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Gabriele Petronella How to get away with FP in front-end applications Lambda World Cádiz 2018

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me, hi!

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stuff I do

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stuff I do

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What is FP?

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Programming with expressions

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Programming with expressions Statement: let permissions = []; if (user.age >= 18) { permissions = [generalPermissions] } else { permissions = [underagePermissions] }

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Programming with expressions Expression: val permissions = if (user.age >= 18) List(generalPermission) else List(underagePermissions)

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Programming with expressions Composing/decomposing return users .filter(user => user.isSubscribedToNewsletter) .map(user => `Hi ${user.firstName}, this is our newsletter`)

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Programming with expressions Composing/decomposing const isSubscribed => (user: User) => user.isSubscribedToNewsletter const subscribedUsers = users.filter(isSubscribed) const toNewsletterContent = user => `Hi ${user.firstName}, this is our newsletter` const newsletterContents = return newsletterContents

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Programming with expressions Requirements 4 You can assign subexpressions to symbols, and replace them around 4 Function expressions don't "do" anything, only compute values 4 Function expressions use defined inputs and return the defined outputs

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Referential transparency

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Referential transparency declare function question(message: string): Promise const answer1 = await question('What is your name?') const answer2 = await question('What is your name?') vs const p = question('What is your name?') const answer1 = await p const answer2 = await p

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Ok, but...

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Let's talk about "scalability"

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Scaling issue #1 Fog of war

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Scaling issue #2 Complexity

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Complex vs Complicated

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Complicated 4 not simple 4 stll knowable 4 usually composed by many pieces 4 can be taken apart and studied

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Complex 4 not simple 4 dense interdependencies 4 not fully knowable 4 hard to predict accurately 4 cannot be taken apart and studied

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Complex (even with perfect visibility)

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Complex Complex problems are tricker because: - their components behave differently depending on the global system behavior - adding/removing components affects the global system behavior

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Complex system, an example

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Complex system, another example registration.css p { font-family: 'Arial' }

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Complex system, another example main.css p { font-family: 'Reenie Beanie' !important; }

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Addressing scalability issues

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Issue 1: Fog of war

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Bring in the typecheckers!

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Typechecker = Visibility A typechecker will give you visibility over the impacts of a change, allowing you to iterate faster and with more confidence. It does not replace tests, it complements them.

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Issue 2: Complexity

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Bring in FP!

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Functional Programming 4 guides us towards predictability 4 allows us to reason locally and ignore context

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In other terms...

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Functional Programming makes problems complicated (as opposed to complex)

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Back to Earth...

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So, should I rewrite everything in __________ ? (Insert language that compiles to JS)

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Add a typechecker

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Yeah, but which one?

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Flow 4 JS typechecker by Facebook 4 sophisticated type system with global inference 4 seems to be serving Facebook's needs

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TypeScript 4 Superset of Javascript by Microsoft 4 "pragmatic" type system with local inference 4 community oriented

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Start small Make your existing JS code build with TS

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TS migration vademecum 4 make your JS code work with a TS toolchain 4 write new features in TS 4 write definition files for your internal ecosystem 4 migrate existing JS sources to TS

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Make your JS code work with TS Option A Your project uses: - modern JavaScript - a transpiler (e.g. Babel) - a bundler (e.g. Webpack)

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Make your JS code work with TS (Option A) 4 replace the transpiler with TypeScript 4 tweak tsconfig.json to adapt to your existing code { "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES5", "allowJS": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "esModuleInterop": true } }

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Make your JS code work with TS Option B Your project uses: - modern JavaScript - a transpiler (e.g. Babel) - transpiler plugins (e.g. Babel plugins) - a bundler (e.g. Webpack)

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Make your JS code work with TS (Option B) 4 use TypeScript for typechecking only 4 pass the typechecked code to Babel { "compilerOptions": { "target": "esnext", "allowJS": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true } }

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Caveat (for both options) If you're using non-standard JavaScript features, it's likely you will have to remove them. TypeScript implement TC39 proposals from Stage 3 on. For example, this won't be parsed: Promise.resolve(42).then(::console.log) // ^^ // bind operator

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Actually using types 4 Write new files 4 Change the file extension from .js to .ts (or .tsx for JSX files) 4 Add typings for your dependencies from Definitely Typed npm install --save-dev @types/react

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Writing definition files yourself Create a .d.ts file in your project declare module "mymodule" { export function someUtil(a: A): Array; }

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Writing definition files yourself import { someUtil } from 'mymodule'; someUtil(2).map(x => x.length) // ^^^^^^ // error: property 'length' not found on type 'number'

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Can this actually be done? Any proof?

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Case study 4 50k+ LOC JS project 4 entirely ported to TS in 3 months, while actively developing features 4 internal ecosystem shared between JS and TS 4 initial port of ecosystem using definition files, then gradually rewritten

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What about FP? Where do I start from?

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1. Stop using null and undefined

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1. Stop using null and undefined interface Device { getActiveCamera(): Camera | undefined } interface Camera { getResolution(): Resolution | undefined } interface Resolution { width: number; height: number; }

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1. Stop using null and undefined JavaScript optimistic version const width = device.getActiveCamera().getResolution().getWidth() // do something with width

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1. Stop using null and undefined let width = undefined const camera = device.getActiveCamera() if (camera != null) { const resolution = camera.getResolution() if (resolution != null) { width = resolution.getWidth() } } // do something with width

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Use Option instead device.getActiveCamera() .chain(camera => camera.getResolution()) .chain(resolution => resolution.getWidth()) .map(width => { // do something with width }) .getOrElse(/* fallback value */)

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fp-ts Option and many other useful data structures are provided by fp-ts, a library for FP in TypeScript: (yes, it works even without HKT!)

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2. Stop using Promise

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2. Stop using Promise Remember this? function question(message: string): Promise { // ... } const p = question('What is your name?') const answer1 = await p const answer2 = await p

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2. Stop using Promise How about this? function question(message: string): Task { // ... } const p = question('What is your name?') p.chain(answer1 => => /* use answer1 and answer2 */) ).run()

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2. Stop using Promise Task is a referentially transparent alternative to Promise. Another lazy alternative to Promise is IO from funfix- effect (a TypeScript library inspired by the Scala ecosystem)

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2. As a bonus, stop using async/await let result: number; try { result = await somePromise() } catch (e) { // handle the error result = 42 } // use 'result'

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2. As a bonus, stop using async/await Use TaskEither from fp-ts someTaskEither() .mapLeft(e => 42) .map(result => { // use 'result' })

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Thank you!