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Firebase App Distribution Yoshihiro Wada / @e10dokup 2023/07/08 @ DroidKaigi.collect { #5@Nagoya }

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{ “id”: “@e10dokup”, “name”: “Yoshihiro Wada”, “affiliations”: [ “CyberAgent Inc, / Ameba” ], “interested”: [ “camera”, “gadget”, “driving”, “motorsports” ] }

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DeployGate Firebase App Distribution Firebase App Distribution tips GitHub Actions runs-on ubuntu-latest 3

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GitHub Actions + Firebase App Distribution

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wzieba/Firebase-Distribution-GitHub-Action(*1) App Tester 5 *1: - name: upload artifact to Firebase App Distribution uses: wzieba/Firebase-Distribution-Github-Action@v1 with: appId: ${{secrets.FIREBASE_APP_ID}} serviceCredentialsFileContent: ${{ secrets.CREDENTIAL_FILE_CONTENT }} groups: testers file: app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk releaseNotes: ϝονϟΠέςϧϦϦʔεϊʔτ

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DeployGate # App Tester 6

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No content

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Docker fi le fi rebase-tools Firebase CLI wzieba/Firebase-Distribution-GitHub-Action 8 i uploading binary... ✔ uploaded new release () successfully! ✔ View this release in the Firebase console: <ίϯιʔϧURL> ✔ Share this release with testers who have access: <ςελʔ༻URL> ✔ Download the release binary (link expires in 1 hour): <όΠφϦμ΢ϯϩʔυURL> 
 i updating release notes... ✔ added release notes successfully 
 i distributing to testers/groups... ✔ distributed to testers/groups successfully

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URL Firebase App Distribution URL Firebase App Distribution URL Firebase App Tester Deep Link URL APK/AAB URL 1 URL 3 9

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URL Firebase App Distribution URL Firebase App Distribution URL Firebase App Tester Deep Link URL APK/AAB URL 1 URL 3 10

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wzieba/Firebase-Distribution-GitHub-Action URL Fork Action URL Action URL URL 11

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actions.yml outputs key-value tester_url Action 12 outputs: tester_url: description: ‘Url for Firebase App Tester’

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Slide 13 text outputs grep 2 URL URL $GITHUB_OUTPUT key-value URL 13 output=$(firebase \ /** தུ **/ $( (( $INPUT_DEBUG )) && printf %s '--debug' )) # firebaseίϚϯυͷ݁ՌΛม਺ʹऔΔ status=$? echo $output if [ -n "${INPUT_TOKEN}" ] ; then echo ${TOKEN_DEPRECATED_WARNING_MESSAGE} fi tester_url=$(echo $output | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*" | sed -n 2p ) echo "tester_url=$tester_url" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # ͜ͷܗࣜͰecho͢ΔͱActionͷग़ྗͱͯ͠ೝࣝ͞ΕΔ exit $status

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GitHub Repository marketplace 
 •/@ ref outputs Action ID •steps..outputs.<ม਺໊> Action 14

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PR QR URL 15 - name: upload artifact to Firebase App Distribution id: upload_fad # ͜͜ͷ஋Λ࢖ͬͯࢀর͢Δ uses: /Firebase-Distribution-Github-Action@master with: appId: ${{secrets.FIREBASE_APP_ID}} serviceCredentialsFileContent: ${{ secrets.CREDENTIAL_FILE_CONTENT }} groups: testers file: app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk releaseNotes: ϝονϟΠέςϧϦϦʔεϊʔτ - name: Comment to PullRequest if: success() uses: peter-evans/create-or-update-comment@v2 with: issue-number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} body: | Upload application is succeeded. check ${{ steps.upload_fad.outputs.tester_url }}.

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fi rebase-tools fi rebase- tools Fastlane Firebase API Fastlane URL Firebase API 16