creative ideas for
revitalizing research
data services
BRIANNA MARSHALL | @notsosternlib
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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this is not a
success story.
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1. The messy bits
2. Processes! Workflows! Documents!
3. RDS (+ then some)
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more about me
• Graduated May 2014
• A lot of digital generalist type experience;
wasn’t sure where I’d end up
– Librarian? Technologist? Archivist?
– Scholarly communication? Data
management? Digital scholarship?
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then I became a
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Image courtesy of Flickr user thedailyenglishshow (CC BY)
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over two years
Image courtesy of Flickr user truthout (CC BY NC SA)
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Research Data Services
– Education + training
– Consultations
– Data management plans (DMPs)
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image courtesy of Flickr user
davidjwbailey (CC BY NC SA)
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image courtesy of Flickr user
adesigna (CC BY NC SA)
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RDS sponsors
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image courtesy of Flickr user
josef.stufer (CC BY NC ND)
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image courtesy of Flickr user
gmanviz (CC BY NC ND)
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Image courtesy of Flickr user schrierc (CC BY)
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Image by Flickr user jbdodane (CC BY NC)
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Image courtesy of Flickr user
randar (CC BY NC ND)
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the team
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alrighty then,
it’s time to
get strategic.
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Image used courtesy of Alex Calcatelli:
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image courtesy of Flickr
user Jukle Bot (CC BY NC)
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some of the things we did
• Website overhaul
– Design
– New blog workflows
• New digest/newsletter
• Sought new brown bag series speakers
• Visual design – flyers etc.
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renewed focus on
the RDS website
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[ ]
MAY 2015
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project plan
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content inventory
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[ ]
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[ ]
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RDS website progression
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renewed focus
on design
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brown bag flyers
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renewed focus
on outreach
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RDS digest
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digest workflow
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RDS twitter
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in a
Image courtesy of Flickr user SenseiAlan (CC BY)
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find these slide decks at:
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• Fall 2015
• Participants (12)
– Liaison librarians
– Information literacy librarians
– Graduate students
– Library IT
– Academic IT
• Goals
– Explore RDM/info lit intersections in a
fun, interdisciplinary way
– Create data management evangelists!
• Outputs
– Monthly notes
– Teaching + Learning Forum talk
data info literacy
reading group
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what’s next
for RDS?
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education strategy
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Image courtesy of Flickr user markchadwick (CC BY NC)
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creativity + strategy
• Continual process improvement
• Keeping the momentum
• Moxie!
• Design thinking
• Change management
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big projects
• Repository landscape
– Understanding, advising, adapting
• ELN / repository pipeline
• Supporting open science + open research
• RDM + librarians
iterate quickly
(and just as
quickly shrug
off the
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having ideas is cool…
but executing them
well is the crucial part.
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creating connections
at your institution
is a GREAT
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Image courtesy of Flickr user ajay13 (CC BY NC ND)
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beginning is often
the hardest part.
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Image courtesy of Flickr user bncatchesthelight (CC BY NC)
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give your data
services a jolt
to the system.
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Image courtesy of Flickr user 18909153@N08 (CC BY NC ND)
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fun is
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(competent + enjoyable)
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Image courtesy of Flickr user henrybloomfield (CC BY NC)ND)
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identify + embrace
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(you get the idea.)
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then give it
all away..
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just sayin
• If you aren’t feeling creative, find a way.
Our work needs this.
• The best ideas don’t always come from
• When marketing services, professional
doesn’t have to mean zero personality!
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thanks for listening!
Brianna Marshall
Research Data Services
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Image courtesy of Flickr user mcleod (CC BY)
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DCIG Business Meeting Agenda
Moving Digital Curation Interest Group to a Section
– Forthcoming petition
– Timelines
Update on future programming
Recruiting a Recorder for 2016/17
– Section move’s impact on this position