }, onError = { println("Got error: $it") }, onComplete = { println("Completed") } )

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subscribing let numbers = Observable.of(1, 4, -24, 400) numbers.subscribe( onNext: { value in print("Got next: \(value)") }, onError: { error in print("An error occurred: \(error)") }, onCompleted: { print("Completed") }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) val numbers = Observable .from(listOf(1, 4, -24, 400)) numbers.subscribeBy( onNext = { println("Got next: $it") }, onError = { println("Got error: $it") }, onComplete = { println("Completed") } )

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subscribing let numbers = Observable.of(1, 4, -24, 400) numbers.subscribe( onNext: { value in print("Got next: \(value)") }, onError: { error in print("An error occurred: \(error)") }, onCompleted: { print("Completed") }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) val numbers = Observable .from(listOf(1, 4, -24, 400)) numbers.subscribeBy( onNext = { println("Got next: $it") }, onError = { println("Got error: $it") }, onComplete = { println("Completed") } )

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subscribing let numbers = Observable.of(1, 4, -24, 400) numbers.subscribe( onNext: { value in print("Got next: \(value)") }, onError: { error in print("An error occurred: \(error)") }, onCompleted: { print("Completed") }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) val numbers = Observable .from(listOf(1, 4, -24, 400)) numbers.subscribeBy( onNext = { println("Got next: $it") }, onError = { println("Got error: $it") }, onComplete = { println("Completed") } )

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subscribing let numbers = Observable.of(1, 4, -24, 400) numbers.subscribe( onNext: { value in print("Got next: \(value)") }, onError: { error in print("An error occurred: \(error)") }, onCompleted: { print("Completed") }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) val numbers = Observable .from(listOf(1, 4, -24, 400)) numbers.subscribeBy( onNext = { println("Got next: $it") }, onError = { println("Got error: $it") }, onComplete = { println("Completed") } )

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subscribing let numbers = Observable.of(1, 4, -24, 400) numbers.subscribe( onNext: { value in print("Got next: \(value)") }, onError: { error in print("An error occurred: \(error)") }, onCompleted: { print("Completed") }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) val numbers = Observable .from(listOf(1, 4, -24, 400)) numbers.subscribeBy( onNext = { println("Got next: $it") }, onError = { println("Got error: $it") }, onComplete = { println("Completed") } )

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let numbers = Observable.of(1, 4, -24, 400) numbers.subscribe( onNext: { value in print("Got next: \(value)") }, onError: { error in print("An error occurred: \(error)") }, onCompleted: { print("Completed") }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) val numbers = Observable .from(listOf(1, 4, -24, 400)) numbers.subscribeBy( onNext = { println("Got next: $it") }, onError = { println("Got error: $it") }, onComplete = { println("Completed") } ) subscribing Got next: 1 Got next: 4 Got next: -24 Got next: 400 Console output: Completed

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Declaring Behaviors One of the most powerful aspects of Rx is composing, manipulating and transforming Observables into other Observables in a way that defines Behavior (e.g. Declarative) Button tap Network Request Transformed to … Transformed to… Array of Models Driving … UITableView
 RecyclerView Array All People Array Favorite people Filtered into … Driving … UITableView
 RecyclerView username String password String isValid Bool Button isEnabled Button Title Composed into … Button Title Driving … Driving … Transformed to

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Declaring Behaviors One of the most powerful aspects of Rx is composing, manipulating and transforming Observables into other Observables in a way that defines Behavior (e.g. Declarative) Button tap Network Request Transformed to … Transformed to… Array of Models Driving … UITableView RecyclerView Array All People Array Favorite people Filtered into … Driving … UITableView RecyclerView username String password String isValid Bool Button isEnabled Button Title Composed into … Button Title Driving … Driving … Transformed to

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Operators • Lets you manipulate the Observable stream. • Most operators act the same between platforms, but some languages have behaviour specific to them. • Most of them are Chainable (operator works on an Observable and returns an Observable). • Many “extra” operators exist in the community. • You can quite easily make your own.

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Operators Transform Filter Create Combine Error Handling Utilities

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Defining Behaviors

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Defining Behaviors // Observable store = latestLocation .flatMapLatest { storeService.getNearby(coordinate: $0) .retry(3) } // Observable title = { “Ordering from {$}" }

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Defining Behaviors // Observable store = latestLocation .throttle(0.3) .flatMapLatest { storeService.getNearby(coordinate: $0) .retry(3) } // Observable title = { “Ordering from {$}" }

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Defining Behaviors currentLocation store title Navigation Title

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Defining Behaviors // Observable<[MenuItem]> menu = store .flatMapLatest { menuService.getMenu(for: $ .retry(3) } // Observable subtitle = { "Store has {$0.count} items" }

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Defining Behaviors currentLocation store menu subtitle title Navigation Title Navigation Title & Subtitle

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Defining Behaviors // store - Observable // menu - Observable<[MenuItem]> // Observable canMakeOrder = Observable .combineLatest(store, menu) .map { $0.isOpen && !$1.isEmpty } // Observable buttonTitle = canMakeOrder .map { $0 ? "Add some items!” : “Store unavailable" }

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Defining Behaviors currentLocation store menu subtitle canMakeOrder buttonTitle title Navigation Title & Subtitle Button Title & Enabled state

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Defining Behaviors // store - Observable // Observable<([MenuItem], Distance)> menuAndDistance = store .flatMapLatest { menuService.getMenu(for: $, etaService.getETA(to: $0.location) ) } // Observable subtitle = menuAndDistance .map { "Store has {$} “ + “items and is {$0.distance)m away" }

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Defining Behaviors currentLocation store menu subtitle canMakeOrder buttonTitle menuAndDistance title Button Title & Enabled state Navigation Title & Subtitle

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Defining Behaviors // Observable store = latestLocation .flatMapLatest { storeService.getNearby(coordinate: $0) .retry(3) }

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Defining Behaviors // Observable store = Observable.merge( locationChanged, tappedRefresh ) .withLatestFrom(latestLocation) .flatMapLatest { storeService.getNearby(coordinate: $0) .retry(3)

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Defining Behaviors // Observable store = Observable.merge( locationChanged, tappedRefresh, becameReachable ) .withLatestFrom(latestLocation) .flatMapLatest { storeService.getNearby(coordinate: $0) .retry(3)

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Defining Behaviors currentLocation store subtitle canMakeOrder buttonTitle menu tappedRefresh becameReacahable menuAndDistance Button Title & Enabled state title Navigation Title & Subtitle

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Defining Behaviors currentLocation store subtitle canMakeOrder buttonTitle menu tappedRefresh becameReacahable menuAndDistance Button Title & Enabled state title Navigation Title & Subtitle

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Error Handling Operators Transform Filter Create Combine Utilities A full list of operators is available at create just of from deferred map flatMap flatMapLatest scan filter throttle debounce distinctUntilChanged skip take first last observeOn subscribeOn delay do materialize dematerialize retry retryWhen catchError catchErrorJustReturn combineLatest merge concat startWith zip

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Operators Ok - so I know about Observables and how to use some Operators, but …

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Rx + Mobile UI

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Rx + Mobile UI ??? RxSwift RxJava Neutral implementation Based on ReactiveX iOS & macOS, tvOS, watchOS Android Now that we have our streams, how do we actually “feed” values from them into our App’s UI Elements, and the other way around ?

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Rx + Mobile UI Streams of UI components RxCocoa (part of RxSwift) lets you “subscribe” to events/ properties on most standard UI components as Observable streams under the rx namespace, as well as most delegates. Easily customizable. RxBinding (by Jake Wharton, not part of RxJava) lets you “subscribe” to a similar set of most basic UI components. Custom components aren’t entirely trivial. button.rx.tap textField.rx.text slider.rx.value collection.rx.itemSelected RxView.clicks(button) RxView.focusChanges(editText) RxTextView.textChanges(editText) RxSeekBar.userChanges

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Rx + Mobile UI Feeding streams into UI components RxCocoa provides a special unit called a Binder that lets you bind streams directly into UI components. You can easily create your own bindings for custom components. Bindings aren’t as popular or trivial and are used mainly by more “hardcore” Rx people. Standard use cases simply use the standard subscribe for the stream. textStream.bind(to: lblTitle.rx.text) isFormValid.bind(to: btnSubmit.rx.isEnabled) buttonTitle.bind(to: button.rx.title()) yourStream.bind(to: customView.rx.yourProperty) textStream.subscribe( { textView.text = $it }, { Log.e("MainActivity", "$it") } )

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Debunking some Myths

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There are 2 main myths ✌

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You have to go
 “All or Nothing”

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It’s insanely hard! RxSwift: Use .debug() operator RxJava: Log in doOnEach() or use a breakpoint Learning Curve is High, but once you “Think Rx”, it’s hard to go back :-) RxSwift: Use a DisposeBag
 RxJava: JVM Garbage Collection / CompositeDisposable Ob ser ver Ob ser ver Obser Obser ver 2 DisposeBag

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Next Steps

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Awesome Job! You made it !

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Want to learn more? Official RxSwift & RxJava Documentation: ReactiveX Documentation: RxMarbles: RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift (RayWenderlich): Reactive Programming with RxJava (O’Reilly):

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Book Raffle!! We’re giving away RayWenderlich’s RxSwift & Kotlin Apprentice books!

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Thank you! Shai Mishali freak4pc Questions?